Tales of Rebirth (Import) Battle Mechanics/Sub Events FAQ v1.34
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Tales of Rebirth (Import) Battle Mechanics/Sub Events FAQ

by lanyn   Updated to v1.34 on
Tales of Rebirth テイルズ オブ リバ一ス 
Battle Mechanics/Sub Events FAQ
Version 1.34

by Lanyn (talesofhope@gmail.com)
My Tales of Rebirth project on Youtube for the curious and the bored:

If you are new to the world of Rebirth and you don't read anything else,
I urge you to check out the Battle Basics under the Gameplay Mechanics
section. It'll save you a lot of heartache later, trust me.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copyright 2008 (Esther J. Choi)
Okay, I'm just going to start with the standard one: all trademarks and
copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark
and copyright holders. At present, this written FAQ should only be found at
the following websites, so I would appreciate it if you happen to notice it
floating around on the internet where it shouldn't be:

www.gamefaqs.com (most recent and legible version will likely be here)

If you want to post this FAQ on your site for whatever reason, just shoot me
an email and we'll go from there. This FAQ and any video links contained
within represent my own work unless otherwise stated. So don't plagiarize
this, attempt to make a profit off of it, or turn it in as one of your term
papers; if you do, bad things will happen to you (especially with that last

Version 1.34 (5-1-2008) Added a couple more differences between the PS2 and
PSP versions, finalized the Earning Grade section (I think, anyway), added
Skills and Ougis for Eugene (woohoo, finally finished another section! ^^),
made some small but important changes to Sub Events 3 and 15 (figured out what
was going on with Part 2 of the Moving Library SE), added two new subsections
to the Enhance/Inherit section and filled them in

Version 1.33 (4-4-2008) Deleted the Skits section since these are going to be
included in my other guide from now on, made an important correction to Annie's
Skill Rise Elixir, updated the Frequently Asked Questions section a bit,
updated the About The Game section, Added the Differences between the PS2 and
PSP versions section, Updated the How to use this guide section, updated the
Word Puzzles section to reflect the absence of the third puzzle in the PSP
port, made some small changes here and there to include the PSP release, added
Skills and Ougis for Hilda

Version 1.32 (3-19-2008) Updated details for Sub Events #4 and #11 since I've
actually completed them myself now, updated FAQ section, changed the formatting
for the names of the Skills/Ougis slightly, updated the credits, filled in
Skills & Ougis for Veigue, Mao, and Annie, redefined Steel Body in the Skills &
Ougis section (I think I got it right this time), updated FAQ section about the
PSP release, corrected the name of one of Veigue's talismans (went with the
incorrect Kanji reading, apparently), changed the wording about RG slightly,
added link to the solution for the fourth and final word puzzle (VICTORY AT
LAST!!!), put down the layout for Hilda's Skills (the little kids were poking
me at the hospital, so I didn't get to finish...but I managed to update on
release day, right? Right!?)

Table of Contents
1) About the game [ABO000]
2) How to use this guide [HOW000]
3) Frequently Asked Questions (currently up-to-date) [FAQ000]
4) ~Differences between the PS2 and PSP versions [DIF000]
5) Gameplay Mechanics [GAM000]
   a) Battle--The Basics [GAMa00]
      i) Movement During Battle [GAMa01]
      ii) Force Gauge [GAMa02]
      iii) Rush Gauge [GAMa03]
      iv) HP Recovery [GAMa04]
   b) Battle--Advanced Techniques [GAMb00]
      i) Technical Smashes [GAMb01]
      ii) ~Earning Grade [GAMb02]
      iii) Hi-Ougis [GAMb03]
   c) ~Enhancement & Inheritance [GAMc00]
      i) Weapon LAs [GAMc01]
      ii) Armor LAs [GAMc02]
      ~iii) Kanji for Normal Inheritance [GAMc03]
      ~iv) Kanji for Special Inheritance [GAMc04]
   d) Tactics & Formation [GAMd00]
   e) Cooking [GAMe00]
6) Translations [TRA000]
   a) Recipe Translations [TRAa00]
   b) Hi-Ougi Translations [TRAb00]
7) Word Puzzle Solutions [WOR000]
8) Game Phases (you're going to need these for Parts 9b-10) [PHA000] SPOILERS!!
9) Character Specific Info [CHA000]
   a) Skills & Ougis [CHAa00]
      i) Veigue [CHAa01]
      ii) Mao [CHAa02]
      iii) ~Eugene [CHAa03]
      iv) Annie [CHAa04]
      v) Tytree [CHAa05]
      vi) Hilda [CHAa06]
   b) ~*Titles [CHAb00]  SPOILERS!!
      i) Veigue [CHAb01]
      ii) Mao [CHAb02]
      iii) Eugene [CHAb03]
      iv) Annie [CHAb04]
      v) Tytree [CHAb05]
      vi) Hilda [CHAb06]
      vii) Claire [CHAb07]
      viii) Agarte [CHAb08]
10) Sub Events [SUB000] SPOILERS!!
   a) Sub Event Summary [SUBa00]
   b) ~**Sub Event Details [SUBb00]
11) Credits (currently up-to-date) [CRE000]
And some older update histories at the end.

*This represents stuff that is mostly done, but needs a bit of tweaking in
the future.

**This stuff needs a lot of work or it's going to take me a while to
complete the section. Worry not, I will get through them in time. And I know
that it's SO obvious, but I actually do have a reason for skipping around
like that. *cough* Right.

~This is stuff that's been modified/added to/corrected since the last update.

1) About the game                                                    [ABO000]
Tales of Rebirth (PS2) was released in Japan on December 16, 2004 as the
sixth installment of the main "Tales of" series by Namco Bandai (or Bamco,
as I like to call them). While the game contains many features which are
staple for the series (e.g. cooking, skits, Grade), Rebirth also has its
own share of quirks (e.g. Enhancement, the Force Cube, super-obsessive
male protagonists). The game carries a heavy theme of racism so if you're
one of those sensitive people, think happy thoughts and don't chuck
anything at me or the TV.

A PRP port with some smallish extras was released in Japan on March 19th, 2008,
but no word on an English localization thus far. There is more information
about the PSP release in the fourth section of this FAQ and in the Frequently
Asked Questions Section. In the meantime (or in the worst case scenario), you
have two options in terms of a translation. There's Spekio's FAQ located here
on GameFAQs, which I would highly recommend reading unless you have a fear of
very large text files (it's a couple hundred pages I think).

The other option is me...or rather, my work; I am currently subbing the main
storyline of Rebirth (including the skits) and putting them up on Youtube. The
translation that I'm using for my videos is a mix between Spekio's FAQ and my
own interpretation of the text, so some of the terminology and such will
obviously differ. Anyway, if you want to take a look, the link to my Youtube
channel is at the top of the FAQ. I'm also in the process of typing up the
script that I used for my videos (what I've completed of the script is up on
GameFAQs right now, BTW...it's listed under the ToR PSP guides), but it's
gonna take me a while to catch up to where I am with the videos, so bear with
me here. As for the change of heart about typing up the script...it actually
had more to do with the fact that I got some new software which sped up the
process significantly. Anyway, because I'm evil, I'll be referencing my videos
quite a bit in this FAQ but more on that in a second.

2) How to use this guide                                             [HOW000]
To start things off, I guess I should mention that this is my first written
FAQ ev...wait, come back! Yeesh, let me finish already, will ya? *ahem* Yep,
this would be my first one, so I apologize if it looks like I have
absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Comforting thought, huh?

Anyway, this guide is intended to be used as a supplement to the other
Rebirth FAQs. Essentially, I'm trying to cover material that hasn't been
covered in other guides; also, if there is an option on the main menu that
isn't self-explanatory for most RPG players out there (e.g. Skills, Enhance,
etc.), then it will likely have a section in this FAQ. For the stuff that has
been sufficiently covered elsewhere, I'll make things really simple: I'm
either going to tell you to read someone else's FAQ and/or direct you to one
of my tutorial videos. Why? Because I'm lazy like that. And sometimes it's
easier for me to show you something rather than to explain it with words,
especially with the battle system.

In light of the recent PSP release, I have tried to make this guide as
applicable for both versions of the game as possible; ToR PSP is a port, not
a remake, so many of the same concepts that drive the battle system will apply
to both versions of the game. I will make note of any differences when
necessary though.

Also, I'll try to make this guide as accessible as possible for those
of you who don't speak a lick of Japanese, but in general I would recommend
that you at least know Katakana just in terms of being able to play the
game. Knowledge of Hiragana and basic recognition of Kanji are even better.
And if you happen to be fluent...wait, why the heck are you reading this

Finally, feel free to send me any questions/corrections/suggestions that
you have about this guide; the email addy is at the top of the FAQ. Please
please please do not ask me to translate a whole bunch of crap for you...I'm
not an online dictionary and thus should not be used as such. If you ask me
a question and it's already been addressed here or elsewhere, don't be too
offended when I redirect you. And do type in "standard" English...that way,
the spam filter is less likely to catch it and I'll be able to give you a
better response. By the way, that isn't my regular email address, so don't
bite my head off if I don't respond within literally 10 minutes of receiving
your message (believe it or not, this has happened on several occasions).

