* @author Stig Bakken * @author Christian Dickmann * @author Pierre-Alain Joye * @author Greg Beaver * @author Tias Guns */ $sapi_name = php_sapi_name(); $safe_mode = (bool)ini_get('safe_mode'); if (!$safe_mode) { set_time_limit(0); } @ob_end_clean(); ob_implicit_flush(true); define('WEBINSTALLER', ($sapi_name != 'cli' && !(substr($sapi_name,0,3)=='cgi' && !isset($_SERVER['GATEWAY_INTERFACE'])))); ini_set('track_errors', true); ini_set('html_errors', WEBINSTALLER); ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', false); //error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); $error_level = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE; if ( defined( 'E_STRICT' ) ) { $error_level &= ~E_STRICT; // for PHP 5+ } if ( defined( 'E_DEPRECATED' ) ) { $error_level &= ~E_DEPRECATED; // for PHP 5.3.0+ } error_reporting( $error_level ); define('WINDOWS', (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN')); define('GO_PEAR_VER', '1.1.7a4'); define('WIN32GUI', !WEBINSTALLER && WINDOWS && $sapi_name=='cli' && which('cscript')); /* * See bug #23069 */ if ( WEBINSTALLER && WINDOWS ) { $php_sapi_name = win32DetectPHPSAPI(); if($php_sapi_name=='cgi'){ $msg = nl2br(" Sorry! The PEAR installer actually does not work on Windows platform using CGI and Apache. Please install the module SAPI (see http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.apache.php for the instructions) or use the CLI (cli\php.exe) in the console. "); displayHTML('error', $msg); } } if (WEBINSTALLER && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'img' && isset($_GET['img'])) { switch ($_GET['img']) { case 'note': case 'pearlogo': case 'smallpear': showImage($_GET['img']); exit; default: exit; }; } // Check if PHP version is sufficient $phpVersion = phpversion(); if (function_exists("version_compare") && version_compare($phpVersion, "4.4",'<')) { die("Sorry! Your PHP version is too old. PEAR and this script requires at least PHP 4.4.0 for stable operation. It may be that you have a newer version of PHP installed in your web server, but an older version installed as the 'php' command. In this case, you need to rebuilt PHP from source. If your source is 4.4.x or newer, just make sure you don't run 'configure' with --disable-cli, rebuilt and copy sapi/cli/php. Please upgrade PHP to a newer version, and try again. See you then. "); } elseif (!WEBINSTALLER && function_exists("version_compare") && version_compare($phpVersion, "5.1.6",'>=')) { die("Sorry! Your PHP version is too new ($phpVersion) for this go-pear. Instead use http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar for a more stable and current version of go-pear, more suited to your PHP version. Thank you for your coopertion and sorry for the inconvenience! "); } $gopear_bundle_dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/go-pear-bundle'; $bootstrap_files = array( 'PEAR5.php' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pear/pear-core/master/PEAR5.php', 'PEAR.php' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pear/pear-core/master/PEAR.php', 'Archive/Tar.php' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pear/Archive_Tar/master/Archive/Tar.php', 'Console/Getopt.php' => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pear/Console_Getopt/master/Console/Getopt.php', ); $bootstrap_pkgs = array( // uses URL like http://pear.php.net/get/%s 'PEAR', 'Structures_Graph' ); $installer_packages = array( 'PEAR', 'Structures_Graph-stable', 'Archive_Tar-stable', 'Console_Getopt-stable', ); $pfc_packages = array( 'PEAR_Frontend_Web-beta' => 'Webbased PEAR Installer', 'PEAR_Frontend_Gtk2' => 'Graphical PEAR installer based on PHP-Gtk2', 'MDB2' => 'database abstraction layer.', ); $config_desc = array( 'prefix' => 'Installation prefix ($prefix)', 'temp_dir' => 'Temporary files directory', 'bin_dir' => 'Binaries directory', 'php_dir' => 'PHP code directory ($php_dir)', 'doc_dir' => 'Documentation base directory', 'data_dir' => 'Data base directory', 'test_dir' => 'Tests base directory', ); if(!WEBINSTALLER && WINDOWS){ $config_desc['php_bin'] = 'php.exe path'; } if (WEBINSTALLER) { $config_desc['cache_dir'] = 'PEAR Installer cache directory'; $config_desc['cache_ttl'] = 'Cache TimeToLive'; $config_desc['webfrontend_file'] = 'Filename of WebFrontend'; $config_desc['php_bin'] = "php.exe path, optional (CLI command tools)"; } if (my_env('HTTP_PROXY')) { $http_proxy = my_env('HTTP_PROXY'); } elseif (my_env('http_proxy')) { $http_proxy = my_env('http_proxy'); } else { $http_proxy = ''; } register_shutdown_function('bail'); detect_install_dirs(); if (WEBINSTALLER) { @session_start(); // If welcome, just welcome if (!isset($_GET['step'])) { $_GET['step'] = 'Welcome'; /* clean up old sessions datas */ session_destroy(); } if ($_GET['step'] == 'Welcome') { displayHTML('Welcome'); exit(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['go-pear']) || isset($_GET['restart'])) { $_SESSION['go-pear'] = array( 'http_proxy' => $http_proxy, 'config' => array( 'prefix' => dirname(__FILE__), 'bin_dir' => $bin_dir, 'php_bin' => $php_bin, 'php_dir' => '$prefix/PEAR', 'doc_dir' => $doc_dir, 'data_dir' => $data_dir, 'test_dir' => $test_dir, 'temp_dir' => '$prefix/temp', 'cache_dir' => '$php_dir/cache', 'cache_ttl' => 300, 'webfrontend_file' => '$prefix/index.php', ), 'install_pfc' => true, 'install_optional_packages' => array(), 'DHTML' => true, ); } // save submited values if ($_GET['step'] == 'install') { $_SESSION['go-pear']['http_proxy'] = strip_magic_quotes($_POST['proxy']['host']).':'.strip_magic_quotes($_POST['proxy']['port']); if ($_SESSION['go-pear']['http_proxy'] == ':') { $_SESSION['go-pear']['http_proxy'] = ''; }; $config_errors = array(); foreach($_POST['config'] as $key => $value) { $_POST['config'][$key] = strip_magic_quotes($value); if ($key != 'cache_ttl' && $key != 'php_bin') { if ( empty($_POST['config'][$key]) ) { $config_errors[$key] = 'Please fill this path, you can use $prefix, $php_dir or a full path.'; } } } if( sizeof($config_errors)>0){ $_GET['step'] = 'config'; } $_SESSION['go-pear']['config'] = $_POST['config']; $_SESSION['go-pear']['install_pfc'] = (isset($_POST['install_pfc']) && $_POST['install_pfc'] == 'on'); // webinstaller allows to choose pfc packages individually foreach ($pfc_packages as $key => $value) { $pos = array_search($key, $_SESSION['go-pear']['install_optional_packages']); if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $_POST[$key] == 'on' && $pos === false) { $_SESSION['go-pear']['install_optional_packages'][] = $key; } if (!isset($_POST[$key]) && $pos !