Admirals Lutz, Walhen, and Kircheis with their flagships Herðubreið, Salamander, and Barbarossa.ALT
Admirals Reuenthal, Mecklinger, and Kempf with their flagships Tristan, Ghandarva, and Galdhøpiggen.ALT
Reinhard and Oberstein observe the battle, that all is going according to plan. Mittermeyer is surprised by admiral Merkatz, who appears with his flagship Minerva.ALT

Photoset of flagships and admirals from “Tragedy”, Chapter 20 of Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These, Stellar War (Serian). All of the Imperial admirals made an appearance in this chapter except for Bittenfeld. Finally got to see a clear shot of Gustav Kempf’s flagship, the Galdhøpiggen.