3) Frequently Asked Questions                                        [FAQ000]
Some of these I've actually been asked, but the rest of them are the result of
my paranoia. Be glad that the list is as short as it is.

Q: Will you be adding a ______ section to this guide?
A: Honestly, it depends on a couple of things. If it's something that I feel
has been covered sufficiently in another FAQ and I don't have anything to add
to it, then the chances are pretty much next to nil. Because, well, it would
be pointless, right? Also, I like to feel like I'm actually getting something
accomplished, so I probably won't add any more sections until I make some
decent progress on the ones that I have yet to complete (e.g. the Sub Events
section). I've thought about adding a section for the mini-games and Cyglorg's
Chambers (the optional dungeon that looks like a ransacked Toys 'R' Us). But
don't be shy and free feel to send me suggestions, although I make no
guarantees or anything. I'm usually nice...except for when I'm not, of course.

Q: How often are you going to update this thing anyway?
A: I, uh, was aiming for at least once a week, but looks like I already messed
that one up. Anyway, I try to make the updates worthwhile, so I'm not going to
submit a revision just for the sake of having one. If it's been more than a
month though, it probably means that a soccer mom driving a full-size SUV
ran me over while she was trying to use her cell phone, spank her kids in the
back seat, and drink her Starbucks at the same time. Truth or sarcasm? You

Q: Does the Grade that you spend at the Grade Shop get refunded during your
next playthrough like it does in Tales of Symphonia?
A: I've been seeing this one quite a bit lately, so here's the answer: no, it
doesn't. However, the Grade that you don't spend DOES carry over. To be
honest, if you purchase the option that doubles your Grade and you play
halfway decently, you should be able to buy everything worth getting when you
finish your second playthrough anyway.

Q: So what's this Dramatic Peach Pie DVD thing I keep hearing about?
A: It's the pre-order bonus that was supposed to come with the PSP port of
Rebirth that Play-asia decided not to give to me. No, I'm not bitter or
ANYTHING. *ahem* Anyway, it contains a cute little scene with Veigue, Eugene,
Mao, Tytree, Milhaust, and even a cameo-ish appearance by Saleh. There's also
a new trailer for Tales of Vesperia, a recipe for how to make a peach pie, and
some other stuff I'm forgetting about at the moment. Thorough is my middle
name, I tell ya. Anyway, more details pending once I get my grubby hands on a
copy. As for where you can find a subbed version of the Peach Pie DVD...ptilol
and I are currently working something out. ^^

Q: Do you know where ______ is on the World Map? I can't find it!
A: Fear not, zer83, our resident ToR Map Man, has an answer for you all!
Thanks again for letting me steal your find, zer83! ^^ Note that zer83 nor
I am responsible for the creation of the map, but zer83 did type up all the
locations and such for us.


Red Numbers:
1: Sulz
2. Great Larulen Bridge
3. Keketto Hostel
4. Etoray Bridge
5. Minal
6. Petnadjanka
7. Toyohose Hostel
8. Sannytown
9. Tel Alla Hostel
10. Anikamal
11. Babilograd
12. Babilograd Harbor
13. Balka Harbor
14. Balka
15. Razilda Harbor
16. Razilda
17. Pipista
18. Great Pokunan Bridge
19. Kyogen
20. Kyogen Hostel
21. Nolzen
22. Nereg Hostel
23. Belsas Harbor
24. Belsas
25. Mocrado Village
26. Katz Village
27. Len Pao Sky Garden

Blue Numbers:
1. Alvan Mountains
2. Forest Labyrinth
3. Karez
4. Oasis
5. Climbers' Cavern
6. Mesechina Cavern
7. Balka Prison
8. Shrine of Eephon
9. Flamer-Holders
10. Shrine of Fenia
11. Tower of Nereg
12. Shrine of Wontiga
13. Shrine of Gillione
14. Mount Sovereign
15. Yuris' Realm
16. Cyglorgs' Chambers

Q: You're too slow! Where can I go if I need answers now?
A: First off, I would check out the other Tales of Rebirth FAQs here on
GameFAQs (or wherever). Most of them are very helpful and I purposely try not
to have too much overlap with them, so chances are you'll see something that
you won't find in this guide.

If you've done that already and you want a "personal" answer, a good place to
start (and probably the best place to ask) is the Tales of Rebirth PSP
Message Board on GameFAQs. Note that you can also ask on the ToR PS2 board, but
it appears that most of the traffic has migrated to the PSP board ever since
the PSP port was released.

You can also try asking the question in the ToR PS2/PSP Discussion/Speculation
Thread over on the Namco Tales Forums. DO READ THE FORUM RULES first though;
while we all have to start somewhere, it is quite annoying to see a bunch of
newbies creating threads with headers like "OMG! I dunt no waht FG and RG
r!!!11111" and you might get a rather hostile welcome that way. Keep in mind
that there are a significant number of people who post in the ToR thread who
have never played the game, so don't feel offended if someone doesn't know the
answer or whatever.

Lastly, you can try emailing the authors of the FAQs, although I've had
lukewarm success with this personally. Rebirth did originally come out in 2004,
so many of the FAQ writers have surely moved on to bigger and better things.
Except for me since I'm in denial but that's a whole different story.

Q: Did you really pull off all of those Duel the Sun extensions by yourself?
A: Yes, I did. I lost a couple clumps of hair, but that's okay because there
are probably a couple of other people who share my baldness...you know who
you are.  =P

Q: Any other bits of wisdom that you'd like to share with the world?
A: Ooh, I get to talk about random stuff? ^^ Okay, brace yourselves then!

-If you die and you auto-cook at the end of battle (i.e. that green bar pops
up), you'll be brought back to life for free. Normally you stay dead after the
fight, so you have to use a Life Bottle or sleep at the inn in order to revive

while you're doing Sub Events! You can lose some very nice accessories such as
the Distortion Orb and Veigue's talismans this way. Whatever it is, just be
certain that you have enough room to carry it because for some silly reason,
the game doesn't warn you that you're out of space (this mostly is a problem
with the jewels and your accessories). Valuable items have their own little
alloted space though, so you don't have to worry about them at least.

-You know how enemies sometimes make Circles that are similar to Annie's? Well,
they work in the same way except that they usually lower your status instead of
boosting the status of the enemies. Some of them can also inflict status
ailments, so you may want to be careful before you just charge into one.

-Ever notice how some save points are white and some are sort of a reddish
color? You can actually rest at the reddish color ones, so take advantage of
them when they're around.

4) Differences between the PS2 and PSP versions                       [DIF000]
I'm going to attempt to compile most of the major differences between the two
versions of Rebirth here. Some of this is going to be personal observation, but
a lot of it will be taken from stuff that I'm reading from the boards and info
that was mentioned prior to the game's release. I'll do my best to verify what
I can, but keep in mind that I am currently subbing the PS2 version and that
takes priority for me.

Speaking of which, let me mention stuff that DIDN'T change. As far as I've
heard and can tell, no changes were made to the actual battle system (except
for the reconfiguration of some of the buttons, obviously). The storyline, for
better or worse, made it through intact as well. I've been told that a very
small portion of dialogue was added towards the end of the game, but otherwise
the original script seems to have been left untouched. In other words, the
script for the PSP version is practically the same as the one used for the PS2
version. Most of the bugs seem to have carried over as well (the cooking bug,
the Ougis bug, etc) aside from cap on the Battle Encounter (although I doubt
that qualifies as a bug, even though everyone likes to treat it like one). The
Duel the Sun Extensions for the PSP port are the same except for the fact
that you press the L button instead of the L2 button for the Blue Earth
Extension (and yes, you still have to press all 5 buttons 11 times). For the
curious, apparently Hilda performs all of the extensions by herself in ToR PSP.
You can now purchase Apple Gels, and there's a new God difficulty rank that is
presumably available on your third playthrough.

Let's see, good changes found in the PSP version...an arena was added (can be
found in the Minal gym, but it's only accessible after the completion of all of
the trials; there is apparently no cameo battle, BTW), there are some new
weapons (e.g. the Jewel of Gardios) and titles, and the game is now widescreen
(which makes sense). There are also some new Hi-Ougi cut-ins for friend and foe
alike, an Illustration Book (found in the basement of Claire's house at the
beginning of the game), and there is now a LOAD option on the Main Menu (don't
mistake this for the SAVE option!). They also changed how the saved data
appears on your memory card, so the picture looks different depending on where
you are in the storyline. There are now some new options in the Grade shop
(thanks to RPGmonkey for posting the list for the Tales board! ^^): All Damage
Halved (10 Grade), Experience Halved (100 Grade), Item Capacity 20
(1000 Grade), Item Capacity 30 (2000 Grade), and Reset Battle Encounter Number
(10 Grade). Oh, they also increased the limit on the Battle Encounter since it
can now go over 10,000...I have no idea what the new limit is, although I guess
it really doesn't matter since they put in the new Grade Shop option there. x32
DAMAGE weapons FTW!!! In addition, the third word puzzle (the one by the flower
cart that had to do with the seasons) was removed for the PSP version.