== false) { unset($_SESSION['go-pear']['install_optional_packages'][$pos]); } } $_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML'] = isset($_POST['BCmode']) ? false : true; } // export session values $http_proxy = $_SESSION['go-pear']['http_proxy']; $GLOBALS['config_vars'] = array_keys($config_desc); array_unshift($GLOBALS['config_vars'], ''); unset($GLOBALS['config_vars'][0]); // make indices run from 1... foreach($_SESSION['go-pear']['config'] as $var => $value) { $$var = $value; } $install_pfc = $_SESSION['go-pear']['install_pfc']; $install_optional_packages = $_SESSION['go-pear']['install_optional_packages']; if ($_GET['step'] == 'config') { displayHTML('config'); exit(); } // Anything past this step has something to do with the installation } if (!WEBINSTALLER) { $tty = WINDOWS ? @fopen('\con', 'r') : @fopen('/dev/tty', 'r'); if (!$tty) { $tty = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); } $local = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) && $_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'local'; if ($local) { $local = " Running in local install mode "; } elseif (WINDOWS) { $local = " Use 'php " . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . " local' to install a local copy of PEAR. "; } print "Welcome to go-pear! Go-pear will install the 'pear' command and all the files needed by it. This command is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance. $local Go-pear also lets you download and install the following optional PEAR packages: " . implode(', ', array_keys($pfc_packages)) . ". If you wish to abort, press Control-C now, or press Enter to continue: "; fgets($tty, 1024); print "\n"; print "HTTP proxy (http://user:password@proxy.myhost.com:port), or Enter for none:"; if (!empty($http_proxy)) { print " [$http_proxy]"; } print ": "; $tmp = trim(fgets($tty, 1024)); if (!empty($tmp)) { $http_proxy = $tmp; } } $origpwd = getcwd(); $config_vars = array_keys($config_desc); // make indices run from 1... array_unshift($config_vars, ""); unset($config_vars[0]); reset($config_vars); $desclen = max(array_map('strlen', $config_desc)); $descfmt = "%-{$desclen}s"; $first = key($config_vars); end($config_vars); $last = key($config_vars); $progress = 0; /* * Checks PHP SAPI version under windows/CLI */ if( WINDOWS && !WEBINSTALLER && $php_bin=='') { print " We do not find any php.exe, please select the php.exe folder (CLI is recommanded, usually in c:\php\cli\php.exe) "; $php_bin_set = false; } elseif ( WINDOWS && !WEBINSTALLER && strlen($php_bin) ) { $php_bin_sapi = win32DetectPHPSAPI(); $php_bin_set = true; switch($php_bin_sapi){ case 'cli': break; case 'cgi': print " *NOTICE* We found php.exe under $php_bin, it uses a $php_bin_sapi SAPI. PEAR commandline tool works well with it, if you have a CLI php.exe available, we recommand to use it. "; break; default: print " *WARNING* We found php.exe under $php_bin, it uses an unknown SAPI. PEAR commandline tool has not been tested with it, if you have a CLI (or CGI) php.exe available, we strongly recommand to use it. "; break; } } while (!WEBINSTALLER) { print " Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. To change individual locations, type the number in front of the directory. Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to accept these locations. "; foreach ($config_vars as $n => $var) { printf("%2d. $descfmt : %s\n", $n, $config_desc[$var], $$var); } print "\n$first-$last, 'all' or Enter to continue: "; $tmp = trim(fgets($tty, 1024)); if ( empty($tmp) ) { if( WINDOWS && !$php_bin_set ){ echo "**ERROR** Please, enter the php.exe path. "; } else { break; } } if (isset($config_vars[(int)$tmp])) { $var = $config_vars[(int)$tmp]; $desc = $config_desc[$var]; $current = $$var; if(WIN32GUI){ $tmp = win32BrowseForFolder("$desc [$current] :"); } else { print "$desc [$current] : "; $tmp = trim(fgets($tty, 1024)); } $old = $$var; if(WINDOWS && $var=='php_bin' ){ if(file_exists($tmp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'php.exe')){ $tmp = $tmp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'php.exe'; $php_bin_sapi = win32DetectPHPSAPI(); if($php_bin_sapi=='cgi'){ print " ****************************************************************************** NOTICE! We found php.exe under $php_bin, it uses a $php_bin_sapi SAPI. PEAR commandline tool works well with it. If you have a CLI php.exe available, we recommand to use it. "; } elseif ($php_bin_sapi=='unknown') { print " ****************************************************************************** WARNING! We found php.exe under $php_bin, it uses an $php_bin_sapi SAPI. PEAR commandline tool has not been tested with it. If you have a CLI (or CGI) php.exe available, we strongly recommand to use it. "; } echo "php.exe (sapi: $php_bin_sapi) found.\n\n"; $php_bin_set = true; } else { echo "**ERROR**: no php.exe found in this folder.\n"; $tmp=''; } } if (!empty($tmp) ) { $$var = parse_dirname($tmp); } } elseif ($tmp == 'all') { foreach ($config_vars as $n => $var) { $desc = $config_desc[$var]; $current = $$var; print "$desc [$current] : "; $tmp = trim(fgets($tty, 1024)); if (!empty($tmp)) { $$var = $tmp; } } } } #### # Installation stuff #### // expand all subvars in the config vars foreach ($config_vars as $n => $var) { for ($m = 1; $m <= count($config_vars); $m++) { $var2 = $config_vars[$m]; $$var = str_replace('$'.$var2, $$var2, $$var); } $$var = parse_dirname($$var); } // temp dir stuff (separate for windows bugs) if (!empty($temp_dir)) { $_found = temp_dir($temp_dir); } else { $_found = temp_dir(); } if (!$_found) { if (!WEBINSTALLER) { print " ****************************************************************************** FATAL ERROR! We cannot initialize the temp directory. Please be sure to give full write access to this directory and the install directory. "; if (!empty($temp_dir)) { print "'$temp_dir' was given."; } exit(); } else { // WEBINSTALLER if (!is_dir($temp_dir)) { $config_errors['temp_dir'] = 'FATAL ERROR! This directory does not exist and we can not create it. Create the directory manually or make sure we have full permission in its parent directory.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors['temp_dir'] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
mkdir '.dirname($temp_dir).' && chmod 0777 '.dirname($temp_dir).'

