Feel the passion of Albrecht Dürer in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Albrecht Dürer in our art prints.

Our art reproductions bring moments of comfort directly into your home.

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Albrecht Dürer
Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
Customization Options Available
Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
Customization Options Available

The most popular works of Albrecht Dürer

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

1502 | watercolor on paper

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1503 | Watercolour, bodycolours, heightened with opaque white

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1514 | engraving

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The most popular works of Albrecht Dürer

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Albrecht Dürer

3747 artworks found

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1508 | Brush, gray and white ink, gray wash, on blue prepared paper

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Kleine Eule
1508 | watercolor on paper

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Selbstbildnis im Pelzrock
15th century | Oil on canvas

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Das große Rasenstück
1503 | watercolor on paper

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Allegorie des Geizes
1507 | oil on wood

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1505 | watercolor on paper

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Kaiser Karl der Große
1512 | Oil and tempera on lime

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Pond in the Wood, c.1496 (wc und...
1496 | watercolour & gouache on paper

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1514 | Pen and white ink, heightened with white, on brown prepared paper

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'My Agnes', Durer's wife depicte...
1494 | Ink and pen on paper

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Undated | woodcut/woodcut/woodcut

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Der heilige Hieronymus im Gehäus
1514 | engraving

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Three studies of a bullfinch (wc...
Undated | watercolour and gouache on paper

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Undated | engraving/engraving/engraving

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The Women's Bath, 1496
1496 | pen and ink on paper

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The Women's Bath
Undated | pen and ink

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The Last Supper, 1510.
Undated | woodcut/woodcut

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View of the Arco Valley in the T...
1495 | pen and ink and watercolour on paper

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1496 | watercolor on paper

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Zwei Paar Hände mit Buch
1521 | drawing

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Knight, Death and Devil, 1513.
Undated |

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Melancolia I
1514 | engraving

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Undated | engraving/engraving

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Der Hafen von Antwerpen
1520 | Pen drawing

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1514 | engraving on paper

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Saint John Beholding the Seven G...
Undated | woodcut/woodcut

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The Rhinoceros, 1515.
Undated |

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Saint Matthias, c. 1500.
Undated |

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Undated | Engraving in black on ivory laid paper

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Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer

  May 21, 1471
  April 6, 1528
   •   Renaissance   •   Wikipedia: Albrecht Dürer

The art centers of Italy were the strongholds of the Renaissance. Here, art and the view of the world changed. Painters evolved from craftsmen to artists. North of the Alps, the characteristic rethinking developed in a more restrained form. In Nuremberg, an elite circle of artists grouped together, renouncing religious myth and turning to humanism. The young Dürer was denied access to this association because of his low level of education. Self-awareness, curiosity and critical thinking made the artist one of the most famous Renaissance artists despite his humble origins. His freedom from prejudice and openness to the change from faith to nature and man take care that Dürer is still called a humanist today.

At the age of 13, Dürer made a self-portrait, which was followed by countless. The delicate drawing supplemented Dürer with the addition " I have after the mirror after myself konterfeit, when I was still a child". Dürer loved the form of self-portrayal, which almost seems a little narcissistic. Dürer used many of these paintings as evidence of his artistic talent to convince clients. As a draftsman, Albrecht succeeded in bringing depth and life to his works. He revolutionized the previously rigid woodblock printing process by making it very dynamic. Dürer experimented with paper and achieved hitherto unusual effects. This uniqueness secured the artist fame and respect and brought his works to the collection of paintings Rembrandts.

Italy attracted the artist. From travels Dürer brought the love of colors, which the artist skillfully incorporated into his paintings and watercolors. Impressed by Michelangelo and Raphael, Albrecht Dürer's development from talented craftsman to gifted artist took place. The painter possessed the special talent of being able to create a realistic image merely from a narrative. Probably the most famous nature study is The Brown Hare. Both the anatomy and the fur are depicted so lifelike that the viewer gets the feeling of being able to reach into the soft fur.

Albrecht Dürer

Albrecht Dürer
  May 21, 1471
  April 6, 1528
   •   Renaissance   •   Wikipedia: Albrecht Dürer

The art centers of Italy were the strongholds of the Renaissance. Here, art and the view of the world changed. Painters evolved from craftsmen to artists. North of the Alps, the characteristic rethinking developed in a more restrained form. In Nuremberg, an elite circle of artists grouped together, renouncing religious myth and turning to humanism. The young Dürer was denied access to this association because of his low level of education. Self-awareness, curiosity and critical thinking made the artist one of the most famous Renaissance artists despite his humble origins. His freedom from prejudice and openness to the change from faith to nature and man take care that Dürer is still called a humanist today.

At the age of 13, Dürer made a self-portrait, which was followed by countless. The delicate drawing supplemented Dürer with the addition " I have after the mirror after myself konterfeit, when I was still a child". Dürer loved the form of self-portrayal, which almost seems a little narcissistic. Dürer used many of these paintings as evidence of his artistic talent to convince clients. As a draftsman, Albrecht succeeded in bringing depth and life to his works. He revolutionized the previously rigid woodblock printing process by making it very dynamic. Dürer experimented with paper and achieved hitherto unusual effects. This uniqueness secured the artist fame and respect and brought his works to the collection of paintings Rembrandts.

Italy attracted the artist. From travels Dürer brought the love of colors, which the artist skillfully incorporated into his paintings and watercolors. Impressed by Michelangelo and Raphael, Albrecht Dürer's development from talented craftsman to gifted artist took place. The painter possessed the special talent of being able to create a realistic image merely from a narrative. Probably the most famous nature study is The Brown Hare. Both the anatomy and the fur are depicted so lifelike that the viewer gets the feeling of being able to reach into the soft fur.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meisterdrucke

Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

Do you have any questions?

Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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