Hmm, the not-so-good additions to the PSP version...the load times and the
music. Not that I wasn't expecting this, but there are now some slight but
noticeable load times at the start and finish of each battle. The slowdown
doesn't happen every time you get in a fight, so I don't know if there's
something specific that causes it but I have yet to figure out what's
triggering it. The most jarring of the delays is probably revolves around the
victory quotes; sometimes it takes the game several seconds to load the voices.
As for the music, only two songs in particular seem to have suffered from the
transfer: Battle Organization (the random encounter battle music for the first
portion of the game) and Fanfare A (the one that plays when you don't earn any
Grade). They're not bad persay, but it sounds like there are some instruments
missing or something. I noticed that the in-game sound effects are a bit weak
too, but that's just a nitpick.

So which version is better, you may ask? To be honest, they're essentially the
same game, but the PSP version probably has the slight advantage for most
people due to the extras and the lack of region locking for the system. Most of
the complaints I noted are minor and people playing the game for the first time
on the PSP may not even be aware that those are issues that didn't exist in the
PS2 version. My personal preference is for the PS2 version at this point, but
that's more because small, expensive electronic devices and I don't get along
too well. Anyway, your call.

5) Gameplay Mechanics                                                [GAM000]
Ah, the fun part. I'm just going to lay this out flat for everyone: if you're
one of those people who thinks that Dragon Quest games has mind-blowing
gameplay, then Rebirth is probably not the best game for you to try. And I'm
not saying this just because the game is in Japanese (although that greatly
complicates matters for us importers); Rebirth happens to utilize one of the
most complex, integrated battle systems known to geekdom. BUT if you're like
me and you have a thing for the new, the innovative, the quirky, and the KUREA
scream, then Rebirth will consume your soul (or whatever's left of it, since
video games are inherently evil and everything *cough*). If that sounds good,
then keep reading.

PART A: THE BASICS                                                   [GAMa00]
First and foremost, check out this tutorial that I slapped together. People
have told me that it was very helpful (you guys wouldn't lie to me, now
would you?) and it's only 5 minutes long, so just watch it.


In case you're one of those people who don't read the video info, this is
based on the PS2 version of the game (i.e. some of the button configs differ
for the PSP port) and you will have to use the pause button. A lot. Just bear
with it, okay? General explanations for the following appear in the video:
Basic Controls, FG, RG, defense, HP Recovery, Ougis, and just a smidgen on
Force Cube Effects.

I'm going to elaborate a bit more here, but that should have answered most
of the questions you may have about the Rebirth's battle system. The full
list of Force Cube Effects for each character can be found in Spekio's FAQ,
so I'm not going to repeat that here.

MOVEMENT DURING BATTLE                                               [GAMa01]

As you saw in the video, Rebirth utilizes a Three-Line Linear Motion battle
system, which is sort of a compromise between the Linear Motion Battle
System found in Tales of Phantasia (and most 2D fighters) and the Multi-Line
Linear Motion Battle System seen in Tales of Symphonia. It is really, really
easy to die during a random battle if you manage to get sandwiched so learn
how to effectively move between the lines in order to avoid attacks and
combo your enemies.

FORCE GAUGE (FG)                                                     [GAMa02]

The Force Gauge (FG) is unique to Rebirth and replaces the traditional TP
found in other Tales games. Your FG will recover throughout the battle at a
rate that is determined by which Skill (JUTSUWAZA) is assigned to each FG.
Skills with a smaller "FG" parameter (you can see the parameters of each
Skill by pressing the SQUARE button on the screen with the Force Cube on it)
will recover FG more quickly (i.e. they consume less FG, in a sense). For
example, the Skill Zehhyoujin has an FG value of 100 while the Skill Mueishou
has an FG value of 300. Therefore, an FG with Zehhyoujin assigned to it
would fill up 3 times faster than an FG with Mueishou on it. Also, you will
get a sudden boost in FG Recovery right after you or one of your allies
defeats an enemy. Other ways to increase your FG Recovery include using
Annie's Skill Charge Wind, equipping jewels, Enhancing the FG Recovery Stat
on your weapons, having FG Recovery Latent Abilities (LAs) on your weapons,
taking advantage of certain Force Cube Effects (e.g. Mental), and fiddling
with your battle formation. There are also recipes which will recover FG.

RUSH GAUGE (RG)                                                      [GAMa03]

The Rush Gauge (RG) acts kind of like an Overlimit Gauge in Rebirth, but it
does more than just regulate your Skills/Ougis. As you saw, RG is intimately
related to your HP Recovery, defense, and Ougi usage. When you're in the Cool
Charge state (RG=0), you will experience the following effects:

-Give and take less damage (x1.0)
-Increased HP Recovery (x2.0)
-Your attacks won't have any effect on the enemies' RG level
-Reduced preparation/casting time for Skills and Ougis (x1.0)
-You'll recover from negative status ailments faster (x0.5)
-You cannot block any successive attacks (that was the guard break that I
showed you)

When your RG is at 50, you will experience the following effects:

-Give and take "average" damage (x1.1)
-Normal HP Recovery (x1.0)
-Your attacks will slightly increase the enemies' RG level (x1.0)
-"Average" preparation/casting time for Skills and Ougis (x1.15)
-You'll recover from negative status ailments at an "average" rate (x1.0)
-You can block an "average" number of successive attacks

When you're in the Rush Charge state (RG=100), the effects are as follows:

-Give and take more damage (x1.2)
-No HP Recovery
-Your attacks will greatly increase the enemies' RG level (x2.0)
-Prolonged preparation/casting time for Skills and Ougis (x1.3)
-You'll recover from negative status ailments at a slower rate (x2.0)
-You can block many successive attacks

You can manipulate your RG directly or indirectly during battle (both shown
in the video). Other factors that influence your RG include recipes,
particular LAs, the enemies' defensive properties, and the environment (e.g.
your RG tends to be much higher in warmer climates like the desert and much
lower in cooler areas such as the mountains or inside of caverns).

Under certain conditions, your RG will sometimes change to a predetermined

-Rush Burst (aka Rush Charge, RG=100): After being in this state for about 7
seconds --> RG will become 50.
-Cool Down (aka Cool Charge, RG=0): If you take any damage --> RG will
become 50.
-Poison: While poisoned, your RG will continue to rise. Even if cured, your
RG level will remain high.
-Frozen: The instant that you are freed (e.g. take damage) --> RG will
become 14.
-Panic/Stun: When you recover from being stunned --> RG will become 50.
-Burst Bottle: Right after you use one --> RG will become 100 (i.e. Rush
Burst/Rush Charge).

HP RECOVERY                                                          [GAMa04]

You can increase your HP Recovery by using Annie's Skill Life Materia,
lowering your RG, equipping jewels, Enhancing the HP Recovery Stat on your
armors, having HP Recovery LAs (e.g. HP Heal Up) on your armors, using a
Lime Gummi, and fiddling with your battle formation. Ways to directly
recover HP include cooking, taking advantage of certain Force Cube Effects
(e.g. Heal), using HP Restoring Gummies (e.g. Apple, Peach, Grape), and
having HP Restoring LAs on your armors (e.g. HP +6%).

PART B: ADVANCED BATTLE TECHNIQUES                                   [GAMb00]
Finally put a video together for this. You can either read this first or
watch the video. This has more details in it, but the video has some visual
and auditory cues that I can't exactly describe here, so it's your call.


