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CMLL Roundup: Mistico wins Grand Prix 2023, more!

Let’s catch up on CMLL news from the lucha libre world.

Mistico made Mexico proud as the sole winner of the Grand Prix 2023.


Mexico battled against the rest of the world in a torneo cibernetico match. Mistico, Volador Jr., Mascara Dorada 2.0, Templario, Ultimo Guerrero, Angel de Oro, Dragon Rojo Jr., and Averno represented Mexico. Rocky Romero, TJP, Kushida, Hiromu Takahashi, Samuray del Sol, Adrian Quest, Francesco Akira, and Baliyan Akki represented the rest of the world.

The nitty gritty came down to Mistico, Volador, and Mascara Dorada on one side with Romero, Kushida, and Takahashi on the other side. Ramoncito (Volador) eliminated his papi (Romero) on a Mexican Destroyer. Kushida executed a hammerlock small package to pin Volador. A bridging suplex from Kushida trapped Mascara Dorada for elimination. That left Mistico alone against Kushida and Takahashi.

Mistico fought against the odds to rally for a springboard frog splash to pin Kushida. Mistico and Takahashi battled back and forth, then Mistico scored La Mistica whirling armbar for ultimate victory. Glory went to Mexico.

Enjoy the Grand Prix 2023 highlight package with all the eliminations.

Atlantis Jr., Magia Blanca, Hechicero, and Okumura were previously announced for Fantasticamania UK in Manchester on September 23. CMLL revealed more names to visit the joint show with RevPro Wrestling. The latest round includes Audaz, Capitan Suicida, Sangre Imperial, and Zandokan Jr.

We’ll close with sweet highlights from Soberano Jr. versus Stuka Jr. in singles action.

Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!

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