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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist #2

魔界王子 devils and realist 2 [Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist 2]

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192 pages, Paperback

First published November 25, 2010

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Madoka Takadono

101 books21 followers

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for Victoria ♡.
1,036 reviews97 followers
February 16, 2018
I remember loving the anime for this when I first saw it forever ago, I really should have continued the manga sooner because I just love the characters so much
Profile Image for Amanda Setasha.
1,480 reviews55 followers
July 31, 2017
This artwork has me absolutely in tears. It's so beautiful. I love it. So so so so much.
The story is good as well and building nicely. It's a really enjoyable series.
Profile Image for Adrian A..
60 reviews
December 1, 2016
I kept seeing this series and really wanted to get into it. I was on the fence with Vol. 1 but I'm glad I continued to Vol. 2. I really like the story, characters, and artwork. It has a Black Butler / Blue Exorcist feel to it. There's not as much comedy but there is just enough to keep up with the pace and feel of the story. Definitely excited to continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Sadie.
43 reviews14 followers
February 9, 2017
I wish my library had the rest of this series :(
February 24, 2020
Reading this, I feel like I've absorbed some information that I missed while watching the anime. And that's a good thing! I'd say this contained more, but I'm pretty sure I just wasn't paying enough attention before. So, thus far, the anime adaption and the manga are still very close in similarities, though the manga makes some things more obvious than the anime did. Just a tiny more in depth too, and the comic shorts which were never put into the anime really help the experience for me, hehe. Did... Did Sytry ever turn into a beast in the anime though? Man, I feel like I may have missed a lot... I feel like the whole church thing was done a little differently in the anime, who knows.
Dantalion and William seem to be...growing closer? A bond is slowly developing, and both Dantalion and Sytry are becoming tired of William's lack of trust in them. Though when he shows just a little, it helps their spirits, especially Dantalion. That being said, William essentially makes a vow to Dantalion (and thereby all the others) which pretty much is him not backing down from his ideals yet also having found a way to accept Dantalion and the others within his world, and he'll work on coming to accept and understand them more and more. Dantalion understands this and is elated, I'd say. Don't make light of a realist!
(Volume 2 contains chapters/pillars 6-12.)
Profile Image for Liberty Arrow.
244 reviews29 followers
September 16, 2018
This volume was awesome!
Even though William still very much remains a realist, Dantalion’s slowly convincing him. I’m loving the relationship that’s forming between them and I’m super excited to see where it goes from here.
I really enjoyed seeing a younger version of William in that one flashback; that was adorable.
Isaac is that one friend who fanboys over everything, and I found Lamia to be a really fun character as well.
Also, what’s happening with Kevin?! You mean to tell me he’s not just a simple butler?! I must know more!
Profile Image for L. Luck.
615 reviews11 followers
December 26, 2018
4/4.5 ☆ (no long reviews on manga series except the first and last volumes)
Profile Image for Isel.
1,191 reviews36 followers
May 30, 2021
Wait. Does he like him?
Now it's reminding me of 07 Ghost were it could go either way.
Profile Image for Emi.
81 reviews
March 16, 2023
I began rereading this to refamiliarise myself with it for each review, I think my initial rating remains fitting this time round: I thoroughly enjoy this series.

The art style is wonderful, I love the way the artist draws expressions and scenery. I love the aesthetic of the setting this series is set in. I really like the glimpses you get of Hell, it's not what I expect and rather reminds me of a slightly altered version of the fae world in a series like Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

While reading it, I did keep thinking on the 'queer baiting' criticism this series sometimes receives, particularly as it seems like the artist has already amped up the queer signals in this volume (I don't recall noticing much, if at all, in the first volume). I'm not sure I personally feel 'baited'—If I wanted to read a BL, I'd read a BL.
However, Dantalion in particular treats William with a great deal of tenderness and affection, that much can't be disputed (whether it's platonic or romantic is what's often debated, particularly with reference to the events in the infamous Pillar 75—but let's not get ahead of ourselves). I should also point out that it took the writer of Yuri on Ice posting a clarifying statement on twitter before the debates over their relationship died down (I saw a shocking amount of homophobia during that mess), so unless the person behind this series does the same, it seems like those arguments will never die down. Perhaps reduce down to a gentle simmer, at best.