TECHNICAL SMASH                                                      [GAMb01]

A Technical Smash (TS) is another way for the game to evaluate your fighting
performance. Like Grade, certain criteria must be met before you are awarded
a TS. Here they are in order from least to most difficult:

-Burst: Defeat an enemy while your RG=100. TS % Boost=2
-# Chains: Defeat an enemy with a combo attack. For example, if you kill an
enemy after doing a normal 3 chain combo attack + a Skill --> 4 Chains.
If you kill an enemy after doing a normal 3 chain combo attack + a Skill +
an Ougi --> 5 Chains. If you kill an enemy after doing a 4 chain combo attack
(say you activated the SF for Risotto) + a Skill + an Ougi --> 6 Chains.
TS % Boost= [2x(number of combo attacks)] divided by 8 (Notice that # has to
be greater than or equal to 4 before you are given a TS Boost). By the way,
the game does round up any time there's a decimal (so 5 Chains gives you +3%).
-# Group: Defeat a group of enemies at the same time with a single attack.
If you defeat 2 enemies at once --> 2 Group. TS % Boost= [2x(number of
enemies killed at the same time)] minus 1.
-No Damage: Defeat an enemy without taking any damage from that particular
enemy. TS % Boost=1
-High Speed: Defeat an enemy within 5 seconds of the start of the battle.
TS % Boost=1
-Triangle: Attack an enemy with an attack chain consisting of 3 different
strikes (i.e. push the directional pad in 3 different directions when
pressing the CIRCLE button), and defeat the enemy on the third strike. For
example, CIRCLE, CIRCLE + Up, CIRCLE + Back ---> kills the enemy. TS %
-Cool: Defeat an enemy while your RG=0. TS % Boost=4
-Finality: Defeat an enemy with a Hi-Ougi. TS % Boost=7

So what do all these TS % Boosts do anyway? Well, there's a guy in Minal who
gives you items for completing your Battle Book data, which includes item
drops from enemies (See Sub Event #2 for details). Among those items that he
gives you are some talismans for Veigue which give him access to Skills that
he normally can't use (e.g. Demon Fang). You also earn a title for finishing
150 entries. The main purpose of those TS % Boosts is to increase your item
drop rate (TS also slightly increases the amount of Smash Points that you
gain from using a Skill, but it's nothing to write home about). So say that
my normal item acquisition rate was 10% and I managed to get 5 Chains, No
Damage, and Triangle for one of the enemies. My TS % Boost was 1+1+2=4%, so
my new item drop rate for that particular enemy would have been 14%. This can
be important for completing the data for some of those more rare encounters
(*coughCyglorg'sChamberscough*) if you don't like to use the LAs Robber Item
and Dacoity Item.

GRADE                                                                [GAMb02]

There are 8 different criteria for earning Grade, and each of them are worth
a certain amount of base Grade depending on the difficulty of the conditions.
Here's the format that I'm going to use to list the criteria:

[Type of Grade Bonus (Base Grade Earned): Description of Criteria]

10 HITS OVER! (1.20): You must execute a combo consisting of at least 11 hits.
25 HITS OVER! (5.00): You must execute a combo consisting of at least 26 hits.
5 CHAIN FINISH! (2.00): Defeat an enemy with a 5+ Chain Combo (usually normal
                       3 Chain Attack + Skill + Ougi)...see the section on
                       Technical Smashes above if this doesn't make sense.
FULLHP FINISH! (1.40): Everyone in the party must have full life at the end
                       of the battle.
NO DAMAGE FINISH! (1.60): You must defeat all of the enemies without taking a
                          single point of damage (i.e. you cannot block any
                          attacks either since you still take damage...I'm
                          assuming that you aren't using the Silver Gauntlet
10 SECONDS FINISH! (2.30): Finish the battle within 10 seconds or less.
30 SECONDS FINISH! (1.00): Finish the battle within 30 seconds or less.
NO GUARDED FINISH! (1.20): Defeat all of the enemies without letting any of
                           them guard against your attacks.

The amount of Grade that you earn also depends on your Battle Rank. The
higher the Rank, the more Grade you will earn. These are the various
multipliers for each level of difficulty:

Easy= 0.8
Normal= 1.0
Hard= 1.2
Mania= 1.4
Unknown= 1.6

To calculate the maximum amount of Grade that you could earn, you simply
multiply the Base Grade Earned by the multiplier for your Battle Rank. So for
instance, a 10 SECONDS FINISH! could give you 1.84 Grade on Easy, 2.30 Grade
on Normal, 2.76 Grade on Hard, 3.22 Grade on Mania, and 3.68 Grade on
Unknown. Notice how I said it was the max Grade possible; despite popular
belief, you can lose Grade in Rebirth; the game docks off Grade points for
certain actions such as using items. However, the total amount of Grade that
you receive for the battle will never go below zero. So no negative Grade for
you; instead, you get the sad Fanfare A at the end of the battle. *sniff*
Also, the amount of Grade that you receive for boss/event battles is
multiplied by 10, so the same criteria that would give you 5.0 Grade in a
normal battle would give you a whopping 50 Grade during a boss fight.

I have some theories about how the Grade deductions are calculated, but I
didn't get this information from the official guide or any other reliable
source. So, uh, don't fillet me if my calculations are a bit off or if I'm
just plain wrong. All of my speculation is the stuff is sort of sectioned
off so you know what to igno...er, take with a grain of salt.

Using an item: -0.08 Grade per item used (-0.80 for boss battles)
Dying: Apparently, there is no Grade deduction.

After playing around with my PSP playthrough, I think I've finally figured the
Grade deductions out. Oddly enough, there's no deduction for dying, so it looks
like the game only docks you if you use an item. Wasting items is a bigger
offense than wasting your life, it seems. *shrugs*
Okay, back to the kosher stuff. For you Grade farmers out there, you
cannot earn a buttload of Grade in Rebirth by picking on the weakest enemies
in the game for hours on end (and don't any of you try to deny it either!).
Each area has a "set" amount of Grade that you can earn, and you can check
what fraction of Grade you have earned for any particular section by looking
at the second choice under the "Battle Book" option on the main menu. Rebirth
does not reward players who tend to repeat their actions either; once you
have earned Grade for a particular set of enemies, you can't earn more Grade
by meeting the same criteria for that set of enemies. For example, say I have
the following sets of enemies:

Set A: 2 birds
Set B: 1 plant and 1 bug
Set C: 3 birds

Suppose I earn the FULLHP FINISH! bonus while fighting Set A. I get my
1.something Grade and everything's dandy. However, even if I met Set A again
and finished the battle with everyone at full life, I wouldn't get a FULLHP
FINISH! because I've already met that criteria for this set of enemies. But I
could still get FULLHP FINISHES! for Sets B and C since I haven't met that
criteria yet. In other words, it is possible to earn all 8 Grade Bonuses for
every unique set of enemies for a particular area, but each Bonus can only
be "redeemed" once per set of enemies; this is why every area has a finite
amount of Grade.

So say that there are 10 unique sets of enemies in a particular area. There are
8 different Grade requirements per enemy set and if we just assume each Grade
requirement to be equal to 1 (for the sake of simplicity), then the total
amount of available Grade for this area would be 10*8=80. This is similar to
how our Grade earnings for a certain section are shown in the Battle Book. To
view this list, go to the Battle Book option on the main menu (the center one
on the bottom row) and scroll down to the second line. You see a whole bunch
of fractions off to the right side, yes? This indicates a ratio of how much
Grade you've earned over the total amount of Grade available for each area of
the game. If you're really masochistic, you can max out your Grade earnings
for each section, but you shouldn't have to unless you're trying to buy
everything in the Grade shop on your first playthrough (which might not even
be possible, but I'm too lazy to sit here and add that many numbers up).

You may be thinking to yourself, well if Grade earnings are dependent on the
enemy set, then how do I know when I've earned all of the Grade for any given
set? Well, this is where the tutorial video comes in handy. There are 3
different battle fanfares that play depending on your Grade earnings for that
set of enemies. Fanfare A will play if you failed to meet any new criteria for
that enemy set, and there are criteria that are still left to be met. For my
sanity, I'm going to refer to the criteria as criterias A-H instead of listing
the full names from here on. So say that I meet enemy set A as listed above
(2 birds) for the first time and I met Criterias A, B, and D for this set(I'm
going to refer to this situation as EXAMPLE A).

If I fight set A again and I meet Criteria B again, then I'll get Fanfare A.
If I were to fight Set A a third time and I failed to meet any of the
requirements for Criterias C, E, F, G, or H, then I would hear Fanfare A too.
Should I bump into Set A yet a fourth round and met Criterias A, B, and D, but
not C, E, F, G, or H, I'd still get Fanfare A. Basically, Fanfare A is telling
me that I suck. Well, not necessarily, but it IS saying that there's at least
one Criteria for Set A that I just haven't met the requirements for yet.

Okay, back to EXAMPLE A. Say I meet Set A and I meet Criterias A and F; I
would then hear Fanfare B. For the most part, Fanfare B indicates that I met
at least one new Criteria for this set of enemies (there is one exception to
this, but I'll talk about that in a little bit). Notice that it doesn't matter
whether I met a Criteria that I had met previously (in this case, Criteria A).

Returning to EXAMPLE A. Pretend like I'm having a stellar playing day and I
meet Criterias C, E, F, G, and H in one battle. I would then hear the elusive
Fanfare C, which only plays once you've met all 8 criteria for a given set of
enemies. Keep in mind that you don't have to meet the criteria all in one
battle...I'm just giving this example because it saves me some typing. Also
note that Fanfare C will only play at the end of the battle where the last of
the criteria is/are met. If you meet Set A again after you've met all 8 Grade
requirements, then Fanfare B will play instead, but NO GRADE WILL BE EARNED.
In other words, no matter how many more times I meet Set A or how many
criteria I may meet again, I won't get squat in terms of Grade. In essence,
you've already earned all of the Grade that Set A had to offer.

