
資料交換の申し込みに応じて、海外原子力機関から放射線医学総合研究所に送付されてきた資料は、目下、放医研で整理中であるが、このほど、その一部がまとまったのでここに掲載する。(本誌 Vol.3 No.9 p.13 参照)

Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University of Washington

Survey of Radioactivity in the Sea near Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls June 11-21, 1956.

Survey of Radioactivity in the Sea and in Pelagic Marine Life West of the Marshall Islands, September 1-20, 1956.

Radioactivity in the Reef Fishes of Belle Island Eniwetok Atoll April 1954 to November 1955.

Land Crabs and Radioactive Fallout at Eniwetok Atoll

The Occurrence and Distribution of Radioactive

Non-Fission Products in Plants and Animals of the Pacific Proving Ground.

Oak Ridge Institute of Nucler Studies

Basic Course in Radio isotope Techniques ORINS-18

Eleventh Annual Report, 1957.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Bulletin of the Biology Division

Vol. 10, No. 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52.
Vol. 11, No.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


Report No. 1/VII-II

Polarization of Nucleons from the D(γ, p) n Reaction at Medium Energies

Bericht No. 2/VNA

Schnelle Spektrochemische Bestimmungsmethode von Boriumspuren in Graphiten und Koksen vermittels der Streuung der Proben in Funken
(Powder Spark Method)

Bericht No. 3/VNA

Spektrografische Bestimmung von Lithiumspuren in Metallischem Calcium im Funken

Report Nr. 4/VII

Deueron Stripping on Spheroidal Nuclei

Report No. 5/11

An Experiment on Nonadiabatic Passage in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Report No. 6/11

On Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Flowing Liquid

Report No. 7/VII

Phenomenological Theory of the S-Matrix and T, C and P Invavariance. I.

Report No. 8/VI

About the Åαお α Potential from the 5He and 9Be Hyperfragment Binding Energies

Report No. 9/V

A Random Walk Method for Calculation of Probabilities of Bond Rupture by Hot Atoms

Report No. 10/IV

Determination of Trace Amounts of Butanol in Tri-N-Butyl Phosphate by the Float Method

Report No. 11/VI

About High Energy Interactions in Nuclear Emulsions

Report No. 12/I-B

A Simplified Method of Solution for a Random Walk Problem of a Few Unequal Steps

Report No. 12/I-B

A Simplified Method of Solution for a Random Walk Problem of a Few Unequal Steps

Report No. 13/IV

Preliminary Studies on Chlorination of Native Uranium Ores

Report No. 14/XRb

Influence in Vitro of Ionizing Radiation on the Blood Clotting System

Report No. 16/x doz.

Measurements of Radioactive Fall-Out in Warsaw, Poland, During the Year 1957

Report No. 17/VII

On the Elementary Particles and Their Strong Interactions

Report No. 18/XRB

The Effect of X-Irradiation on δ-Aminolaevulic Acid Dehydrase in Vitro

Report No. 19/VH

The Coulomb Effect in β Decay

Bericht No. 20/VIII

Indirekte Methoden in der Flammenanalyse Teil I

Report No. 21/I-B

Steady Stimulation and Quenching of Photo-conductivity in Cadmium Sulfide by Infrared Radiation

Bericht No. 22/VIII

Emissions-Spektralanalytische Bestimmung von Boriumspuren in Graphiten, Kohlen, Koksen und Russ

Report No. 23/VII

Excited Levels of Nuclei with Mixed Configurations I Method of Calcutation

Report No. 24/VI

Two Events of Mesonic Hyperfragments Decay in Flight

Report No. 25/VII

Tests for Time Reversal Invariance and Feynman-Gell-Mann Theory in Allowed Beta Transitions

Report No 26/V

Radiometric Estimation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids on Chromatograms

Report No. 15/IV

The Use of Sodium Bisulphate for Treating Uranium Ore

Academia Republicii Populare Romine

Institutul de Fizica Atomica si Institutul de Fizica Studii si Cercetari de Fizica

Vol. 8, No. 1-4, 1957.
Vol. 9, No. 1, 1958.

Revue de Physique

Tome I, 1956.
Tome II, No. 1, 2, 1957.

Concerning the Nature of the Star Generating Component of Cosmic Rays.

On Some Features of Energy Transfer in High Energy Nuclear Collisions.

A High Energy Meson Shower with an Anomalous Angular Spread.

Remarks on a Possible Cascade Decay of the τ Meson.

On a Possible Model for the Nucleon Cascade at Moderate Energies.

On the Possibility of Applying Thermonuclear Reactions to Rocket Propulsion.

Sur le Rayonnement Electromagnetique Multipolaire

D'Order Superieur, Applications a la Physique Nucleaire.

On Pair Creation by Charged Paticles in an External Field.

Les Ensembles Statistiques en Relativite Generale.

Formulation Covariante des Lois de la Mecaniqe Statistique.

Calculul Dozelor si al Protectiei.

On the Vapour Pressure of Polonium at Room Temperature.

On Mass Estimation of Non-Relativistic Charged Particles in Nuclear Emulsions.

Une Methode Pour le Dosage de L'Uranium et du Thorium a L'Aide des Emulsions Nucleaires.

L'Action des Vapeurs Hg sur les Emulsions Photo-grafiques Nucleaires.

Statistic of Photographic Fission Tracks and Range Estimate of Fragments.

Une Methode pour Determiner la Masse et l'Energie des Particules Ionisantes a l'Aide des Emulsions.

Preparation of Standard Radium Solutions from Roumanian Natural Sources.

Ausfuhrliches Studium der Radioaktivitat der Mineralwasser Rumaniens.

Uber die Radioaktivitat des Trinkwassers von Cluj.

Die Radioaktivitat einiger Thermalwasserquellen aus der Gegend von Oradea und Hunedoara

Sur la Presence et sur le Dosage du Radium dans les Depots Naturels de quelques Sources d'Eau Minerale de la R.P. R.

Radioactivity of Waters and Muds from Salt Lakes and Mineral Springs in Sovata and Praid Baths.

Measurements of the Radioactivity of Some Mineral Waters in the Roumanian People's Republic.

L'Etude de la Teneur en Radon, Radium et Uranium des Eaux Minerales et des Tufs Calcaires de Singeors-Bai (Region de Cluj).

On the Possibility of Nuclear Chain Reactions in Light Elements.

Sur un Isotope Naturel a vie tres longue de Numero Atomique 84.

Evaporation of a Thin Liquid Film in High Vacuum.

Radiative Corrections to Compton Scattering.

Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay, Government of India

Radiological Measurements Laboratory, Introduction.

Radiological Survey Report-2
(Radiological Measurements Laboratory Health Physics Division)

Radiological Survey Report-5
(Health Physics Division, Radiological Measurements Laboratory)

Radiological Survey Report-6

World Health Organization

Effect of Radiation on Human Heredity

Chronicle of the World Health Organization Challenge of Atomic Energy, Vol. 11, No. 8, 1957.

National Laws and Regulations on Radiation Protection

Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Report of the Director-General

Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Report by the Director-General

Conseil European Pour la Pecherche Nucleaire Cern Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research

European Organization for Nuclear Research Second Annual Report, 1956

First Annual Report of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, 1955