War Thunder

War Thunder

Air rb is just depressing for both sides now.
This is just wrong. No matter what side of the battle you are on, you feel bad. I recently started playing germany after playing america, and we just destroy america game after game. Most times, theres just no hope for them. We outclimb them and intercept their sideclimbing and just kill them all. Some games we don't lose any players, and others it's just 1 death. There's just no competitionI have a 75% win rate in my fw190 a4 and an 82% win rate in my he 112 ao, while having a 43% win rate in my f4u 1d, one of my favorite and best planes, and a 30% win rate in my p51 d20. its kinda crazy right now. I guess it's good for german players with a god complex, but still. I just feel dirty when flying out germany.
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1-15 / 30 のコメントを表示
Yes 1.79 is the worst balanced patch possibly in 5 years of War Thunder.
You could add +1 BR to every 109 and C.205/G55 and USA would still lose probably badly.
Germany is pushing 75-85% win rates and usually wins with 5-9 planes still alive.
USA is down to 25-35% win rates on many planes and when they win its barely and with the last man standing.

So my experience is pretty darn closes to yours.
USA did not need to be nerfed and Germany which was already by far the best team in Air RB did not at all need the absolutely massive buff they recieved.

I agree it doesn't matter which team you're on, when it's this imbalanced its not very fun.
German stat mongers however are loving it so there's that.
Jaes 2018年7月20日 21時28分 
Meh. I haven't really noticed a difference. Still averaging 2 kills a game with my P-51D-20. Don't really care about winning so long as the match was fun.

In my experience:

A. Allied Teams suck at teamwork because they don't climb together due to the widely varried climbing rates (Spitfires, Mustangs, Thunderbolts, etc.)

B. German Teams generally climb together due to similar climb rates and coincidently teamwork better because of it

C. Allied team players are generally newer to the game than Axis teams

One of the big problems I've seen though is that a lot of Allied players got in the habit of engaging in head ons because for awhile, the .50 cals pretty much guaranteed you a kill without much trouble due to the Cannon damange issues. Since this has been adjusted, they haven't broken this terrible habit they shouldn't have built in the first place.
最近の変更はJaesが行いました; 2018年7月20日 21時31分
Jaes の投稿を引用:
Meh. I haven't really noticed a difference. Still averaging 2 kills a game with my P-51D-20. Don't really care about winning so long as the match was fun.

In my experience:

A. Allied Teams suck at teamwork because they don't climb together due to the widely varried climbing rates (Spitfires, Mustangs, Thunderbolts, etc.)

B. German Teams generally climb together due to similar climb rates and coincidently teamwork better because of it

C. Allied team players are generally newer to the game than Axis teams

One of the big problems I've seen though is that a lot of Allied players got in the habit of engaging in head ons because for awhile, the .50 cals pretty much guaranteed you a kill without much trouble due to the Cannon damange issues. Since this has been adjusted, they haven't broken this terrible habit they shouldn't have built in the first place.
I'd love to squad up with you and watch how you play the d20. I hate the thing so much i talismanned my f4u 1d with the golden eagles i got from that pack.
MacaroniBurger の投稿を引用:
Jaes の投稿を引用:
Meh. I haven't really noticed a difference. Still averaging 2 kills a game with my P-51D-20. Don't really care about winning so long as the match was fun.

In my experience:

A. Allied Teams suck at teamwork because they don't climb together due to the widely varried climbing rates (Spitfires, Mustangs, Thunderbolts, etc.)

B. German Teams generally climb together due to similar climb rates and coincidently teamwork better because of it

C. Allied team players are generally newer to the game than Axis teams

One of the big problems I've seen though is that a lot of Allied players got in the habit of engaging in head ons because for awhile, the .50 cals pretty much guaranteed you a kill without much trouble due to the Cannon damange issues. Since this has been adjusted, they haven't broken this terrible habit they shouldn't have built in the first place.
I'd love to squad up with you and watch how you play the d20. I hate the thing so much i talismanned my f4u 1d with the golden eagles i got from that pack.

Yeah sorry but I don't buy it at all.
If the German wins were something normal like 1-3 players still alive there would have been the possibility of a good match. But since most every match is a German win by total slaughter, I don't see hardly anyone on the team getting any kills pretty much ever.

Maybe if you are the best 100th of one percent top player, you might still have fun. But for everyone else its sux bad to play USA now, and Germany is the same since you win by slaughter every round.

I just find your story extremely unlikely.
BTW its a long standing lie that USA players are newer. There are seasoned players all the time on my team. And we get slaughtered just the same.

And I don't think its nice or honest your comments try to cover up the worst USA/Germany balance in the history of the game.
Jaes 2018年7月21日 10時33分 
acepilotbuck25 の投稿を引用:
And I don't think its nice or honest your comments try to cover up the worst USA/Germany balance in the history of the game.

Friend, the vast majority of my 2000+ hours of play time is using American vehicles since I started playing in March 2013. The vehicles as they are now, have never been in a better state.

The P-51D series had broken horsepower numbers and it's second stage super charger wasn't kicking in correctly until about 2016. The P-51D-5 and the P-51D-30 shared the same flight model for approximately the same time.

I can assure you, I know what I'm speaking of. Nine times out of ten, people are dying because they don't understand their aircraft nor how to counter others.
Jaes の投稿を引用:
acepilotbuck25 の投稿を引用:
And I don't think its nice or honest your comments try to cover up the worst USA/Germany balance in the history of the game.

Friend, the vast majority of my 2000+ hours of play time is using American vehicles since I started playing in March 2013. The vehicles as they are now, have never been in a better state.