And before anyone starts panicking, the available Grade for each area resets
when you begin a new playthrough, so you're not totally screwed if you're good
at earning Grade. That being said though, since Grade is limited, it's best to
play on the most challenging difficulty level that you can if you want to get
the most bang for your buck (particularly for those boss fights) because of
the way the Grade multipliers work. However, if you just can't get a NO DAMAGE
FINISH! on Unknown for a set of enemies no matter how hard you try, you may
want to consider toning down the difficulty to Mania or Hard and see if you
can meet the Robinso...er, criteria that way. After all, some Grade is better
than none, right?

HI-OUGIS                                                             [GAMb03]

Similar to Technical Smashes and Grade: Hi-Ougis have certain requirements
which must be met before they are "bestowed" upon the player. You won't be
able to manually execute a Hi-Ougi until after a particular point in the
storyline (after your sixth and final member joins your main party). First
off, there's a hidden counter that the game keeps which must reach 100 before
you are able to use a Hi-Ougi. You gain 7 "Hi-Ougi" points every time a Latent
Ability on your equipment awakens, and you receive 3 points when you avoid
taking large amounts of damage during battle.

The second requirement is that there must be only one enemy remaining on the
battlefield. The Hi-Ougis are meant to end the battle (hence the Finality
Charge Break! part), so it won't trigger if you have 3 or 4 little monsters
running around.

The third requirement is that the characters who are capable of performing
a Hi-Ougi must be able to take action. In other words, if your mage is in the
process of chanting or your fighter has been stunned/frozen/negative status
ailmented, you won't be able to pull off a Hi-Ougi. I believe that this also
implies that at least one of your characters who is going to be involved with
the Hi-Ougi must be close to the enemy.

The fourth and final requirement is that if you're fighting a Boss, he/she/it
must have less than 10% of its total life remaining before the Hi-Ougi will
be available (assuming that you still meet the first 3 requirements when that

There are 3 things that can cause your Hi-Ougi counter to reset (i.e. become
zero). In other words, you will lose your Hi-Ougi if you do any of the

1) If you wait more than 1 minute to press the X button after the Finality
   Charge Break! message appears on the screen.
2) *If you use an item.
3) If one of the characters that was going to be a part of the Hi-Ougi dies
   during the battle.

*I'm not so sure about this one based on personal experience since I've had
Hi-Ougis trigger shortly after using an item. Maybe it depends on who
actually uses the item?

On the flip side, you can trigger Hi-Ougis more easily by doing as such:

1) Use equipment that have Latent Abilities with high Awakening Rates.
2) Directly control the character that you want to do the Hi-Ougi with.
3) Stay within close proximity of the character who will be your partner
   for the Hi-Ougi.

One more random note: an enemy glows red when it has less than 25% of its
total HP remaining (it looks different from a Rush Charge though). This is
an indication that the enemy is almost dead and thus helps you predict when
a Hi-Ougi may pop up.

PART C: ENHANCEMENT AND INHERITANCE                                  [GAMc00]

For this, I'm going to refer you to Gyser's FAQ and this video, which is
pretty much a shorter, moving version of the written FAQ:


Stuff that you'll see in the video are as follows: How to acquire EP and Bonus
EP, Enhance Basics and Latent Abilities, Inherit Basics, Normal vs Special
Inheritance, Special Inherit Effects, and Irregular Equipment. There is one
error that I noticed recently...in the video, I mistakenly wrote that the
Normal Inheritance for your Latent Ability (LA) will increase the Awakening
Rate for that particular LA (i.e. you would have to get the same LA again in
order to get any benefit from the Inheritance). What I SHOULD have said is
that the Normal Inheritance will boost the Awakening Rate of whatever LA is on
the piece of equipment that is created from or enhanced by the Inheritance.

So for example, say that piece of equipment A has the LA x2 Damage and that it
would normally start with an Awakening Rate of 5.23%. If you Inherited piece B
that had 5 Enhancements on the Awakening Rate of its LA (let's just say it's
FG Heal, but it could be anything) into piece A and a Normal Inheritance
occurred, then the Awakening Rate for the LA x2 Damage on piece A would now be
something like 6.45% when it comes out.

I received a request to list the Kanji for the Latent Abilities so that it
would be easier to identify them in-game. Gyser has already written a thorough
guide on the subject, so this is intended to be used just as a quick
reference; if you want more details, go check out his ToR Enhance-Inherit FAQ.
Gyser gave me permission to borrow portions of his FAQ, so the English
translations for the LAs are based on his guide for the most part. The format
for this is self-explanatory, so here goes.

WEAPON LATENT ABILITIES                                              [GAMc01]

1. ダメ一ジ2倍(x2 DAMAGE): Normal attacks and Skills will deal 2x the damage
2. 自分のRG-20(RG -20): Lowers your own RG by 20
3. 敵のけぞり時間+0.5秒(HOLD +0.5): Extends the period an enemy is immobile
                                      after being hit by 0.5 seconds
4. ダメ一ジに比例したHP回復(HEAL HP): Recover HP equal to half of the damage
                                       dealt to the enemy
5. アイテムを盗む(ROBBER ITEM): Steals item from the enemy; limit is one item
                               per enemy
6. 敵のRG-30(RG -30): Lowers the enemy's RG by 30
7. 敵の攻撃力を減少させる(MINUS ATK): Lowers the enemy's Slash & Thrust Attack
                                   Power for 15 seconds
8. 熱毒の追加効果(POISON): Inflicts the enemy with Poison for 12 seconds
9. ダメ一ジ3倍(x3 DAMAGE): Normal attacks and Skills will deal 3x the damage
10. 自分のFGの1つが少量回復(FG HEAL): The FG that is least full will recover
                                        100 Force Units; if less than 100 FG is
                                        missing, then no recovery will occur
11. 恐慌の追加効果(PANIC): Inflicts the enemy with Panic for 15 seconds
12. 敵の術攻撃力を減少させる(MINUS MIND): Lowers the enemy's Skill Attack Power
                                         for 15 seconds
13. 敵の防御力を減少させる(MINUS DEF): Lowers the enemy's Slash & Thrust
                                      Defense Power for 15 seconds
14. 気絶させる(PIYO): Inflicts the enemy with Piyo/Stun, enemy cannot take
                      action while in this state
15. 衰弱の追加効果(WEAK): Inflicts the enemy with Weak for 20 seconds
16. マヒの追加効果(PARALYZE): Inflicts the enemy with Paralyze for 12 seconds
17. ダメ一ジ4倍(x4 DAMAGE): Normal attacks and Skills will deal 4x the damage
18. 敵の術防御力を減少させる(MINUS REGIST): Lowers the enemy's Skill Defense
                                           Power for 15 seconds
19. 凍結の追加効果(FREEZE): Inflicts the enemy with Freeze for 4 seconds
20. 通常攻撃連携数+1(ATKCHAIN +1): Increases your Normal Attack Chain by 1
21. 自分のFGの1つが大回復(FG CURE): The FG that is least full will recover
                                      200 Force Units; if less than 200 FG is
                                      missing, then no recovery will occur
22. 鈍足の追加効果(SLOW): Inflicts the enemy with Slow for 12 seconds
23. 連続ヒット数+2(HITS +2): Boosts the hit count of that attack by 2
24. 弱い敵を一撃で倒す(SMASH!): Defeats enemies that are 10 or more levels
                               below you in one blow
25. 衝撃波が追加発生(SHOCK WAVE): Attack creates a shock wave which affects
                                 adjacent lines
26. 敵のけぞり時間+1.5秒(HOLD +1.5): Extends the period an enemy is immobile
                                      after being hit by 1.5 seconds
27. 高確率でアイテムを盗む(DACOITY ITEM): Steals item from the enemy with a
                                         high probability; limit is one item
                                         per enemy
28. 与えたダメ一ジの8倍を吸収(CURE HP): Recover HP equal to 8 times the damage
                                        dealt to the enemy
29. 通常攻撃連携数+3(ATKCHAIN +3): Increases your Normal Attack Chain by 3
30. FG全回復(FG CHARGE): All FGs will recover an amount equal to (Max FG-1)
31. ダメ一ジ32倍(x32 DAMAGE): Normal attacks and Skills will deal 32x the
32. 自分と敵のRGが1になる(RG 1): Both the enemy's and your own RG will become
                                   1 regardless of your current RG level

ARMOR LATENT ABILITIES                                               [GAMc02]

