****The Ultimate Descent: Freespace 1 & 2 Noobie Guide Thread****

8 Sep 2005
****The Ultimate Descent: Freespace 1 & 2 Noobie Guide Thread****

Ok, I KNOW there have been one or two Freespace 2 threads before, and I know i've been banging on about it a lot lately, but this thread is not only intended as an FS2 "zomgilovethisgame" thread, but a guide for anyone looking to get back into the game using the upgraded Source engine, and especially anyone who may not have played the game yet, but that is interested by my ranting and raving about how ****ing amazing it is.

So, without further ado, here is my simple guide to getting people to play this classic, in all its' revamped glory. Lets begin, shall we?


Well, the wiki is here and will tell you everything you want to know, but i've summed it up for those who can't be arsed to explore it.:

Wiki: http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

  • What is Descent: Freespace?
The Freespace series is quite simply in my opinion the second best hardcore space-combat SIM ever made after TIE Fighter. Yes, I did say ever, like in the history of gaming as we know it.

Not only did it boast visuals that were at the time like being in some kind of film, it had one of the greatest, most epic storylines to boot. Nothing made you feel like you were fghting the greatest battle in history like this game. We're talking an engine that supported oodles of ships on screen at once without breaking a sweat, cruisers so big that you had to fly down the length of them for a minute or two before you got past them, and which fired Babylon 5-style beam weapons at each other whicle you sat there in your piddly little fighter thinking "fapfapfap". Added to this the atmosphere was immense... frequent comms chatter from allies giving a real feel of being part of something, and the constantly changing dynamic mission objectives giving everything a "wing and a prayer" feel. The sense of scale was (is) simply unparalleled in my humble opinion.

The reviews agreed:

Freespace 1 Roundup: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/sim/desc...w.html?mode=web&tag=scoresummary;critic-score

Freespace 2 Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/freespace2?q=freespace

  • What's the plot?
Basically the story revolves around humans meeting an alien species called the Vasudans, and us offending them, and them declaring war on us for aquite a while. After much pain and suffering a new threat arrives in the form of a xenophobic and completely psychotic alien species whose sole aim is to exterminate everyone it meets, simply because err... it can. The result is humans and Vasudans stop fighting, start the lovin, and pooling their resources to fight this new enemy. Thus begins the 'Great War', spread over two games.

  • So why should I play it?
Duh, re-read the first paragraph. Stunning visuals? Epic gameplay like being in a movie, possibly even better? A dogfighting engine and HUD/comms system second only to the greatest space sim EVER made? Intelligent and clever AI that behaved exactly like it was supposed to? We are talking about gaming history here, you owe it to yourself to play this, you owe it to the creators of the game to play this, and by God you owe it to your children and your childrens children. Ahem.

  • Ok ok I get the message... but aren't they a bit old now?
Well, yes and no. You see a community of fans dedicated a significant portion of their free time converting the original engine and source code of BOTH games into a "bells and whistles" OpenGL version of the game that not only significantly upgrades every ship model, planet etc etc in the game... but even runs like a dream both in widescreen resolutions (I use 1680x1050) and using AA. Concourse and briefing screens/sequences are still in low res but if this bothers you then you are quite frankly a plank, and should be worrying about the in-game bits instead.

Let me stress again that BOTH games have been given this lovin', and you can play not only Freespace 2 in D3D8 goodness, but also the original Freespace and Silent Thread expansion pack campaigns. Hell, Silent Threat has even been completely revamped and re-written to make it the campaign it should have been in the original game. We're talking new missions, new scripting, new voiceovers. Epic.

  • Do I need anything special to play?

  1. OS: XP, Vista, Linux or MacOS
  2. OpenGL capable GPU (Shader Model 3 reccommended)
  3. CPU: Anything respectable made in the last few years
  4. Joystick: (proper one preferred) or X-box 360 pad
  5. HD space: a few gigs

  • Alright i'm sold, so what do I do?
Right, I will attempt to provide as a simple guide as I can to getting all this shizz up and running as painlessly as possible... follow the guide below to get yourself in space-combat bliss:


Freespace Source Step-by-Step Installation Guide For Windows (it's really not difficult):

  • 1) Get a legit copy of Freespace 2 (this is all you need to purchase to play all three games):
This is required, and is all you need to purchase to play all three games. A copy of the original Freespace and expansion pack is NOT required, as these have been ported to the Freespace 2 engine in the form of MODS, as described later in the guide. If you have a half-decent internet connection and a paltry $5.99 to spare then head right over to GOG now and buy it, safe in the knowledge that notonly is it one convenient to use install file (no CD's) and DRM-free, but that it will run on Vista just fine and dandy. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/freespace_2

Install it to to wherever you like, but I reccommend C:\games\Freespace 2 if you want minimum effort and not have to do anything really complicated like change an install path when you install the Source mod.