Anyway; I digress.

Dantalion's and William's relationship in this is tangled and complicated, I can already tell this much from this (the second) volume. There's clearly lot of dark unexplained areas that will gradually be revealed as the story progresses (I'm sure), but that's what I find most alluring about it: the ambiguity does wonders for the imagination. The way I see it, not everything needs to be fed to us readers; I see no harm in leaving it open to interpretation, allowing a reader's creativity to bleed in and fill those blanks. But, to each their own. I understand that ambiguity doesn't appeal to everyone, I understand the need for closure.

Anyway, that aside: the volume itself.

There was a character arc for William, small but significant. Midway through, he vehemently rejected Dantalion and asked that he left him alone, but at the end he exclaimed that it was a scientist's job to study the unexplainable, thus allowing Dantalion to stay by his side. It was a very touching moment, I think the first moment he verbally accepted Dantalion (even if it was in a very roundabout, tsundere manner). I thought this was lovely.

I thought the pixie thing that was haunting Isaac's house was really cute, knowing the little guy is happy grinding turmeric in India made me feel happy too. It was a nice break from the main plotline.

I was a bit surprised by that final reveal, on the last page. Didn't see that coming, but a few things make sense now; for example, there's a moment between Kevin and Dantalion earlier in the volume that does hint that there's more to Kevin than meets the eye. We're beginning to see that now.

Jumping back a little bit, I love Dantalion's nonchalance even though Sytry is getting pummelled by Crosby? There's this cheeky (dare I say flirty?) atmosphere between William and Dantalion juxtaposed with Sytry's desperate scramble for survival, there's something bizarre and amusing about it.

Anyway, this review was a mess. Many apologies. I really love this series, and I enjoyed reading this volume.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Linda Jaejoong.
554 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2017
Der Kampf um Williams Stimme und um seine Seele geht weiter. Auch diesmal lernen wir wieder neue Dämonen kennen, Ash und Lamia. Sie wollen sich ein Bild von William machen und ihn dazu zwingen Dantalion seine Stimme zu geben. Natürlich ist Sitri auch wieder mit von der Partie und Gilles hat auch einen kleinen Auftritt. Und was plant Pfarrer Crosby?? Und vor allem was ist er??

Dantalion und William hatten diesmal so schöne Momente zusammen und Dantalion sieht Will immer so an als wollte er ihn am liebsten in die Arme nehmen, so schön. Man hat das Gefühl das Dantalion ihn sehr sehr lieb hat. Er möchte einfach nur von Will gebraucht und anerkannt werden!!

Ash und Lamia sind mir unsympathisch und ich finde sie passen nicht in die Handlung, vor allem Lamia ist so nervig. Hoffentlich kommen sie nicht mehr so häufig vor in den nächsten Bänden. Dafür können Gilles und Baphomet mehr vorkommen und Sitri natürlich!!

Das Ende von Band 2 hat Hoffnung darauf gemacht das Dantalion und Will sich langsam näher kommen. Und mal sehen welche neuen Dämonen im nächsten Band auftauchen. Und vor allem hoffe ich wir finden heraus was Kevin vor hat und wer er eigentlich ist!!

Fazit: Der 2 Band von "Devils and Realist" war schön spannend, voller Action und er hat natürlich wieder eine Menge Fragen aufgeworfen. Es wurde nie langweilig, ok der Anfang mit Ash und Lamia war ein bisschen anstregend, aber davon abgesehen war Band 2 besser als sein Vorgänger!!
Profile Image for Cassandra.
223 reviews83 followers
December 31, 2014
--Manga Reviewed via The Huge Anime Fan blog--

Seven Seas Entertainment does no wrong with Volume 2 of Devils and Realist. It is here where there is a a release of their better handsome looking manga volumes. Given the culmination of both the anime and manga franchise it is a real relief. In Volume 2, the noticeable difference between the manga and the anime series becomes most noticeable. With the manga diverging from the path of the anime. Or in actuality the anime diverging since the manga is the original source material.