1. 防御時:自分のRGが50になる(RG 50): Your own RG becomes 50 when you
                                         successfully guard against an attack
2. 防御時:HPが3%回復(HP +3%): Recover 3% of your max HP when you guard
                                  against an attack
3. 物理ダメ一ジ時:50%に軽減(PHY HIT 50%): When taking a physical attack
                                            (i.e. Slash or Thrust attack), the
                                             damage received is reduced by 50%
4. 術ダメ一ジ時:50%に軽減(MIN HIT 50%): When taking a magical attack, the
                                           damage received is reduced by 50%
5. 状態異常:低確率で打ち消す(VANISH EFFECT): Low probability of recovery after
                                             being inflicted w/ status ailment
6. 防御時:FGの1つが回復(FG HEAL): The most empty FG recovers 40 Force Units
                                     when you successfully guard against an
                                     attack; if less than 40 Force Units are
                                     missing, then no recovery will occur
7. 防御時:防御力が上昇(DEF UP): Your Slash and Thrust Defense Power will
                                increase for 15 seconds after you successfully
                                guard against an attack
8. 防御時:攻撃力が上昇(ATK UP): Your Slash and Thrust Attack Power will
                                increase for 15 seconds after you successfully
                                guard against an attack
9. 能力減少効果:中確率で打ち消す(VANISH DRAIN): Moderate probability of
                                                recovery after being inflicted
                                                by a stat-reducing effect
                                                (e.g. Defense Down)
10. 防御時:術防御力が上昇(REGIST UP): Your Skill Defense Power will increase
                                      for 15 seconds after you successfully
                                      guard against an attack
11. 落下時:自動で受身を取る(PASSIVE): You will automatically recover from a
                                      fall (as opposed to landing flat on your
                                      back like you usually do)
12. 防御時:術攻撃力が上昇(MIND UP): Your Skill Attack Power will increase for
                                    15 seconds after you successfully guard
                                    against an attack
13. 勝利時:最大HPが1増える(MAXHP +1): Your Max HP will increase by 1 after
                                         winning a battle
14. 状態異常:中確率で打ち消す(VANISH EFFECT): Moderate probability of recovery
                                              after being inflicted w/ status
15. 防御時:HP回復力が上昇(HPHEAL UP): Your HP Recovery will increase for 15
                                        seconds after you successfully guard
                                        against an attack
16. 防御時:HPが6%回復(HP +6%): Recover 6% of your max HP when you guard
                                   against an attack
17. 防御時:4つFGが少し回復(FG HEAL): All of your FGs will recover 20 Force
                                        Units after you successfully guard
                                        against an attack
18. 物理ダメ一ジ時:1%に軽減(PHY HIT 1%): When taking a physical attack
                                           (i.e. Slash or Thrust attack), the
                                           damage received is reduced by 99%
19. 術ダメ一ジ時:1%に軽減(MIN HIT 1%): When taking a magical attack, the
                                         damage received is reduced by 1%
20. 能力減少効果:高確率で打ち消す(VANISH DRAIN): High probability of recovery
                                                after being inflicted by a
                                                stat-reducing effect
                                                (e.g. Defense Down)
21. 気絶を回避(STUN GUARD): Enables you to avoid being piyoed/stunned
22. 物理ダメ一ジ時:自動防御(AUTO DEFFEND): You will automatically defend
                                           against Slash & Thrust Attacks
23. アイテム利用時:HP回復量2倍(ITEMHEAL x2): HP Recovery from items will
                                                increase by a factor of 2
24. 戦闘不能時:HP1で生き残る(REVIVE): After you've been incapacitated, you
                                         will remain alive with 1 hit point
25: 瀕死時:HP20%回復(HP +20%): You will recover 20% of your max HP when
                                    your current HP has dropped below 10%
26. 防御時:約3秒間敵の攻撃無効(FLASH): You will be invincible for about 3
                                        seconds after you successfully guard
                                        against an attack
27: 防御時:ダメ一ジを跳ね返す(SORN DAMAGE): Repels 50% of the damage taken
                                            back to the enemy
28. 防御時:HPが30%回復(HP +30%): Recover 30% of your max HP when you guard
                                      against an attack
29. 状態異常:高確率で打ち消す(VANISH EFFECT): High probability of recovery
                                              after being inflicted w/ status
30. 物理攻撃にのけぞらない(PENETRATE): You won't be thrown back after taking a
                                      physical attack (i.e. Slash or Thrust
31. 術攻撃にのけぞらない(PENETRATE): You won't be thrown back after taking a
                                    magical attack

KANJI FOR NORMAL INHERITANCE                                          [GAMc03]

Note that this section (and the following one) contains no explanations for
Inheritance, just the Kanji and the English translations for them. The default
Kanji is for your weapons; the Kanji that's applicable for your armors is
listed in [brackets].

a) 斬撃攻撃力[斬撃防御力]が更に上昇!
   You received an extra boost in Slash Attack Power [Slash Defense Power]!
b) 打撃攻撃力[打撃防御力]が更に上昇!
   You received an extra boost in Thrust Attack Power [Thrust Defense Power]!
c) 術攻撃力[術防御力]が更に上昇!
   You received an extra boost in Skill Attack Power [Skill Defense Power]!
d) FG回復力[HP回復力]が更に上昇!
   You received an extra boost in FG Recovery [HP Recovery]!
e) 覚醒率が更に上昇!
   You received an extra boost in your Awakening Rate!

KANJI FOR SPECIAL INHERITANCE                                         [GAMc04]

a) 潜在能力が覚醒しやすくなった!
   The cost of awakening the Latent Ability has become cheaper!
b) 継承武具能力が付与されました!
   The EP Consumption has been reduced!
c) エンハンス最大レベルが上昇!
   The highest level of Enhancement has gone up!
d) エンハンスポイント取得!
   You've acquired EP!
e) 潜在能力を継承!
   You've inherited the Latent Ability!

PART D: TACTICS AND FORMATION                                        [GAMd00]
Again, I'm going to redirect you to Spekio's FAQ (although there are a few
errors here and there for this section) and my video:


Topics covered by the video include Basic controls on the Tactics screen,
Explanations for character AI settings, Stats and their relative Stat Boosts,
Suggestions for Battle Formations.

PART E: COOKING                                                      [GAMe00]
Yeps, I got another video for you. Most of this I learned from personal
experience, but you can also check out Spekio's FAQ for some of the
menu translations:


The video covers the following topics: Basic Controls, Obtaining Ingredients,
Food Tickets, Farm Fresh Groceries, the Magical Pot, Toppings, Added Cooking
Effects, Secret Factors, and translations for all 24 recipes. So if you know
all about those things already, well, then good for you. You may have a piece
of peach pie.

6) Translations                                                      [TRA000]
PART A: RECIPE TRANSLATIONS                                          [TRAa00]
If you already know how to cook and junk, then this video has just the
translations for the 24 recipes (ingredients, effects, Secret Factors,
the whole kitten kaboodle):


For those of you who are sick of me sending you here, there, and everywhere, I
have reproduced the recipe translations a little further down. See, I can be
nice too sometimes. Anything written in ALL CAPS represents Romaji. If you
can't read Katakana or Hiragana (or if your computer won't display them
properly), you can type the Romaji into this website and it'll spit out the
corresponding Japanese for you (so you know what ingredients you are buying
when you play the game): Kudos goes to Rose to pointing out this great site!


Or you can just look at what's written in this FAQ. Whatever floats your
yacht. Also, I'll be numbering these in order of appearance on the Cooking
screen, not the order that you receive them. The format appears below:

Ex. Name of Recipe in Japanese (name in Romaji, translated English name)
N. Ing. (Necessary Ingredients): Ing. in Japanese (Romaji, English)
BCE (Basic Cooking Effects): Translation of effects
SF (Secret Factor): Translation of SF
ACE (Added Cooking Effects): a) Topping 1, translation of corresponding effect
                             b) Topping 2, translation of corresponding effect
                             c) Topping 3, translation of corresponding effect
Notes (if any): Suggestions for how recipes can be used to your advantage.
Quick note: the 2nd ACE will typically add to the BCE. For example, if I use
the 2nd topping for Carbonara, I'd get the following effects for the next
battle: HP Rec. 35%, RG +4, Protection against Paralysis for 1 minute (BCE),
Protection against Slow for 1 minute (2nd ACE). However, in certain cases,
the 2nd ACE will simply replace the last BCE listed. For example, with the
Curry Rice, adding octopus would give you HP Rec. 30%, RG +10, and complete
recovery of 2 FGs (not 1 FG or 3FGs).

Sound good? Okay, then without further ado...