  • 2) Get a copy of the FS2 Source Windows Installer and installing:
It's the Win (Zipped .exe, 19 MB) link at the top of this post http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,42854.0.html

Once it's downloaded, run it, and click Next, then point the program towards the install path of your Freespace 2 install. The default is C:\Games\Freespace2, but if you changed it to something different then you'll need to do the same here so that everything is pointed towards the right place.


Click Next again and it will now give you a choice of options of what the program will download. Click "The Works: Absolutely Everything" if you want to get the full benefits of all this.


Click "Next" again and you'll see all the options ticked. Click "Next again to start the download process.


The updater will then go away to the internetz and download every component it needs to update the game, and install it for you too. It WILL take a while, so leave it to run for an hour or two or however long it takes until the log displays "Done" and the "Next" button becomes selectable. Congrats, you've just installed FS2 Source. :D

  • 3) Getting the MediaVP's installed (they provide all the fancy eye-candy)
Thanks to this thread for helping me with this part http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,58230.0.html

Ok, so you have the main bulk of it done, but there are still some things to sort out... after all, you want it to look like the dogs nadgers, right? Well, this involves installing some Media VP files for the 3.6.10 build.

Check your Freespace 2 installation root directory and look for a folder called "mediavps". If it is there, go into it and delete anything in there. If it's not there, create it as a new empty folder.

You now need two sets of files to place in the folder, the first being the following:

Right-click and save each one to your "mediavps" folder.

Now we need two more that contain all the sexy eye/ear-candy: "Media VP Complete" and "Media VP Music"

Media VP Complete: http://sectorgame.com/f2s/downloads.php?action=downloads&id=493

Media VP Music: http://cp.nukelol.com/mv_music.zip

Unzip both of these files to the "mediavps" folder we talked about earlier. Good, now we're almost there.

  • 4) Initial configuration and launcher update:
Woo-hoo, you're almost there, all that's left now is to spend a few minutes ensuring we are using the correct 3.6.10 executable, and then configuring the engine using the updated 55d launcher which will be in your Freespace2 install directory in about 30 secs!

Download the 55d launcher and unzip/unrar it to your FS2 root directory to replace the existing one:

55d launcher download: http://fs2source.warpcore.org/exes/Launcher55d.rar

Go to said directory and now click the updated "Launcher" file. Send a shortcut on your desktop to make things easier in future. Once it's been clicked and opened you'll see a bog-standard launcher.

At the moment the launcher is set to use the older 3.6.9 version of the siftware, and we want it to be running the improved 3.6.10 version of the software.

To do this click the "Browse" button at the top of the launcher and it will open up to your root directory. Scroll down to where the "fs2_open_3_6_10" executable is and double-click it to set the Launcher to point to the 3.6.10 build like in the screenshot below.


4) Graphics/MVP configuration for maximum eye-candy:

Thanks to this thread http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,53294.0.html

Remember those MVP's that we dropped in the "mvpmedia" folder earlier? Good, because to get them active in game we just need to get the launcher to link into them, which will take two seconds:

Click the "MOD" tab of the launcher and click the "Select MOD" button. This will open an explorer window. Locate the "mediamvp" folder we created earlier and dumped all those files in and highlight it then click "OK" like in the screenie below:




The Freespace 2 campaign is the one enabled by default. If you want to start from the very beginning of the Freespace 1 campaign (and I see no reason why you wouldn't) then you need to use the "MOD" tab on the launcher and select the original campaign using the instructions below:

Simply click "Select mod", select "fsport-mediavps" folder from the list, and click "OK". Voila. When you are done with the original campaign and want to try "Silent Threat: Reborn", you can select this campaign from within the main Freespace game "Available campaigns room". When you're done with both of those and want to play the daddy, FS2, then simply click the "No Mod" button to clear it and load regular FS2 using the instructions at the top of Stage 4.


Now to finish the rest of the settings and get all the graphics options set in the launcher:

First set the basic resolution and engine... OpenGL is far superior to DX8 in this game so use it. Mine are currently as follows:


Now click the "Features" tab and use the drop-down box to select the different aspect of the settings, like in the screenshot below:


Under "Graphics", enable:

  • Specular
  • Glowmaps
  • Environment Maps
  • Mipmapping
  • Normal Maps
  • Lighting to Missiles
Enable everything under "HUD"

Under "Gameplay" enable:

  • Use Models For Ship Selection
  • Enable 3D Warp
  • Enable Flash Upon Warp
That's enough for the Features tab. Now go through the other tabs and set all the rest of the stuff that you'll need to get sound and joystick goodness etc, you know the drill.