'; } } else { // is_dir(temp_dir) $config_errors['temp_dir'] = 'FATAL ERROR! This directory exists, but we have no write permission in it.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors['temp_dir'] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
chmod 0777 '.$temp_dir.'

'; } } } } if (@is_dir($ptmp)) { chdir($ptmp); } // check every dir, existence and permissions foreach ($config_vars as $var) { if (!preg_match('/_dir$/', $var) || $var == 'temp_dir') { continue; } $dir = $$var; if (!@is_dir($dir)) { if (!mkdir_p($dir)) { if (!WEBINSTALLER) { $root = WINDOWS ? 'administrator' : 'root'; bail("Unable to create {$config_desc[$var]} $dir. Run this script as $root or pick another location.\n"); } else { // WEBINSTALLER $config_errors[$var] = 'ERROR! This directory does not exist and we can not create it. Create the directory manually or make sure we have full permission in its parent directory.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors[$var] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
mkdir '.dirname($dir).' && chmod 0777 '.dirname($dir).'

'; } } } } if (WEBINSTALLER && @is_dir($dir) && !is_writable($dir)) { $config_errors[$var] = 'ERROR! This directory exists, but we have no write permission in it.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors[$var] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
chmod 0777 '.$dir.'

'; } } } // check every file, existence and permissions foreach ($config_vars as $var) { if (!preg_match('/_file$/', $var)) { continue; } $file = $$var; $dir = dirname($file); if (!file_exists($file) && !is_writable($dir)) { if (!WEBINSTALLER) { $root = WINDOWS ? 'administrator' : 'root'; bail("Unable to create {$config_desc[$var]} $file. Run this script as $root or pick another location.\n"); } else { // WEBINSTALLER $config_errors[$var] = 'ERROR! This file does not exist and we can not create it. Make sure we have full permission in its parent directory.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors[$var] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
chmod 0777 '.$dir.'

'; } } } elseif (WEBINSTALLER && file_exists($file) && !is_writable($file)) { $config_errors[$var] = 'ERROR! This file exists, but we have no write permission on it.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $config_errors[$var] .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
chmod 0777 '.$file.'