1. クリ一ム ス一プ (KURIIMU SUUPU, Cream Soup)
N. Ing.: ミルク (MIRUKU, milk), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot),
         ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato)
BCE: HP Rec. 15%, RG +6
SF: Acquired Gald x2
ACE: a) チキン (CHIKIN, chicken)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 3%
     b) ブレッド (BUREDDO, bread)- Complete Recovery of 1 FG
     c) ライス (RAISU, rice)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

2. ハンバ一ガ一 (HANBAAGAA, hamburger)
N. Ing.: ブレッド (BUREDDO, bread), ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef),
         レタス (RETASU, lettuce)
BCE: HP Rec. 15%, RG +3, Complete Recovery of 1 FG
SF: Enhance Points +10
ACE: a) チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 5%
     b) タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)- Protection against Poison for 1 minute
     c) トマト (TOMATO, tomato)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: The EP bonus given by the SF is not too bad especially since you get
the recipe pretty early on.

3. サンドイッチ (SANDOICCHI, sandwich)
N. Ing.: ブレッド (BUREDDO, bread), レタス (RETASU, lettuce),
         タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)
BCE: HP Rec. 20%, RG -3
SF: Poisons all enemies
ACE: a) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 4%
     b) キュウリ (KYUURI, cucumber)- Protection against Paralysis for 1 minute
     c) ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

4. フル一ツポンチ (FURUUTSUPONCHI, fruit punch)
N. Ing.: イチゴ (ICHIGO, strawberry), バナナ (BANANA, banana),
         キウイ (KIUI, kiwi)
BCE: HP Rec. 20%, Protection against Poison for 1 minute
SF: Freezes all enemies
ACE: a) ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 7%
     b) リンゴ (RINGO, apple)- RG becomes 5
     c) レモン (REMON, lemon)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: This SF is awesome for No Damage, Full HP, 10 Second, and 30 Second

5. 唐揚げ (KARAAGE, fried chicken)
N. Ing.: レモン (REMON, lemon), チキン (CHIKIN, chicken), イカ (IKA, squid)
BCE: HP Rec. 20%, RG +4
SF: Halves all damage
ACE: a) タコ (TAKO, octopus)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 6%
     b) エビ (EBI, shrimp)- 10 seconds of invincibility at beginning of battle
     c) とうふ (TOUFU, tofu)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: The second ACE is awesome for No Damage, Full HP, 10 Second, and 30
Second Finishs, plus you can control when it activates (unlike the SFs).
Works great for bosses as well...sometimes you can even take them out before
the effect wears off if you have some x32 Damage weapons.

6. リゾット (RIZOTTO, risotto)
N. Ing.: ライス (RAISU, rice), チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese), ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)
BCE: HP Rec. 25%, RG +7
SF: Normal Attack Chain Combo +1
ACE: a) チキン (CHIKIN, chicken)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 10%
     b) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- Complete recovery of 2 FG
     c) イカ (IKA, squid)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: The only time I've found the SF for this recipe to be helpful is when
I was trying to earn 5 Chain Finishes in earlier areas like Sulz. This let me
finish them off with a Skill instead of an Ougi, but it wasn't exactly what
I'd call a really efficient way of doing things.

7. カレ一ライス (KAREERAISU, curry rice)
N. Ing.: ライス (RAISU, rice), ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato),
         ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot), ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)
BCE: HP Rec. 30%, RG +10, Complete Recovery of 1 FG
SF: Weakens all enemies
ACE: a) リンゴ (RINGO, apple)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 8%
     b) タコ (TAKO, octopus)- Complete Recovery of 2 FGs
     c) ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

8. オムライス (OMURAISU, omelet rice)
N. Ing.: タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg), ライス (RAISU, rice), タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion)
         チキン (CHIKIN, chicken)
BCE: HP Rec. 30%, RG -4
SF: Inflicts all enemies with Panic
ACE: a) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 6%
     b) トマト (TOMATO, tomato)- Protection against Panic for 1 minute
     c) チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

9. 野菜サラダ (YASAISARADA, vegetable salad)
N. Ing.: キュウリ (KYUURI, cucumber), レタス (RETASU, lettuce),
         ダイコン (DAIKON, radish), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot)
BCE: HP Rec. 30%, RG -6
SF: RG Charge Speed x2
ACE: a) タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 11%
     b) シャケ (SHAKE, salmon)- Protection against Weak for 1 minute
     c) とうふ (TOUFU, tofu)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

10. カルボナ一ラ (KARUBONAARA, carbonara)
N. Ing.: パスタ (PASUTA, pasta), チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese), タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg),
         バタ一 (BATAA, butter)
BCE: HP Rec. 35%, RG +4, Protection against Paralysis for 1 minute
SF: Negates Status Reduction (e.g. Defense Down)
ACE: a) ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 6%
     b) ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)- Protection against Slow for 1 minute
     c) イカ (IKA, squid)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

11. ハンバ一グ (HANBAAGU, hamburger steak)
N. Ing.: ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef), ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato),
         タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot)
BCE: HP Rec. 35%, RG +3, Protection against Slow for 1 minute
SF: Negates Status Ailments
ACE: a) ダイコン (DAIKON, radish)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 4%
     b) タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)- Protection against Freeze for 1 minute
     c) とうふ (TOUFU, tofu)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

12. ミ一トロ一フ (MIITOROOFU, meatloaf)
N. Ing.: ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef), タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion),
         タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg), ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)
BCE: HP Rec. 40%
SF: Item Acquisition Probability x2
ACE: a) パスタ (PASUTA, pasta)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 5%
     b) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- RG becomes 70
     c) イチゴ (ICHIGO, strawberry)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: SF can be useful for completing your Battle Book data.

13. ミ一トソ一ス (MIITOSOOSU, spaghetti w/ meat sauce)
N. Ing.: パスタ (PASUTA, pasta), ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef),
         タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion), トマト (TOMATO, tomato),
         ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot)
BCE: HP Rec. 45%, RG +4
SF: Paralyzes all enemies
ACE: a) チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 6%
     b) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- Complete Recovery of 3 FGs
     c) ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

14. 海鮮グラタン (KAISENGURATAN, seafood gratin)
N. Ing.: エビ (EBI, shrimp), イカ (IKA, squid), タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion),
         チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese), ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)
BCE: HP Rec. 45%, RG +8, Protection against Weak for 1 minute
SF: Inflicts all enemies with Slow
ACE: a) タイ (TAI, sea bream)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 12%
     b) シャケ (SHAKE, salmon)- Damage Received Reduced by 10%
     c) マグロ (MAGURO, tuna)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

15. フル一ツチ一ズ (FURUUTSUCHIIZU, fruit cheese)
N. Ing.: チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese), バナナ (BANANA, banana),
         イチゴ (ICHIGO, strawberry), キウイ (KIUI, kiwi),
         リンゴ (RINGO, apple)
BCE: HP Rec. 50%, RG -10, Complete Recovery of 3 FGs
SF: Enhance Points +30
ACE: a) ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 10%
     b) レモン (REMON, lemon)- 30 seconds into the battle --> FG +200
     c) ミソ (MISO, miso)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: This SF is wonderful if you are into Enhancement/Inheritance. The 2nd
ACE could be useful for boss battles.

16. ボルシチ (BORUSHICHI, borscht)
N. Ing.: ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef), ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato),
         タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot),
         トマト (TOMATO, tomato)
BCE: HP Rec. 50%, RG +9, Protection against Freeze for 1 minute
SF: Halves Chanting Time
ACE: a) レモン (REMON, lemon)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 5%
     b) リンゴ (RINGO, apple)- 30 seconds into the battle --> HP +30%
     c) ブレッド (BUREDDO, bread)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: The 2nd ACE could be useful for boss battles.

17. ポテトサラダ (POTETOSARADA, potato salad)
N. Ing.: ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato), キュウリ (KYUURI, cucumber),
         ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot), レタス (RETASU, lettuce),
         タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion)
BCE: HP Rec. 60%, RG -5
SF: Activate Ougis Regardless of RG
ACE: a) パスタ (PASUTA, pasta)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 13%
     b) タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)- Complete Recovery of all FGs
     c) トマト (TOMATO, tomato)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: The SF would be nice for bosses like Eephon who lower your RG when
they block your attack.

18. パエリア (PAERIA, paella)
N. Ing.: ライス (RAISU, rice), タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion), イカ (IKA, squid),
         エビ (EBI, shrimp), チキン (CHIKIN, chicken)
BCE: HP Rec. 65%, RG +8, Protection against Panic for 1 minute
SF: Acquired Experience x2
ACE: a) レモン (REMON, lemon)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 9%
     b) バタ一 (BATAA, butter)- 10 secs of invincibility at start of battle
     c) トマト (TOMATO, tomato)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: Same deal as the Fried Chicken...the second ACE is awesome for No
Damage, Full HP, 10 Second, and 30 Second Finishes, plus you can control
when it activates (unlike the SFs). Works great for bosses as well...
sometimes you can even take them out before the effect wears off if you have
some x32 Damage weapons.