I am told that using the same pilot profile accross different mods can can cause erratic behaviour in-game. Go to the pilot selection room from within the game and click the "Clone" button to create a duplicate of your pilot profile, and rename it to reflect the mod you are running (eg: RICHDOG FS1), and do this for each mod, ensuring you load the correct profile each time in each different mod.


  • 6) Configuring Multiplayer:
How to get Freespace 2 Multiplayer working FAQ and Guide http://www.game-warden.com/forum/showthread.php?t=267

  • 7) ZOMG that actually wasn't too painful... is that it?
Err, yes basically. All that's required now is to launch the game and configure it for how you want it. There may be a few detail settings to max, and remember that all campaign/options screens that are not in-game look like the originals, ie: low-res. You get in the game and that's where the difference lies.

Also remember this is a hardcore space-sim, so there are a LOT of controls to master and configure, though to start with you can get by with the core basic shoot/targeting/comms options for a good few missions until you really start to gel with the game and then start hungering for more.


That was ****ing awesome! Are there any MODS?

Yeah baby yeah... there are mods... quite a few actually http://www.freespacemods.net/download.php
(some as yet unreleased) very briefly that I personally consider suitably epic and that i'll definately be keeping an eye on:

Babylon 5. With the FS Source engine. Yes, think large beam weapons and awesome looking ships. This does not require a Freespace 2 install, it is completely stand-alone. It is now at final release and looks simply awesome, but I think the devs would have liked to polish it a bit more but never relly got chance to before the project reached an end.

I downloaded the "DVD Install" just so that I got all the extra goodies, user-made campaigns, missions etc and just installed the lot.

Screenshots: http://babylon.hard-light.net/gallery16.php

Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FiTYFyn7w4

Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs6f1EL7n0M

Forums here: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/board,105.0.html

Epic, epic mod... and again completely stand-alone. These guys are basically converting the re-imagined TV series to the FS2 engine, complete with a re-written physics engine to emulate the ships in the series, and some BADASS models. Think the most epic moments of BSG (Finding the pegasus, fleets of baseships firing nukes while supported by swarms of fighters, the hwole shebang).

There is currently only a demo of this on the site, but the full release is most definately live and well, and is scheduled for some time pretty soon.

Screenshots: http://www.pixelrage.ro/screenshots/Battlestar-Galactica-Beyond-the-Red-Line-751,0.html

Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLcHtKcB0nI

Video page on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/BeyondtheRedLine

Forums here: http://www.game-warden.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=36

Wow how did I miss this one? Awesome looking TC, the screenies look VERY impressive. This could well be the FS2 mod to end all FS2 mods!

Screenshots: http://swc.fs2downloads.com/sshot.php

Videos (old): http://swc.fs2downloads.com/movies/trench.wmv

Forums here: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?board=143.0

ANother one I forgot to post originally... this is another TC that has been given a LOT of love. Those of you who were gaming in days of yore will remember Wing Commander as one of the grand daddies of space sims, and this looks to be very faithful to the original concepts.

Screenshots: http://www.wcsaga.com/component/option,com_ponygallery/Itemid,89/func,viewcategory/catid,1/

Videos: http://www.wcsaga.com/content/view/59/90/

Forums here: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/board,46.0.html


Well that's it... i'm spent. Even is this guide only sucks in one or two people to this awesome game then I will consider my work done. I hope the guide helped to make the process as simple as possible, and if you have any questions please let me know.

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3 May 2004
I approve of this guide.

I`ve played the Freespace 2 campaign countless times over the years, with and without the SCP and its allways been the most rewarding space combat sim out there.
7 Nov 2004
This does sound quite impressive. If you already have it up and running would you be able to post some screenies either here or in the high rez screenshot thread? :)

8 Sep 2005
Cheers guys. :)

I've added screens and videos to each of the mods, check them out (especially the videos) they are simply simply awesome. :D
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7 Oct 2003
OMG! Looks awesome, this completely passed me by originaly however i'm downloading it now and following this excellent tutorial.

Thanks Richdog :)
8 Sep 2005
Ok I have posted this on the official FS2 Source forums to get some feeddback and have got the following reply, which shows how much I need to learn about this game, and why the guide is now considered a work in progress... http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,61606.msg1216448.html#msg1216448

I've broken his post up a bit to make it easier to read as seperate points...

Galemp said:
Oof. You need to update that for 3.6.10 and OpenGL... :( let me run through this a little more carefully...

OK, notes.

  • SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Freespace 2 Open will run on Windows 2000, XP, and Vista, as well as Mac OSX and Linux.

  • You don't need a DX8 capable video card, as it runs better in OpenGL.

  • We recommend you refer to the project as "Freespace 2 Open" as "Source" is generally used to refer to games built on Valve's Source engine (i.e. Half-Life 2.) The Freespace 2 Source Code Project (SCP) is the ongoing community effort to improve and enhance the codebase, while FSO is the actual program you're running.

