Commit modes in PHP (PDO)

You can control how groups of SQL statements are committed by specifying a commit mode for a connection resource. The PDO extension supports two commit modes: autocommit and manual commit.

autocommit mode
In autocommit mode, each SQL statement is a complete transaction, which is automatically committed. Autocommit mode helps prevent locking escalation issues that can impede the performance of highly scalable Web applications. By default, the PDO extension opens every connection in autocommit mode.
manual commit mode
In manual commit mode, the transaction begins when you call the PDO::beginTransaction method, and it ends when you call either the PDO::commit or PDO::rollBack method. This means that any statements executed (on the same connection) between the start of a transaction and the call to the commit or rollback method are treated as a single transaction.

Manual commit mode is useful if you might have to roll back a transaction that contains one or more SQL statements. If you issue SQL statements in a transaction and the script ends without explicitly committing or rolling back the transaction, PDO automatically rolls back any work performed in the transaction.

After you commit or rollback the transaction, PDO automatically resets the database connection to autocommit mode.

For more information about the PDO API, see


End the transaction when PDO::commit or PDO::rollBack is called.

$conn = new PDO('ibm:SAMPLE', 'db2inst1', 'ibmdb2', array(
  // PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION means an SQL error throws an exception
try {
  // Issue these SQL statements in a transaction within a try{} block

  // One or more SQL statements

catch (Exception $e) {
  // If something raised an exception in our transaction block of statements,
  // roll back any work performed in the transaction
  print '<p>Unable to complete transaction!</p>';