'; } } } if (WEBINSTALLER) { if ( isset($config_errors) && sizeof($config_errors) ) { displayHTML('config'); exit(); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML']) && $_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML'] == true && $_GET['step'] == 'install') { $_GET['step'] = 'preinstall'; } if ($_GET['step'] != 'install' && $_GET['step'] != 'install-progress') { displayHTML($_GET['step']); exit; } if ($_GET['step'] == 'install-progress') { displayHTMLHeader(); echo "Starting installation ...
"; } ob_start(); } } if (!WEBINSTALLER) { $msg = "The following PEAR packages are bundled with PHP: " . implode(', ', array_keys($pfc_packages)); print "\n" . wordwrap($msg, 75) . ".\n"; print "Would you like to install these as well? [Y/n] : "; $install_pfc = !stristr(fgets($tty, 1024), "n"); $install_optional_packages = array(); print "\n"; } #### # Download #### if (function_exists('set_include_path')) { set_include_path($ptmp); } else { ini_set('include_path', $ptmp); } if (!extension_loaded('zlib') && !WEBINSTALLER) { // In Web context we could be in multithread env which makes dl() end up with a fatal error. if (WINDOWS) { @dl('php_zlib.dll'); } elseif (PHP_OS == 'HP-UX') { @dl('zlib.sl'); } elseif (PHP_OS == 'AIX') { @dl('zlib.a'); } else { @dl('zlib.so'); } } if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { $urltemplate = 'http://pear.php.net/get/%s?uncompress=yes'; $have_gzip = null; } else { $urltemplate = 'http://pear.php.net/get/%s'; $have_gzip = true; } print "Loading zlib: ".($have_gzip ? 'ok' : 'failed')."\n"; if (!$have_gzip) { print "Downloading uncompressed packages\n"; }; if ($install_pfc) { $to_install = array_merge($installer_packages, array_keys($pfc_packages)); } else { $to_install = $installer_packages; // webinstaller allows to choose pfc packages individually foreach ($pfc_packages as $pkg => $desc) { if (in_array($pkg, $install_optional_packages)) { array_push($to_install, $pkg); } } } // gopear_bundle usage $local_dir = array(); if (file_exists($gopear_bundle_dir) || is_dir($gopear_bundle_dir)) { $dh = @opendir($gopear_bundle_dir); while($file = @readdir($dh)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || !is_file($gopear_bundle_dir.'/'.$file)) { continue; } $_pos = strpos($file, '-'); if ($_pos === false) { $local_dir[$file] = $file; } else { $local_dir[substr($file, 0, $_pos)] = $file; } } closedir($dh); unset($dh, $file, $_pos); } print "\n".'Bootstrapping Installer...................'."\n"; displayHTMLProgress($progress = 5); // Bootstrap needed ? $nobootstrap = false; if (is_dir($php_dir)) { $nobootstrap = true; foreach ($bootstrap_files as $file => $url) { $nobootstrap &= is_file($php_dir.'/'.$file); } } if ($nobootstrap) { print('Using previously install ... '); if (function_exists('set_include_path')) { set_include_path($php_dir); } else { ini_set('include_path', $php_dir); } include_once 'PEAR.php'; print "ok\n"; } else { foreach($bootstrap_files as $name => $url) { $file = basename($name); $dir = dirname($name); print 'Bootstrapping '.$name.'............'; displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(14 / count($bootstrap_files))); if ($dir != '' && $dir != '.') { mkdir($dir, 0700); } if (in_array($file, $local_dir)) { copy($gopear_bundle_dir.'/'.$file, $name); echo '(local) '; } else { download_url($url, $name, $http_proxy); echo '(remote) '; } include_once $name; print "ok\n"; } } unset($nobootstrap, $file, $url, $name, $dir); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE, "\n%s\n"); print "\n".'Extracting installer..................'."\n"; displayHTMLProgress($progress = 20); // Extract needed ? $noextract = false; if (is_dir($php_dir)) { $noextract = @include_once 'PEAR/Registry.php'; if ($noextract) { $registry = new PEAR_Registry($php_dir); foreach ($bootstrap_pkgs as $pkg) { $noextract &= $registry->packageExists($pkg); } } } if ($noextract) { print('Using previously installed installer ... '); print "ok\n"; } else { $bootstrap_pkgs_tarballs = array(); foreach ($bootstrap_pkgs as $pkg) { $tarball = null; if (isset($local_dir[$pkg])) { echo str_pad("Using local package: $pkg", max(38,21+strlen($pkg)+4), '.'); copy($gopear_bundle_dir.'/'.$local_dir[$pkg], $local_dir[$pkg]); $tarball = $local_dir[$pkg]; } else { print str_pad("Downloading package: $pkg", max(38,21+strlen($pkg)+4), '.'); $url = sprintf($urltemplate, $pkg); $pkg = str_replace('-stable', '', $pkg); $tarball = download_url($url, null, $http_proxy); } displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(19 / count($bootstrap_pkgs))); $fullpkg = substr($tarball, 0, strrpos($tarball, '.')); $tar = new Archive_Tar($tarball, $have_gzip); if (!$tar->extractModify($ptmp, $fullpkg)) { bail("Extraction for $fullpkg failed!\n"); } $bootstrap_pkgs_tarballs[$pkg] = $tarball; print "ok\n"; } } unset($noextract, $registry, $pkg, $tarball, $url, $fullpkg, $tar); print "\n".'Preparing installer..................'."\n"; displayHTMLProgress($progress = 40); // Default for sig_bin putenv('PHP_PEAR_SIG_BIN=""'); // Default for sig_keydir putenv('PHP_PEAR_SIG_KEYDIR=""'); putenv('PHP_PEAR_DOWNLOAD_DIR=' . $temp_dir . '/download'); putenv('PHP_PEAR_TEMP_DIR=' . $temp_dir); include_once "PEAR/Config.php"; include_once "PEAR/Command.php"; include_once "PEAR/Registry.php"; if (WEBINSTALLER || isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) && $_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'local') { $config = &PEAR_Config::singleton($prefix."/pear.conf", ''); } else { $config = &PEAR_Config::singleton(); } $config->set('preferred_state', 'stable'); foreach ($config_vars as $var) { if (isset($$var) && $$var != '') { $config->set($var, $$var); } } $config->set('download_dir', $temp_dir . '/download'); $config->set('temp_dir', $temp_dir); $config->set('http_proxy', $http_proxy); $config->store(); $registry = new PEAR_Registry($php_dir); PEAR_Command::setFrontendType('CLI'); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE); //fail silently $ch_cmd = &PEAR_Command::factory('update-channels', $config); $ch_cmd->run('update-channels', $options, array()); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); // reset error handling unset($ch_cmd); print "\n".'Installing selected packages..................'."\n"; displayHTMLProgress($progress = 45); $install = &PEAR_Command::factory('install', $config); foreach ($to_install as $pkg) { $pkg_basename = substr($pkg, 0, strpos($pkg, '-')); if (in_array($pkg, $installer_packages)) { $options = array('nodeps' => true); } else { $options = array('onlyreqdeps' => true); } if ($registry->packageExists($pkg) || $registry->packageExists($pkg_basename)) { print(str_pad("Package: $pkg", max(50,9+strlen($pkg)+4), '.').' already installed ... ok'."