It is not over events in the manga being more elaborated on. In general, the manga series, has many events that never take place in the anime at all. For individuals who have seen the animation television first this certainly brings a different spin of the story. Something not necessarily bad.

Now there can be a growth for a taste of the original source material and where the story was to be directed in the first place.

Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Comedy

Undertones: Shonen-ai, Boys Love but Not Yaoi, Bishonens everywhere
Profile Image for Megan.
5,754 reviews31 followers
January 8, 2022
Once more, I still love the art style and the plot is actually picking up quite a bit now as we learn more about the characters. We also get some female characters (!) with Astaroth (who is a little bit fanservice-y but can be forgiven, and Lamia, who unfortunately ends up being a little too much like Elizabeth form Black Butler for my liking. Isaac is very cute though and he is definitely growing on me, and I still really like William and Dantalion's developing relationship. The first half of this volume did feel a little all over the place with the ghosts and broadening the world, but with the second we get another attack, this time from the church, and a reveal about Kevin which will hopefully okay out along the wider story line of William choosing Lucifer's representative. As it stands, I am really enjoying this so far but I need something a little more of substance before I can call it a favourite.
Profile Image for Elyse.
1,208 reviews24 followers
December 26, 2019
This volume chapters are not really connected to each others and jump all over the place, but it is still super entertaining.
There is an introduction of 2 news characters, the Queen Astaroth & Lamia a demon child who have a fixation on Dantalion.
William & Isaac get dragged to hell during the celebration of the New Moon, this mean trouble!
One of the chapter is quite silly & funny when William go spend the Holiday at Isaac “haunted house”.
There is also the pastor in school who specialize in exorcist and wants to get rid of William because of his connection to Lucifer. New bounds are form between William & Dantalion and I absolutely adore their relationship.
Profile Image for dragon.
438 reviews32 followers
January 18, 2018
Things are starting to pick up in this book and we get to learn about exorcist. Still, it does it's fair share of school filler and it's definitely baiting me with all the DxW touching. While the story has been focused on just demons so far, we are now getting a glimpse of the Church and their role in this whole supernatural world. And WOAH Kevin! Didn't think I had to worry about him but I guess I was wrong

And finally William has accepted that demons exist but still he tries to find the logical part of everything. Hehe, can't wait to read more!
Profile Image for Eri.
74 reviews16 followers
November 15, 2015
Es wird richtig spannend! Dieses Band hat einfach nur Spass gemacht!

Wir lernen zwei neue Dämonen kennen, aber natürlich sind Dantalion und Sitri auch noch dabei und mischen Williams leben ganz schön auf. Zum Schluss kam dann noch eine dem Manga entsprechende Überraschung (Kevin, du Wahnsinniger, was hast du vor ?! :p).

Der Stil ist wie schon im Vol. 1 einfach nur wunderschön und absolut passend.
Profile Image for Amber.
640 reviews5 followers
July 11, 2015
I wasn't sure I was going to keep reading this. It's a little too political for me and the manga is working overly hard to convince the Realist that the supernatural exists...That being said there's definitely a tension shaping up between the two main characters. I think I want to see where it goes. Hopefully, I am not wrong about it. I definitely did not expect it.
Profile Image for Amber.
47 reviews
March 8, 2016
So far I'm still liking this manga but I'm starting to get a bit confused about who's pretending to be more than one person and who really are different people. Either clarification or more distinct characters is needed but, at the moment, I can't tell which.
Profile Image for Mirela.
583 reviews16 followers
April 26, 2015
This is just getting more and more interesting, cannot wait to read more!
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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