The P-51D series had broken horsepower numbers and it's second stage super charger wasn't kicking in correctly until about 2016. The P-51D-5 and the P-51D-30 shared the same flight model for approximately the same time.

I can assure you, I know what I'm speaking of. Nine times out of ten, people are dying because they don't understand their aircraft nor how to counter others.

Well you're right about the history of the P-51s. Plus the USA 50 cals needed about 20 hits to kill in say 1.4-1.5. Also don''t forget USA has the worst fire rates, and burn down rates in the game, worse than Japan even ever was. And that hasn't changed at all. So the history is definitely consistent on miserable USA abuse.

Before 1.79 the game was the closest it had ever been to balanced but now its definitely back to the dark ages.

It's easy to blame the players and the game design is so the majority (Germans) does just that.
Nobody ever asks about how impossible it is to learn to play USA when you're in planes that demand energy advantage to work and have Germans diving on you every match.

I say its literally impossible to learn BnZ playing USA in this game, and its definitely designed that way. So the players can be blamed. The easy and obvious fix is for air spawns for many USA fighters. Then at least USA players could have a possiblity of learning BnZ. But that's the last thing in the world Gaijin or the German community want. Why do that, when they can just use the Sideclimbing Lie to blame the players?

Nope. This is exactly the state of insane imbalance that Gaijin and the German players want.
Mirage の投稿を引用:
Thought it always was depressing in the first place, to aim your nose up and AFK for 5 minutes to finally get somewhere, only to be shot down by some dude who has an absurd amount of hours in this game.

Germans are clever. There will always be 2-3 who will side climb all match just to come in at the end and beat down any American's who did the same. His stat's don't mean he's necessarily that good, he just knows his guaranteed cheap shot, and he works it every round to maximum effect.
Mocha 2018年7月21日 10時55分 
What happened to the russian bias, whys it now german bias?

And wheres this conspiracy that german teams are in league with gaijin now??
Mocha Kawa の投稿を引用:
What happened to the russian bias, whys it now german bias?

And wheres this conspiracy that german teams are in league with gaijin now??
Because germany does what the US does, but better.
MacaroniBurger の投稿を引用:
Mocha Kawa の投稿を引用:
What happened to the russian bias, whys it now german bias?

And wheres this conspiracy that german teams are in league with gaijin now??
Because germany does what the US does, but better.

Yep, because without USA having figher airspawns for their heavy and slow climbing planes, Germany gets the altitude advantage automatically really, and German pilots are clever and they use that altitude advantage to make sure the USA planes are not able to be used to their potential. And the altitude disadvantage also has the cost to USA teams that the players simply cannot learn to BnZ under those conditions. So new players can stay noobs forever and both Gaijin and German players can blame USA losses on the players. Perfect.
Mocha 2018年7月21日 11時53分 
acepilotbuck25 の投稿を引用:
MacaroniBurger の投稿を引用:
Because germany does what the US does, but better.

Yep, because without USA having figher airspawns for their heavy and slow climbing planes, Germany gets the altitude advantage automatically really, and German pilots are clever and they use that altitude advantage to make sure the USA planes are not able to be used to their potential. And the altitude disadvantage also has the cost to USA teams that the players simply cannot learn to BnZ under those conditions. So new players can stay noobs forever and both Gaijin and German players can blame USA losses on the players. Perfect.
So you liked wen both germany and US spammed P-47s?
Mocha Kawa の投稿を引用:
acepilotbuck25 の投稿を引用:

Yep, because without USA having figher airspawns for their heavy and slow climbing planes, Germany gets the altitude advantage automatically really, and German pilots are clever and they use that altitude advantage to make sure the USA planes are not able to be used to their potential. And the altitude disadvantage also has the cost to USA teams that the players simply cannot learn to BnZ under those conditions. So new players can stay noobs forever and both Gaijin and German players can blame USA losses on the players. Perfect.
So you liked wen both germany and US spammed P-47s?
They still do. And if we don't give airspawns, what would fix the problem?
Mocha 2018年7月21日 11時56分 
MacaroniBurger の投稿を引用:
Mocha Kawa の投稿を引用:
So you liked wen both germany and US spammed P-47s?
They still do. And if we don't give airspawns, what would fix the problem?
At this point, nothing can I suppose. I just stopped playing RB and AB and went to sim lol.
Mocha Kawa の投稿を引用:
acepilotbuck25 の投稿を引用:

Yep, because without USA having figher airspawns for their heavy and slow climbing planes, Germany gets the altitude advantage automatically really, and German pilots are clever and they use that altitude advantage to make sure the USA planes are not able to be used to their potential. And the altitude disadvantage also has the cost to USA teams that the players simply cannot learn to BnZ under those conditions. So new players can stay noobs forever and both Gaijin and German players can blame USA losses on the players. Perfect.
So you liked wen both germany and US spammed P-47s?

No that was a good fix in 1.79.
But USA P47s should have kept air spawn, and F6Fs and Corsairs and Mustangs should have gotten air spawnt to make up for new gun damage models.

Remember USA P47s were never a problem only German and to a lesser extent Russian P47s got all the stats.
最近の変更はacepilotbuck25が行いました; 2018年7月21日 12時18分
Amazed at how germans got planes that out gun every thing, faster speed, faster turn rate, all airstarts, and faster climb. something got to go. or higher repair costs like with the bombers 110k lions seems fair at this point. Or just cut there turn rate and 1190kph speeds.
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投稿日: 2018年7月20日 14時39分
投稿数: 30