
Constantly observing with your eyes and thinking with your head

Mitsuo Ochi








Now, spring is in full bloom. In all parts of the world, there have been many poems or songs about spring which comes after a long, bitter winter. Many of you probably know the famous poem, ‶Pippa’s Song" by Robert Browning, a 19th century British poet.

The year’s at the spring
And day’s at the morn;
Morning’s at seven;
The hill‐side’s dew‐pearled;
The lark’s on the wing;
The snail’s on the thorn;
God’s in his heaven ―
All’s right with the world!

The Higashi Hiroshima campus, located in one corner of the Kamo Plateau at a height of 250m above sea level, commands the kind of scenery written by Browning above. In the season of spring when all living things are bursting with spring color, we have welcomed many newly enrolled students today. Hearing the rumbling of voices of young students whose hearts are filled with excitement with the prospect of a rosy future, I feel quite nostalgic, because the occasion reminds me of my entrance ceremony more than forty years ago.

Although I was vaguely aware of the fact that I would become a doctor in the future, I did not have any guiding principle for issues such as ‶how to approach the task of planning my life" or ‶how to live my life." It felt like being alone on a small boat, ushered into the spring sea, led by boats with many of my teachers and seniors at the helm.

According to the expression ‶spring storm," sometimes the balmy spring weather may suddenly turn very stormy. Be that as it may, I sincerely hope that your ‶small boats" reach your destinations with minimal damage; perhaps with just a few character-building dents along the way.

Today, acts of terrorism and war have become relatively common, and populism and anti-intellectualism are sweeping the globe, which in turn are jeopardizing democracy. I think that universities all over the world are now being asked what kinds of roles they should play as the best knowledge hubs that mankind has ever created. Once again, I tell myself that while holding the ‶pursuit of truth" flag high, we should be moving forward.

What I truly hope and expect, is that you will become future leaders, so that your friends and peers look up to you as their role model and even mentor, aspiring to follow in your footsteps or to join you in various challenges.

To achieve such a goal, it is essential to acquire the ability to cope when the going gets tough; to acquire the resourcefulness to resolve issues by taking alternative paths, and to be resilient in the face of adversity. Indeed, this builds character, learning from trials, tribulations and ‘mistakes’. As the saying goes ‶what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!"

Some skills cannot be acquired overnight; they have to be cultivated by constantly observing with your eyes and thinking with your head, while gaining wide-ranging knowledge and deep insights to last a lifetime. I hope that you will take your first steps towards such a goal during your life here on campus.