\n"); displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(50 / count($to_install))); continue; } $pkg_basename = substr($pkg, 0, strpos($pkg, '-')); if (in_array($pkg_basename, $bootstrap_pkgs)) { print(str_pad("Installing bootstrap package: $pkg_basename", max(50,30+strlen($pkg_basename)+4), '.')."..."); displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(25 / count($to_install))); $install->run('install', $options, array($bootstrap_pkgs_tarballs[$pkg_basename])); } elseif (isset($local_dir[$pkg_basename])) { print(str_pad("Installing local package: $pkg", max(50,26+strlen($pkg)+4), '.')."..."); displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(25 / count($to_install))); $install->run('install', $options, array($gopear_bundle_dir.'/'.$local_dir[$pkg_basename])); } else { // no local copy print(str_pad("Downloading and installing package: $pkg", max(50,36+strlen($pkg)+4), '.')."..."); displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(25 / count($to_install))); $install->run('install', $options, array($pkg)); } displayHTMLProgress($progress += round(25 / count($to_install))); } unset($pkg, $pkg_basename, $options, $bootstrap_pkgs_tarballs); /* TODO: Memory exhaustion in webinstaller : / (8Mb) print "\n".'Making sure every package is at the latest version........'; $install->run('upgrade-all', array('soft' => true), array()); print "ok\n"; */ unset($config, $registry, $install); displayHTMLProgress($progress = 99); // Base installation finished ini_restore("include_path"); if (!WEBINSTALLER) { $sep = WINDOWS ? ';' : ':'; $include_path = explode($sep, ini_get('include_path')); if (WINDOWS) { $found = false; $t = strtolower($php_dir); foreach($include_path as $path) { if ($t==strtolower($path)) { $found = true; break; } } } else { $found = in_array($php_dir, $include_path); } if (!$found) { print " ****************************************************************************** WARNING! The include_path defined in the currently used php.ini does not contain the PEAR PHP directory you just specified: <$php_dir> If the specified directory is also not in the include_path used by your scripts, you will have problems getting any PEAR packages working. "; if ( $php_ini = getPhpiniPath() ) { print "\n\nWould you like to alter php.ini <$php_ini>? [Y/n] : "; $alter_phpini = !stristr(fgets($tty, 1024), "n"); if( $alter_phpini ) { alterPhpIni($php_ini); } else { if (WINDOWS) { print " Please look over your php.ini file to make sure $php_dir is in your include_path."; } else { print " I will add a workaround for this in the 'pear' command to make sure the installer works, but please look over your php.ini or Apache configuration to make sure $php_dir is in your include_path. "; } } } print " Current include path : ".ini_get('include_path')." Configured directory : $php_dir Currently used php.ini (guess) : $php_ini "; print "Press Enter to continue: "; fgets($tty, 1024); } $pear_cmd = $bin_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear'; $pear_cmd = WINDOWS ? strtolower($pear_cmd).'.bat' : $pear_cmd; // check that the installed pear and the one in tha path are the same (if any) $pear_old = which(WINDOWS ? 'pear.bat' : 'pear', $bin_dir); if ($pear_old && ($pear_old != $pear_cmd)) { // check if it is a link or symlink $islink = WINDOWS ? false : is_link($pear_old) ; if ($islink && readlink($pear_old) != $pear_cmd) { print "\n** WARNING! The link $pear_old does not point to the " . "installed $pear_cmd\n"; } elseif (is_writable($pear_old) && !is_dir($pear_old)) { rename($pear_old, "{$pear_old}_old"); print "\n** WARNING! Backed up old pear to {$pear_old}_old\n"; } else { print "\n** WARNING! Old version found at $pear_old, please remove it or ". "be sure to use the new $pear_cmd command\n"; } } print "\nThe 'pear' command is now at your service at $pear_cmd\n"; // Alert the user if the pear cmd is not in PATH $old_dir = $pear_old ? dirname($pear_old) : false; if (!which('pear', $old_dir)) { print " ** The 'pear' command is not currently in your PATH, so you need to ** use '$pear_cmd' until you have added ** '$bin_dir' to your PATH environment variable. "; print "Run it without parameters to see the available actions, try 'pear list' to see what packages are installed, or 'pear help' for help. For more information about PEAR, see: http://pear.php.net/faq.php http://pear.php.net/manual/ Thanks for using go-pear! "; } } if (WEBINSTALLER) { print "\n".'Writing WebFrontend file ... '; @unlink($webfrontend_file); //Delete old one copy ( $doc_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'PEAR_Frontend_Web'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'docs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'index.php.txt', $webfrontend_file ); print "ok\n"; if (!file_str_replace($webfrontend_file, '@pear_dir@', $GLOBALS['php_dir'])) { print "You need to replace @pear_dir@ with the actual /path/to/PEAR/ in index.php\n"; } if ($_GET['step'] == 'install-progress') { displayHTMLProgress($progress = 100); ob_end_clean(); displayHTMLInstallationSummary(); displayHTMLFooter(); } else { $out = ob_get_contents(); $out = explode("\n", $out); foreach($out as $line => $value) { if (preg_match('/ok$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(ok)$/', '\1', $value); }; if (preg_match('/^install ok:/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/^(install ok:)/', '\1', $value); }; if (preg_match('/^Warning:/', $value)) { $value = ''.$value.''; }; $out[$line] = $value; }; $out = nl2br(implode("\n",$out)); ob_end_clean(); displayHTML('install', $out); } // Little hack, this will be fixed in PEAR later if ( WINDOWS ) { clearstatcache(); @unlink($bin_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.tmppear'); } exit; } // Little hack, this will be fixed in PEAR later if ( WINDOWS ) { clearstatcache(); @unlink($bin_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.tmppear'); } if (WINDOWS && !WEBINSTALLER) { win32CreateRegEnv(); } // Set of functions following /** * Parse the given dirname * eg. expands '~' etc * * @param string $dir directory, from input * @return string parsed directory */ function parse_dirname($dir) { if (!isset($_ENV['HOME'])) { if (strpos($dir, '~') === 0) { if (WEBINSTALLER) { die('

Can\'t use the \'~\' symbol for homedir substitution, write the directory out in full.

