
Download Vista RC1 for free, stress your PC and wallet

Learn that your PC just isn't fast enough anymore with a free download of Windows Vista Release Candidate 1. Log in using a Windows Live ID, and after answering a few demographic questions, the 3.6GB download can be yours.

Microsoft has touted Vista as a great OS for gaming, with DirectX 10 and other updates pushing hardware as far as it goes. Unfortunately, we've got a feeling that for such a major OS update -- at least Microsoft wants us to think it's major -- we'll be pleased if we get off with only a new video card. We might need a whole new machine.

Confirm or deny this nagging suspicion for yourself with a Vista readiness test. Grab one from companies including ATI, or go strait to the horse's mouth at Microsoft. Or skip the whole testing phase, and install RC1. As long as you back-up and have a separate drive or partition for the installation, what's the worst that could happen? New-computer envy?

[Via Dealnews]