
The Lunacy of Duke Venomania (Dance with Asmodeus)

saa odorou ka?

Come, shall we dance?


今日もまた美しい淑女が 僕の元 訪れる

Today again, a lovely woman arrives at my side

微笑みを浮かべる貴女は 新しい妻となる

You, expressing a smile, will become my new wife

禁断の悪魔との契約 手に入れたこの力

This power I obtained by a contract with a forbidden demon


All of the women who see me fall into a charm



The man who obtained the power to charm women,


Bringing in women who suit him one by one


To the cellar of the the mansion where he lives alone,


Built up a harem


毒を秘めたリビドーの味 突き刺した刃の快楽

The flavor of the libido with hidden poison, the pleasure of the thrusted blade

血と汗は混じり合いやがて 紫の滴へと変わる

Blood and sweat come together and mix, before long changing to drops of purple

服を脱ぎ捨て抱き合えば 現実へはもう二度と戻れない

When the clothes come off and we embrace, we can never again return to reality


燃やされた昔の肖像画 捨て去った過去の僕

The old portraits I burned, my abandoned past self

誰しもがあざけり笑った あの顔は忘れたい

I want to forget that face that everyone scornfully laughed at


I embrace and kiss an adorable woman next to me


彼女はそう かつて僕のこと馬鹿にした幼馴染

Yes, she was a former childhood friend who made fun of me



Since one day the women in this country


Before they knew it went to be lost in lust one by one


Separating some people’s wives and some people’s daughters, they were at a loss


闇に染まるリビドーの色 とどまらぬ無限の情欲

The color of libido stained in darkness, unrestrained and infinite lust

幻想は全てを呑み込み 僕はもう人ではなくなる

The illusions swallow down everything, soon I won’t be human

神に逆らい堕落する これが僕の望んでた狂気のnight

In defiance of god I commit depravity, this is the night of insanity I wished for 


今日もまた美しい淑女が 僕の元 訪れる

Today again, a lovely woman arrives at my side

さあおいで僕の胸の中 踊ろうよこのハーレムで

Come to my chest; let’s dance in my harem

近づいた貴方を抱きしめ 微笑んだその瞬間

I held you who drew close to me; in that instant where I smiled

突然の鋭い痛みと 血に染まる僕の胸

With a sudden sharp pain, my chest is stained in blood



A young man who was searching for his vanished love

居場所を突き止めた 悪魔の住む屋敷

Determined she was; the mansion where the demon lives


As a woman, the young man drew closer to him


And thrust into the demon a dagger from his breast pocket



Stuck by a dagger with hidden poison


I collapsed then and there


Blood and sweat come together and mix, before long they’ll change to drops of purple


My arts dissolved, all the women came to their senses and rushed from the mansion


Looking at me for just a moment, the last to leave from the mansion was

あの幼馴染 待ってよ

That childhood friend; wait!



I haven’t yet told you I love you

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