'); } else { die('Can\'t use the \'~\' symbol for homedir substitution, write the directory out in full.'); } } return $dir; } $home_root = $_ENV['HOME']; // first strip last slash, if available if (substr($home_root, -1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $home_root = substr($home_root, 0, -1); } if (strpos($dir, '~/') === 0) { // eg ~/ = /home/tias/ $dir = substr_replace($dir, $home_root, 0, 1); } elseif (strpos($dir, '~') === 0) { // eg ~tias/ = /home/tias/ // then delete user-dir $home_root = dirname($home_root) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir = substr_replace($dir, $home_root, 0, 1); } return $dir; } // {{{ file_str_replace() function file_str_replace($filename, $search, $replace) { $str = file_get_contents($filename); $str = str_replace($search, $replace, $str); if (function_exists('file_put_contents') && file_put_contents($filename, $str) !== false) return true; $fh = fopen($filename, 'w'); if ($fh) { $bytes = fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); return $bytes; } return false; } // }}} // {{{ download_url() function download_url($url, $destfile = null, $proxy = null) { $isSSL = false; $use_suggested_filename = ($destfile === null); if ($use_suggested_filename) { $destfile = basename($url); } $tmp = parse_url($url); if ($tmp['scheme'] == 'https' || $tmp['scheme'] == 'ssl') { $tmp['port'] = 443; $isSSL = true; } if (empty($tmp['port'])) { $tmp['port'] = 80; } if (empty($proxy)) { if ($isSSL) { $fp = fsockopen("ssl://$tmp[host]", $tmp['port'], $errno, $errstr); } else { $fp = fsockopen($tmp['host'], $tmp['port'], $errno, $errstr); } // print "\nconnecting to $tmp[host]:$tmp[port]\n"; } else { $tmp_proxy = parse_url($proxy); $phost = $tmp_proxy['host']; $pport = $tmp_proxy['port']; $fp = fsockopen($phost, $pport, $errno, $errstr); //print "\nconnecting to $phost:$pport\n"; } if (!$fp) { bail("download of $url failed: $errstr ($errno)\n"); // If valid URL but error, no CURL extentions installed } if (empty($proxy)) { $path = $tmp['path']; } else { if ($isSSL) { $path = "ssl://$tmp[host]:$tmp[port]$tmp[path]"; } else { $path = "http://$tmp[host]:$tmp[port]$tmp[path]"; } } if (isset($tmp['query'])) { $path .= "?$tmp[query]"; } if (isset($tmp['fragment'])) { $path .= "#$tmp[fragment]"; } $request = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $tmp[host]:$tmp[port]\r\n". "User-Agent: go-pear\r\n"; if (!empty($proxy) && $tmp_proxy['user'] != '') { $request .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($tmp_proxy['user'] . ':' . $tmp_proxy['pass']) . "\r\n"; } $request .= "\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $request); $cdh = "content-disposition:"; $cdhl = strlen($cdh); $content_length = 0; $status_code = null; $location = null; while ($line = fgets($fp, 2048)) { if (trim($line) == '') { break; } if (preg_match('/^Content-Length: (.*)$/i', $line, $matches)) { $content_length = trim($matches[1]); } if ($use_suggested_filename && !strncasecmp($line, $cdh, $cdhl)) { if (preg_match('@filename="([^"]+)"@', $line, $matches)) { $destfile = basename($matches[1]); } } if (preg_match('/^HTTP\/1\.1 ([0-9]{3})/i', $line, $matches)) { $status_code = intval($matches[1]); } if (preg_match('/^Location: (.*)$/i', $line, $matches)) { $location = trim($matches[1]); } } if ($status_code && 300 <= $status_code && $status_code < 400 && $location && $location != $url) { return download_url($location, $destfile, $proxy); } displayHTMLSetDownload($destfile); $wp = fopen($destfile, "wb"); if (!$wp) { bail("could not open $destfile for writing\n"); } $bytes_read = 0; $progress = 0; while ($data = fread($fp, 2048)) { fwrite($wp, $data); $bytes_read += strlen($data); if ($content_length != 0 && floor($bytes_read * 10 / $content_length) != $progress) { $progress = floor($bytes_read * 10 / $content_length); displayHTMLDownloadProgress($progress * 10); }; } displayHTMLDownloadProgress(100); fclose($fp); fclose($wp); displayHTMLSetDownload(''); return $destfile; } // }}} // {{{ which() function which($program, $dont_search_in = false) { if (WINDOWS) { if ($_path=my_env('Path')) { $dirs = explode(';', $_path); } else { $dirs = explode(';', my_env('PATH')); } foreach ($dirs as $i => $dir) { $dirs[$i] = strtolower(realpath($dir)); } if ($dont_search_in) { $dont_search_in = strtolower(realpath($dont_search_in)); } if ($dont_search_in && ($key = array_search($dont_search_in, $dirs)) !== false) { unset($dirs[$key]); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dir = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $dir); if (!strlen($dir)) { continue; } if ($dir{strlen($dir) - 1} != '\\') { $dir .= '\\'; } $tmp = $dir . $program; $info = pathinfo($tmp); if (in_array(strtolower($info['extension']), array('exe', 'com', 'bat', 'cmd'))) { if (file_exists($tmp)) { return strtolower($tmp); } } elseif (file_exists($ret = $tmp . '.exe') || file_exists($ret = $tmp . '.com') || file_exists($ret = $tmp . '.bat') || file_exists($ret = $tmp . '.cmd')) { return strtolower($ret); } } } else { $dirs = explode(':', my_env('PATH')); if ($dont_search_in && ($key = array_search($dont_search_in, $dirs)) !== false) { unset($dirs[$key]); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (is_executable("$dir/$program")) { return "$dir/$program"; } } } return false; } // }}} // {{{ bail() function bail($msg = '') { global $ptmp, $origpwd; if ($ptmp && is_dir($ptmp)) { chdir($origpwd); rm_rf($ptmp); } if ($msg && WEBINSTALLER) { $msg = @ob_get_contents() ."\n\n". $msg; @ob_end_clean(); displayHTML('error', $msg); exit; }; if ($msg && !WEBINSTALLER) { die($msg); } } // }}} // {{{ mkdir_p() function mkdir_p($dir, $mode = 0777) { if (@is_dir($dir)) { return true; } $parent = dirname($dir); $ok = true; if (!@is_dir($parent) && $parent != $dir) { $ok = mkdir_p(dirname($dir), $mode); } if ($ok) { $ok = @mkdir($dir, $mode); // This is handled in the caller function (eg. webfrontend or not) //if (!$ok) { // print "mkdir failed: <$dir>\n"; //} } return $ok; } // }}} // {{{ rm_rf() function rm_rf($path) { if (@is_dir($path) && is_writable($path)) { $dp = opendir($path); while ($ent = readdir($dp)) { if ($ent == '.' || $ent == '..') { continue; } $file = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ent; if (@is_dir($file)) { rm_rf($file); } elseif (is_writable($file)) { unlink($file); } else { echo $file . "is not writable and cannot be removed. Please fix the permission or select a new path.\n"; } } closedir($dp); return rmdir($path); } else { return @unlink($path); } } // }}} // {{{ tmpdir() /* * Fixes for winXP/wrong tmp set by Urs Gehrig (urs@circle.ch) */ function temp_dir($default=false) { global $ptmp, $prefix; if ($default) { if (!@is_dir($default)) { if (!mkdir_p($default)) { return false; } } /* try it really, is_writable is buggy with openbasedir */ $fh = @fopen(realpath($default) . "/test","wb"); if ($fh) { // desparately try to set temp dir any possible way, see bug #13167 $ptmp = $_temp = $temp_dir = $default; putenv('TMPDIR='.$default); return true; } else { return false; } } $_temp = false; if (WINDOWS){ if ( my_env('TEMP') ) { $_temp = my_env('TEMP'); } elseif ( my_env('TMP') ) { $_temp = my_env('TMP'); } elseif ( my_env('windir') ) { $_temp = my_env('windir') . '\temp'; } elseif ( my_env('SystemRoot') ) { $_temp = my_env('SystemRoot') . '\temp'; } // handle ugly ENV var like \Temp instead of c:\Temp $dirs = explode("\\", realpath($_temp)); if(strpos($_temp, ":") != 1) { unset($_temp); $_dirs = array(); foreach($dirs as $val) { if((boolean)$val ) { $_dirs[] = str_replace("/", "", $val); } } unset($dirs); $dirs = $_dirs; array_unshift ($dirs, "c:" ); $_temp = $dirs[0]; for($i = 1;$i < count($dirs);$i++) { $_temp .= "//" . $dirs[$i]; } } $ptmp = $_temp; } else { $_temp = my_env('TMPDIR'); if (!$_temp) { if (is_writable('/tmp')) { $_temp = '/tmp'; } } } // If for some reason the user has no rights to access to // the standard tempdir, we assume that he has the right // to access his prefix and choose $prefix/tmp as tempdir if (!$_temp || !is_writable($_temp)) { print "System's Tempdir failed, trying to use \$prefix/tmp ..."; $res = mkdir_p($prefix.'/tmp'); if (!$res) { bail('mkdir '.$prefix.'/tmp'.' ... failed'); } $ptmp = $prefix . '/tmp'; $_temp = tempnam($prefix.'/tmp', 'gope'); rm_rf($_temp); mkdir_p($_temp, 0700); $ok = @chdir($ptmp); if (!$ok) { // This should not happen, really ;) bail('chdir '.$ptmp.' ... failed'); } print "ok\n"; // Adjust TEMPDIR envvars if (!isset($_ENV)) { $_ENV = array(); } $_ENV['TMPDIR'] = $_ENV['TEMP'] = $prefix.'/tmp'; } else { $_temp = tempnam($_temp.'/tmp', 'gope'); } $temp_dir = $ptmp = $_temp; return true; } // }}} // {{{ my_env() /* (cox) In my system PHP 4.2.1 (both cgi & cli) $_ENV is empty but getenv() does work fine */ function my_env($var) { if (is_array($_ENV) && isset($_ENV[$var])) { return $_ENV[$var]; } return getenv($var); } // }}} // {{{ detect_install_dirs() function detect_install_dirs($_prefix = null) { global $temp_dir, $prefix, $bin_dir, $php_dir, $php_bin, $doc_dir, $data_dir, $test_dir; if (WINDOWS) { if ($_prefix === null) { $prefix = getcwd(); } else { $prefix = $_prefix; } if (!@is_dir($prefix)) { if (@is_dir('c:\php5')) { $prefix = 'c:\php5'; } elseif (@is_dir('c:\php4')) { $prefix = 'c:\php4'; } elseif (@is_dir('c:\php')) { $prefix = 'c:\php'; } } $bin_dir = '$prefix'; $php_dir = '$prefix\pear'; $doc_dir = '$php_dir\docs'; $data_dir = '$php_dir\data'; $test_dir = '$php_dir\tests'; $temp_dir = '$prefix\temp'; /* * Detects php.exe */ if( $t=getenv('PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN') ){ $php_bin = $t; } elseif ($t=getenv('PHP_BIN') ) { $php_bin = $t; } elseif ( $t=which('php') ) { $php_bin = $t; } elseif ( is_file($prefix.'\cli\php.exe') ) { $php_bin = $prefix.'\cli\php.exe'; } elseif ( is_file($prefix.'\php.exe') ) { $php_bin = $prefix.'\php.exe'; } if( $php_bin && !is_file($php_bin) ){ $php_bin = ''; } else { if(!ereg(":",$php_bin)){ $php_bin = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$php_bin; } } if (!is_file($php_bin)) { if (is_file('c:/php/cli/php.exe')) { $php_bin = 'c:/php/cli/php.exe'; } elseif (is_file('c:/php5/php.exe')) { $php_bin = 'c:/php5/php.exe'; } elseif (is_file('c:/php4/cli/php.exe')) { $php_bin = 'c:/php4/cli/php.exe'; } } } else { if ($_prefix === null) { #$prefix = dirname(PHP_BINDIR); $prefix = dirname(__FILE__); } else { $prefix = $_prefix; } $bin_dir = '$prefix/bin'; #$php_dir = '$prefix/share/pear'; $php_dir = '$prefix/PEAR'; $doc_dir = '$php_dir/docs'; $data_dir = '$php_dir/data'; $test_dir = '$php_dir/tests'; $temp_dir = '$prefix/temp'; // check if the user has installed PHP with PHP or GNU layout if (@is_dir("$prefix/lib/php/.registry")) { $php_dir = '$prefix/lib/php'; } elseif (@is_dir("$prefix/share/pear/lib/.registry")) { $php_dir = '$prefix/share/pear/lib'; $doc_dir = '$prefix/share/pear/docs'; $data_dir = '$prefix/share/pear/data'; $test_dir = '$prefix/share/pear/tests'; } elseif (@is_dir("$prefix/share/php/.registry")) { $php_dir = '$prefix/share/php'; } } } // }}} // {{{ displayHTMLHeader function displayHTMLHeader() { ?> PEAR :: Installer :: Go-PEAR
PEAR   Go-PEAR Installer

