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テイルズ オブ アスタリア
Tales of Asteria
RPG that connects intersecting thoughts
A blog dedicated to Tales of Asteria.

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[Item Collection Event] Tales of Eternia Anniversary Event: Reid’s Lizard
Duration: 11/16 (Mon) 16:00 ~ 11/29 (Sun) 15:59
Exchange Duration: 11/16 (Mon)16:00 ~ 12/6 (Sun) 23:59
Missions Duration: 11/16 (Mon)16:00 ~ 11/29 (Sun) 23:59

Challenge the limited quests to collect “Medical Herbs” in order to get 5☆ Meredy [Formal] and 5☆ Keele [Formal] as well as other rewards. Meredy and Keele can be evolved into 6☆ and their Evolution Crystals are obtained through milestones, exchange and event missions.

Exchange the “Medical Herbs” to get this event’s 4☆ Reid [Childhood], 4☆ Farah [Childhood], 4☆ Keele [Childhood], a 5☆ Eternia character of your choice, and other rewards.

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