Plants: Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' - autumn monskhood

Posted by 10.09. 2016 09:17:11 (15208 readers)

Autumn monkshood is a showy perennial flowering for late summer and autumn. It produces erect racemes of large, 6-7 cm tall flowers of deep indigo blue flowers from September till October. They appear along sturdy stems that grow just over a meter tall. The wise thing about this monkhood is that even though the blooming time is very late in the season, it offers something more to gain your attention early in the season: very attractive, deeply cut, dark green, glossy leaves. Monkshood is a popular cut flower.

Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii' - autumn monskhood

Monkshood is used especially in Chinese medicine, yet some caution is advised when working with the plant as all its parts are highly poisonous. Wearing gloves is suggested.

It grows in almost any moist soil. It likes full sun or part shade. Fertilizing is not necessary but may enhance flowering – producing shorter racemes just below the main one. Fully hardy to about -40°C (USDA zone 3).

Size/type: tall perennial
Usual height: 1-1.3m
Usual width: 0.3-0.5m
Leaves: deciduous broadleaf
Colour of leaves: green
Flowers: showy
Colour of flowers: deep purple
Blooming time: september - october
Location: full to partial sun
Belongs to categories: perennials
Milan Havlis, Specializované zahradnictví
155 00 Praha Stodůlky, Za Mototechnou 2673/-11, Czech Republic

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