'Welcome to Go-PEAR', 'config' => 'Configuration', 'preinstall' => 'Installation', 'install' => 'Completed'); $after_current = false; // Menu robustness (a bit low, but better then never) if ($page == 'error') { $_GET['last'] = $_GET['step']; $after_current = true; } elseif (!array_key_exists($page, $menus)) { $page = 'Welcome'; } foreach ($menus as $menu => $descr) { print(''); if (!$after_current) { $class = ''; if ($page == $menu) { $class = 'green'; } if (!isSet($_GET['last'])) { $_GET['last'] = $page; } print(''.$descr.'
'); if ($_GET['last'] == $menu) { $after_current = true; } } else { print(''.$descr.'
'); } } ?>


\1', $value); } if (preg_match('/failed$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(failed)$/', '\1', $value); } if (preg_match('/^install ok:/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/^(install ok:)/', '\1', $value); } if (preg_match('/^Warning:/', $value)) { $value = ''.$value.''; } echo nl2br($value); } elseif ($page == 'Welcome') { ?> Welcome to go-pear !

Go-pear will install Pear, its Web Frontend and all the needed files. This
frontend is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance.

Go-pear also lets you download and install the following optional PEAR
packages: .

Next >>

The following PEAR packages will be installed. You can select some optional
packages to be installed by go-pear too:

'); unset($GLOBALS['pfc_packages'][$frontend]); foreach ($GLOBALS['pfc_packages'] as $var => $descr) { $checked = ''; if (in_array($var, $GLOBALS['install_optional_packages'])) { $checked = ' checked'; } printf('', $var, $checked, $var, $descr); } ?>
(required)PEAR corePEAR Base System


Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation.

$var) { $error_class = ''; if (is_array($GLOBALS['config_errors']) && array_key_exists($var, $GLOBALS['config_errors'])) { // www_error for this var $error_class = ' class="red"'; } printf('', $n, $GLOBALS['config_desc'][$var], $var, $_SESSION['go-pear']['config'][$var], $error_class); // prefix dir, check perm (uses GLOBALS: resolved subvars) if ($n == 1 && is_dir($GLOBALS[$var]) && !is_writable($GLOBALS[$var])) { $error = 'WARNING! No permission to create subdirectories in this prefix dir. Unless you fix this, the default configuration will not work.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $error .= '

You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:
chmod 0777 '.$GLOBALS[$var].'

'; } print(''); } if (is_array($GLOBALS['config_errors']) && array_key_exists($var, $GLOBALS['config_errors'])) { // www_error for this var print(''); } } ?>
%d. %s


  • HTTP proxy (host:port) :

  • Compatibility-Mode for old non-DOM Browsers

Warning: Your PHP version (4.1.1) might be imcompatible with go-pear due to a bug
in your PHP binary. If the installation crashes you might want to update your PHP version.

Note: Installation might take some time, because go-pear has to
download all needed files from pear.php.net. Just be patient and wait for
the next page to load.

Installation Complete - Summary

Installation in progress ...
(If the page stops loading before the end of the installation, then just reload it)

                      0 %

                      0 %  

".$data; } ?>

Installation Completed !

Note: To use PEAR without any problems you need to add your
PEAR Installation path ()
to your include_path.

Using a .htaccess file or directly edit httpd.conf would be working solutions
for Apache running servers, too.

For more information about PEAR, see:
PEAR Manual

Thanks for using go-pear!