  • 3.6.9 is, by our standards, ancient. We absolutely recommend using 3.6.10. There's no Official 3.6.10 release, and I have no idea what build the launcher downloads, but by any standard it's virtually guaranteed to be preferred over 3.6.9.

  • With the launcher, again, Direct3D is depreciated and you should always be running OpenGL. Additionally you ought to be a little more careful when selecting Launcher options; ticking all the checkboxes will wreak havoc on your game! The presets are fine, but people should pay attention to what they're doing (like leaving Wing Commander Saga options unchecked unless they're playing WCS.)

  • The MediaVPs deserve a special mention as they're the greatest graphical enhancement given to the game. Unfortunately they're also the biggest pain in the butt right now as A) the files the Installer downloads are corrupted and B) there's a little bit of hacking needed to work correctly with ST:R. There's no easy (read: noob-friendly) patching process right now though I'm gonna get on top of it, so perhaps what you have now is OK.

  • Once those are fixed you should clarify that, to run Freespace Port with the Media VPs you run "FSPort MVPs" as your mod, and to run Freespace 2 with Media VPs you run "Media VPs" as your mod, with the note that they're recommended for higher-end systems (especially as the Advanced Effects mod is downloaded by default!)

  • Be sure to mention that Freespace Port is a Port of Freespace to Freespace 2, and not the original game. That's available from GOG for $6 as well.

  • You absolutely must mention that every time you change your Mod in the launcher, you should CREATE A NEW PILOT. Cloning your current pilot is an option in the Pilot Select screen for this very reason; it will save your control and graphics configuration but toss your stats. This is necessary to avoid corruption and other bizarre issues.

  • Mods: If I were you I would point to released campaigns like Procyon Insurgency, Blue Planet, Transcend, Sync, Derelict, Awakenings, etc. rather than TCs which may not see a release for years. After all, they've already downloaded them!

  • Finally, you ought to have a section on getting started with multiplayer. There's a sticky post on the Multiplayer forum called "Getting started with FS2NetD" that you could perhaps paraphrase.

Overall you have some good screenshots which show, rather than tell, how to get started, and it's a good start. If this is edited to be up to date (and we get some issues sorted out on our end) then this could very well be made into a PDF and redistributed with the installer. Good job.

Didn't realise it was better in OpenGL, or that it wasn't running at full graphical whack! As for the mod/pilot issue... that needs to be raised as a major point in the guide.

As soon as I have these VP's figured out and the visual eye-candy sorted, I will update the guide. Looks like I may be a way off finishing it yet... :D
8 Sep 2005
Ok as a temporary measure I adding these threads as a single post, and then if necessary (ie: they're written unclearly) I am going to paraphrase them and fit them into this guide as clearly as possible:

Installing FreeSpace Open on a Windows machine: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,47640.0.html

Media VP Install for 3.6.10: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,58230.0.html

How to get the most graphics-wise out of FSO:

Nightly Builds FAQ and Help: http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php/topic,56458.0.html

Phew... my brain is starting to throb slightly... :D

EDIT - Ok I have just figured it all out and pointed to the .10 build and enabled the VP's... all I can say is: "OMFG".

Seriously, it looks awesome, and now I know what to do with the VP's I am going to edit my guide and add the bit about pointing to the .10 build. It looks amazing, I can't believe I didn't have it enabled before LOL!
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8 Sep 2005
Ok guide has just had a MAJOR update reflecting feedback form the FS2 forums... it is now much more accurate and should get you all the way through.

I need to add a section for using updated nightly builds (basically they release a nightly revision of the build with bug-fixes and you just unpack it to the FS2 directory, it's nothing complicated.

*wipes brow.

8 Sep 2005
LOL yeah mate in my original I didn't even say how to get all the uber eye-candy! The guide as it is now is what the original should have been... and if you follow it the game will look sweet as a nut. The VP's were key... but it's testament to the game that even without the uber VP effects I was still like: "Hey, doesn't look bad".

I've just loaded up the old Freespace 1 campaign too using all the eye-candy (added this bit to the guide too) and **** me it's like playing a new game. :D
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7 Oct 2003
Yeah thanks for putting in the time to do this guide, I'm currently downloading the MV_ files then i'll continue through your guide and hopefully i might even get a game sometime tonight!

Can't wait to see what it looks like :)
21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
I'm still in the process of d/ling the freespace open installer, been at it now for about 4 hours and its still going, god knows how long its gonna take:p. I also need to have a read through the instalation again.
8 Sep 2005
Yeah the installer takes a while to download all the stuff... :(

Added a guide for the multiplayer, though I may simplify that too, i'll see how easy it is to get working first. :)
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