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ATAのIDENTIFY DEVICEコマンドにより、HDDやSSD等の固有情報や現在の設定値などを取得できる。

IDENTIFY DEVICEの情報を見るには専用ソフトが必要で、フリーソフトのCrystal Disk Infoが有名。

Word Bit 内容
000 07 1=removable
06 1=not removable
02 1=Response incomplete
010-019 Serial Number
023-026 Firmware Revision
027-046 Controller model
075 04-00 Maximum queue depth
076 15 1=supports READ LOG DMA EXT
12 1=supports NCQ priority information
11 1=supports Unload while NCQ commands outstanding
08 1=supports NCQ scheme
03 1=supports Gen3 signaling rate
02 1=supports Gen2 signaling rate
01 1=supports Gen1 signaling rate
077 05 1=supports NCQ QUEUE MANAGEMENT
04 1=supports NCQ Streaming
03-01 Gen2 signaling speed of 3.0Gbps
078 04 1=supports in-order data delivery
03 1=supports device initiating interface power management
02 1=supports DMA Setup Auto Active Optimization
01 1=supports non-zero buffer offsets in DMA Setup FIS
079 04 1=enables in-order data delivery
03 1=enables device initiating interface power management
02 1=enables DMA Setup Auto Active Optimization
01 1=enables non-zero buffer offsets in DMA Setup FIS
082 14 1=supports NOP command
13 1=supports READ BUFFER command
12 1=supports WRITE BUFFER command
10 1=supports HPA feature set
09 1=supports DEVICE RESET command
08 1=supports SERVICE interrupt
07 1=supports release interrupt
06 1=supports look-ahead
05 1=supports write cache feature set
04 1=supports PACKET Command feature set
03 1=supports power management feature set
02 1=supports removable feature set
01 1=supports Security feature set
00 1=supports SMART feature set
083 13 1=supports FLUSH CACHE EXT command
12 1=supports FLUSH CACHE command
11 1=supports Device Configuration Overlay
10 1=supports 48-bit Address feature set
09 1=supports AAM feature set
08 1=supports Set MAX security extension
06 1=supports SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin up after power-up
05 1=supports Power-Up in Standby feature set
04 1=supports Removable Media Status notification feature set
03 1=supports APM feature set
02 1=supports CFA feature set
01 1=supports READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED command
00 1=supports DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command
084 05 1=supports General Purpose Logging feature set
01 1=supports SMARTself-test
00 1=supports SMART error logging
085 14 1=enables NOP command
13 1=enables READ BUFFER command
12 1=enables WRITE BUFFER command
10 1=enables HPA feature set
09 1=enables DEVICE RESET command
08 1=enables SERVICE interrupt
07 1=enables release interrupt
06 1=enables look-ahead
05 1=enables write cache feature set
04 1=enables PACKET Command feature set
03 1=enables power management feature set
02 1=enables removable feature set
01 1=enables Security feature set
00 1=enables SMART feature set
086 15 1=enables Word119-Word120
13 1=enables FLUSH CACHE EXT command
12 1=enables FLUSH CACHE command
11 1=enables Device Configuration Overlay
10 1=enables 48-bit Address feature set
09 1=enables AAM feature set
08 1=enables Set MAX security extension
06 1=enables SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin up after power-up
05 1=enables Power-Up in Standby feature set
04 1=enables Removable Media Status notification feature set
03 1=enables APM feature set
02 1=enables CFA feature set
01 1=enables READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED command
00 1=enables DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command
089 Time required for Normal Erase mode SECURITY ERASE UNIT command
090 Time required for Enhanced Erase mode SECURITY ERASE UNIT command
091 07-00 Current APM setting
092 Master Password Revision Code
100-103 Max user LBA for 48-bit
106 13 Device has multiple logical sectors per physical sector
12 Device logical sector longer than 512 byte
03-00 2 to the n-th power logical sectors perphysical sector
128 08 Security Level: 0=High, 1=Maximum
05 1=enhanced security erase supported
04 1=Security count expired
03 1=Security frozen
02 1=Security locked
01 1=Security enabled
00 1=Security supported
134 03 1=BIST Error
02 1=DRBG Error
01 1=entropy Source Error
00 1=FATAL Error
209 Alignment of logical blocks within a physical block
217 nominal media rotation rate
222 12 1=Serial ATA
06 1=SATA Rev3.1
05 1=SATA Rev3.0
04 1=SATA Rev2.6
03 1=SATA Rev2.5
243 14 1=SED HDD Model

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