Warning: Can not determine the URL of the freshly installed Web Frontend
(file: ).
Please access it manually !
Start Web Frontend of the PEAR Installer >> Start Web Frontend of the PEAR Installer >> array( 'type' => 'gif', 'data' => 'R0lGODlhEQATAMQAAAAAACqUACiTAC2WAC+YAzKZBTSaBsHgszOZADCYADmcB4TCZp3Ohtfrzd/v1+by4PD47DaaAz+fDUijF2WyOlCoHvT58VqtJPn893y+S/v9+f7//f3+/Pz9+////////ywAAAAAEQATAAAFkqAnjiR5NGXqcdpCoapnMVRdWbEHUROVVROYalHJTCaVAKWTcjAUGckgQY04SJAFMhJJIL5e4a5I6X6/gwlkRIwOzucAY9SYZBRvOCKheIwYFxR5enxCLhVeemAHbBQVg4SMIoCCinsKVyIOdlKKAhQcJFpGiWgFQiIYPxeJCQEEcykcDIgDAwYUkjEWB70NGykhADs=', ), 'pearlogo' => array( 'type' => 'gif', 'data' => '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', ), 'note' => array( 'type' => 'png', 'data' => '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', ), ); Header('Content-Type: image/'.$images[$img]['type']); echo base64_decode($images[$img]['data']); }; // }}} // {{{ displayHTMLProgress function displayHTMLProgress($progress) { if (!(WEBINSTALLER && isset($_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML']) && $_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML'])) { return; }; $msg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $msg = explode("\n", $msg); foreach($msg as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/ok$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(ok)$/', '\1', $value); }; if (preg_match('/failed$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(failed)$/', '\1', $value); }; if (preg_match('/^install ok:/', $value)) { //$value = preg_replace('/^(install ok:)/', '\1', $value).'
'; //$msg = array($value); // if install succeeded: don't show the irritatingly verbose pear installer $msg = array('ok
'); break; }; if (preg_match('/^Warning:/', $value)) { $value = ''.$value.''; }; $msg[$key] = $value; }; $msg = implode('
', $msg); $msg.=''; echo $msg; ob_start(); }; // }}} // {{{ displayHTMLDownloadProgress function displayHTMLDownloadProgress($progress) { if (!(WEBINSTALLER && isset($_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML']) && $_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML'])) { return; }; $msg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo ''; ob_start(); echo $msg; }; // }}} // {{{ displayHTMLSetDownload function displayHTMLSetDownload($file) { if (!(WEBINSTALLER && isset($_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML']) && $_SESSION['go-pear']['DHTML'])) { return; }; $msg = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($file != null && $file != '') { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } ob_start(); echo $msg; }; // }}} // {{{ win32BrowseForFolder /* * Create a vbs script to browse the getfolder dialog, called * by cscript, if it's available. * $label is the label text in the header of the dialog box * * TODO: * - Do not show Control panel * - Replace WSH with calls to w32 as soon as callbacks work * @Author Pierrre-Alain Joye */ function win32BrowseForFolder($label) { global $ptmp; static $wshSaved=false; static $cscript=''; $wsh_browserfolder = 'Option Explicit Dim ArgObj, var1, var2, sa, sFld Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments Const BIF_EDITBOX = &H10 Const BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = &H40 Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = &H0001 Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN = &H0002 Const BIF_STATUSTEXT = &H0004 Const BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS = &H0008 Const BIF_VALIDATE = &H0020 Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER = &H1000 Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER = &H2000 Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES = &H4000 Const OFN_LONGNAMES = &H200000 Const OFN_NOLONGNAMES = &H40000 Const ssfDRIVES = &H11 Const ssfNETWORK = &H12 Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application") var1=ArgObj(0) Set sFld = sa.BrowseForFolder(0, var1, BIF_EDITBOX + BIF_VALIDATE + BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES + BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS+BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE , ssfDRIVES ) if not sFld is nothing Then if not left(sFld.items.item.path,1)=":" Then WScript.Echo sFld.items.item.path Else WScript.Echo "invalid" End If Else WScript.Echo "cancel" End If '; if( !$wshSaved){ $cscript = $ptmp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."bf.vbs"; $fh = fopen($cscript,"wb+"); fwrite($fh,$wsh_browserfolder,strlen($wsh_browserfolder)); fclose($fh); $wshSaved = true; } exec('cscript '.$cscript.' "'.$label.'" //noLogo',$arPath); if($arPath[0]=='' || $arPath[0]=='cancel'){ return ''; } elseif ($arPath[0]=='invalid') { echo "Invalid Path.\n"; return ''; } return $arPath[0]; } // }}} // {{{ win32CreateRegEnv /* * Generates a registry addOn for Win32 platform * This addon set PEAR environment variables * @Author Pierrre-Alain Joye */ function win32CreateRegEnv() { global $prefix, $bin_dir, $php_dir, $php_bin, $doc_dir, $data_dir, $test_dir, $temp_dir; $nl = "\r\n"; $reg ='REGEDIT4'.$nl. '[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment]'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR"="'.addslashes($prefix).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_INSTALL_DIR"="'.addslashes($php_dir).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_DOC_DIR"="'.addslashes($doc_dir).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR"="'.addslashes($bin_dir).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_DATA_DIR"="'.addslashes($data_dir).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN"="'.addslashes($php_bin).'"'.$nl. '"PHP_PEAR_TEST_DIR"="'.addslashes($test_dir).'"'.$nl; $fh = fopen($prefix.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'PEAR_ENV.reg','wb'); if($fh){ fwrite($fh, $reg ,strlen($reg)); fclose($fh); echo " * WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES * For convenience, a REG file is available under $prefix\\PEAR_ENV.reg . This file creates ENV variables for the current user. Double-click this file to add it to the current user registry. "; } } // }}} // {{{ win32DetectPHPSAPI /* * Try to detect the kind of SAPI used by the * the given php.exe. * @Author Pierrre-Alain Joye */ function win32DetectPHPSAPI() { global $php_bin,$php_sapi_name; if (WEBINSTALLER) { return $php_sapi_name; } if($php_bin!=''){ exec($php_bin.' -v', $res); if(is_array($res)) { if( isset($res[0]) && strpos($res[0],"(cli)")) { return 'cli'; } if( isset($res[0]) && strpos($res[0],"cgi")) { return 'cgi'; } else { return 'unknown'; } } } return 'unknown'; } // }}} // {{{ getPhpiniPath /* * Get the php.ini file used with the current * process or with the given php.exe * * Horrible hack, but well ;) * * Not used yet, will add the support later * @Author Pierre-Alain Joye */ function getPhpiniPath() { $pathIni = get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'); if( $pathIni && is_file($pathIni) ){ return $pathIni; } // Oh well, we can keep this too :) // I dunno if get_cfg_var() is safe on every OS if (WINDOWS) { // on Windows, we can be pretty sure that there is a php.ini // file somewhere do { $php_ini = PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php.ini'; if ( @file_exists($php_ini) ) break; $php_ini = 'c:\winnt\php.ini'; if ( @file_exists($php_ini) ) break; $php_ini = 'c:\windows\php.ini'; } while (false); } else { $php_ini = PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'php.ini'; } if( @is_file($php_ini) ){ return $php_ini; } // We re running in hackz&troubles :) ob_implicit_flush(false); ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); $strInfo = ob_get_contents (); ob_end_clean(); ob_implicit_flush(true); if ( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) { $strInfo = strip_tags($strInfo,''); $arrayInfo = explode("", $strInfo ); $cli = false; } else { $arrayInfo = explode("\n",$strInfo); $cli = true; } foreach($arrayInfo as $val){ if ( strpos($val,"php.ini") ) { if($cli){ list(,$pathIni) = explode('=>',$val); } else { $pathIni = strip_tags(trim($val) ); } $pathIni = trim($pathIni); if(is_file($pathIni)){ return $pathIni; } } } return false; } // }}} // {{{ alterPhpIni /* * Not optimized, but seems to work, if some nice * peardev will test it? :) * * @Author Pierre-Alain Joye */ function alterPhpIni($pathIni='') { global $php_dir, $prefix; $iniSep = WINDOWS?';':':'; if( $pathIni=='' ){ $pathIni = getphpinipath(); } $arrayIni = file($pathIni); $i=0; $found=0; // Looks for each active include_path directives foreach ( $arrayIni as $iniLine ) { $iniLine = trim($iniLine); $iniLine = str_replace(array("\n","\r"),array(),$iniLine); if( preg_match("/^include_path/",$iniLine) ){ $foundAt[] = $i; $found++; } $i++; } if ( $found ) { $includeLine = $arrayIni[$foundAt[0]]; list(,$currentPath)=explode('=',$includeLine); $currentPath = trim($currentPath); if(substr($currentPath,0,1)=='"'){ $currentPath = substr($currentPath,1,strlen($currentPath)-2); } $arrayPath = explode($iniSep, $currentPath); if( $arrayPath[0]=='.' ){ $newPath[0] = '.'; $newPath[1] = $php_dir; array_shift($arrayPath); } else { $newPath[0] = $php_dir; } foreach( $arrayPath as $path ){ $newPath[]= $path; } } else { $newPath[0] = '.'; $newPath[1] = $php_dir; } $nl = WINDOWS?"\r\n":"\n"; $includepath = 'include_path="'.implode($iniSep,$newPath).'"'; $newInclude = "$nl$nl;***** Added by go-pear$nl". $includepath. $nl.";*****". $nl.$nl; $arrayIni[$foundAt[0]] = $newInclude; for( $i=1; $i<$found; $i++){ $arrayIni[$foundAt[$i]]=';'.trim($arrayIni[$foundAt[$i]]); } $newIni = implode("",$arrayIni); if ( !($fh = @fopen($pathIni, "wb+")) ){ $prefixIni = $prefix.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."php.ini-gopear"; $fh = fopen($prefixIni, "wb+"); if ( !$fh ) { echo " ****************************************************************************** WARNING! I cannot write to $pathIni nor in $prefix/php.ini-gopear. Please modify manually your php.ini by adding: $includepath "; return false; } else { fwrite($fh, $newIni, strlen($newIni)); fclose($fh); echo " ****************************************************************************** WARNING! I cannot write to $pathIni, but I succesfully created a php.ini under <$prefix/php.ini-gopear>. Please replace the file <$pathIni> with <$prefixIni> or modify your php.ini by adding: $includepath "; } } else { fwrite($fh, $newIni, strlen($newIni)); fclose($fh); echo " php.ini <$pathIni> include_path updated. "; } return true; } ?>