19. 舟盛り (FUNAZAKARI, ship's prime)
N. Ing.: マグロ (MAGURO, tuna), タイ (TAI, sea bream), イカ (IKA, squid),
         シャケ (SHAKE, salmon), タコ (TAKO, octopus), エビ (EBI, shrimp)
BCE: HP Rec. 70%, 30 seconds into the battle --> FG +200
SF: Item Acquisition Rate x5
ACE: a) ダイコン (DAIKON, radish)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 4%
     b) レモン (REMON, lemon)- RG becomes 5
     c) ライス (RAISU, rice)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: Like the Meatloaf, but better...SF can be useful for completing
your Battle Book data.

20. グラスパ (GURASUPA, grand spaghetti)
N. Ing.: パスタ (PASUTA, pasta), ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef), チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese),
         トマト (TOMATO, tomato), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot),
         ミルク (MIRUKU, milk)
BCE: HP Rec. 70%, RG +5, Damage Received Reduced by 10%
SF: Stuns all enemies
ACE: a) ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 8%
     b) エビ (EBI, shrimp)- Complete Recovery of all FGs
     c) イカ (IKA, squid)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

21. マ一ボ一カレ一 (MAABOOKAREE, marbled curry)
N. Ing.: とうふ (TOUFU, tofu), ライス (RAISU, rice),
         タマネギ (TAMANEGI, onion), ニンジン (NINJIN, carrot),
         ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato), ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)
BCE: HP Rec. 75%, Damage Dealt Up 10%
SF: Acquired Gald x5
ACE: a) リンゴ (RINGO, apple)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 11%
     b) ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef)- RG becomes 70
     c) ミソ (MISO, miso)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

22. みそおでん (MISOODEN, miso soup)
N. Ing.: ミソ (MISO, miso), とうふ (TOUFU, tofu), タマゴ (TAMAGO, egg)
         ダイコン (DAIKON, radish), シャケ (SHAKE, salmon),
         タコ (TAKO, octopus)
BCE: HP Rec. 75%, RG +10, 30 seconds into battle --> HP +30%
SF: Acquired Experience x4
ACE: a) ジャガイモ (JYAGAIMO, potato)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 10%
     b) ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)- Damage Dealt Up 10%
     c) タコ (TAKO, octopus)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

23. ゴ一ジャスサラダ (GOOJYASUSARADA, gorgeous salad)
N. Ing.: キュウリ (KYUURI, cucumber), レタス (RETASU, lettuce),
         トマト (TOMATO, tomato), タイ (TAI, sea bream), エビ (EBI, shrimp),
         ポ一ク (POOKU, pork)
BCE: HP Rec. 75%, RG becomes 5
SF: Negates Enemy Defense
ACE: a) シャケ (SHAKE, salmon)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 5%
     b) マグロ (MAGURO, tuna)- Damage Received Reduced by 10%
     c) ミソ (MISO, miso)- Increases chances of drawing out SF
Notes: Use this recipe if you are fighting enemies that guard a lot or if
you're aiming for those No Guarded Finishes.

24. スペシャルプザ (SUPESHARUPIZA, special pizza)
N. Ing.: ブレッド (BUREDDO, bread), チ一ズ (CHIIZU, cheese),
         トマト (TOMATO, tomato), レタス (RETASU, lettuce), エビ (EBI, shrimp),
         イカ (IKA, squid)
BCE: HP Rec. 85%, RG becomes 70
SF: All Damage Reduced by 90%
ACE: a) タコ (TAKO, octopus)- Increases HP Rec. by an extra 15%
     b) ビ一フ (BIIFU, beef)- 30 seconds into battle --> HP +30%
     c) パスタ (PASUTA, pasta)- Increases chances of drawing out SF

PART B: HI-OUGI TRANSLATIONS                                         [TRAb00]
If you want to see my Hi-Ougi Exhibition, here's the link:


And yes, I DO happen to take great pride in the fact that I completed all of
the Duel the Sun extensions by my lonesome! By the way, there IS an error in
the Hi-Ougi FAQ by Dopple32; you have to press X+CIRCLE+SQUARE+TRIANGLE+L2
11 times for the Blue Earth extension, not 10 times. I normally don't go out
of my way to point out errors besides my own, but I felt this one was worth

Ryuukometsugazan (Veigue + Annie)
Annie: The Gate of Purification is not to be disturbed!
Veigue: I see right through you!
Annie: Finishing strike!
Both: Ryuukometsugazan!!

Celcius Calibre (Veigue + Hilda)
Hilda: Looks like we'll have to settle this once and for all.
Veigue: Blade of Rending Ice!
Hilda: Blade of Conviction!
Veigue: I shall engrave this upon your very being!!
Both: Ougi!! Celcius Calibre!!

Inferno Drive (Eugene + Mao)
Mao: O crimson explosion, come dwell within us!
Eugene: The roaring blast of this demon spear shall burn everything to ashes!
Both: Hi-ougi!! Inferno Drive!!

Thousand Braver (Tytree + Hilda)
Hilda: O perpetual lighting of royal hue, come dwell within him!
Tytree: Take this, our final shot!
Both: Thousand Braver!!

Embrace End (Veigue + Mao)
Mao: Blaze brightly, o scarlet lotus!
Veigue: I shall put an end to your misery now!
Mao: Go!!
Both: Ougi! Embrace End!

Infinitia Strike (Tytree + Annie)
Tytree: Uoohhh!!
Annie: No matter what happens, I had no part in it!
Tytree: Here comes our Hi-Ougi!
Both: Infinitia Strike!!

Gurentenshou (Tytree + Mao)
Tytree: I'm counting on you, Mao!
Mao: Can you escape from this flame!
Tytree: Now's the time! I'll become a bird!
Both: Gurentenshou!!

Shouharekkousen (Eugene + Annie)
Annie: O great Force, bestow a miracle upon us!
Eugene: We risk everything on this single moment, a mere breath of infinity!
Both: Shouharekkousen!!

Duel the Sun (Eugene + Hilda)
Eugene: We shall agree to your appeal!
Hilda: Listen here, opening to the wonderful sky!
Eugene: Leave not a speck of dust behind!
Hilda: And fade away into the void!
Both: Duel the Sun!!

7) Word Puzzle Solutions                                             [WOR000]
Okay, I'm going to give you a couple of options here. I will type the
correct answers in Japanese, but I'm also going to include a link to a video
that literally shows you how to punch the answer in case some of you feel
that you need it (assuming that I've gotten to that point in the storyline
though, obviously). I've included the English translations too in case anyone
cares. It's a deal then!

1st Puzzle (Babilograd)
いとしきそら Beloved Sky
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kf7k8XCPrg (check around 6:50)

2nd Puzzle (Razilda, inside of the inn)
はた Flag (this is the solution shown in the video)
もんしょう Emblem/Crest (but this one works too)
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa5nBlyh2g4 (check around 2:45)

3rd Puzzle (Razilda, by the flower cart)
きせつ Season (shown in video)
さくきせつ Blooming Season (an alternative answer)
さくじき Blooming Period (another alternative answer)
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa5nBlyh2g4 (check around 6:28)
NOTE: This puzzle was removed from the PSP version of the game.

4th Puzzle (Nolzen)
カ一ド Cards (notice that the answer MUST be in Katakana)
タロット Tarot (notice the Katakana again)
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV75MW3Pkfs (check around 2:20)

8) Game Phases   !!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!                                  [PHA000]
This information is not too useful in and of itself, but I will be referring
to certain phases in the game for the next 3 sections. Basically, it keeps me
from repeating myself excessively. These phases are divided up as they appear
in the official strategy guide, so don't blame me if they seem a bit odd.
Also, I may have to smooth over the descriptions for some of the later phases
since I haven't gotten there on my current playthrough and my memory's a
tad fuzzy. There will be some SPOILERS in this section since I want to be as
specific as possible with the time frames, so you've been warned.

Phase 1: Sulz (from the start of the game until the first time you leave Sulz)
Phase 2: Great Larulen Bridge ~ Etoray Bridge (from the first meeting with
         The Dark Wings until the second time that you meet them)
Phase 3: Alvan Mountain Range (from when you first enter the mountains until
         the boss fight with REGUTAITO [Leg Tight?])
Phase 4: Minal Plains (from when you enter the area where it first starts
         raining until the boss fight with Annie)
Phase 5: Minal (from when you first enter Minal until Annie joins your party)
Phase 6: Forest Labyrinth (from when you first enter the forest until the
         boss fight with GURANBASUKU [Granbask?])
Phase 7: Petnadjanka (from when you first enter Petnadjanka until after you
         meet with Saleh)
Phase 8: Iron Factory (from when you first enter the factory until the boss
         fight with Tytree)
Phase 9: Toyohose Hostel (from when you first talk to Gugura until after you
         ride the raft/boat thing down the river)
Phase 10: Sannytown (from when you land in Sannytown until Hilda's "mom"
          tells you about the kidnapped girls)
Phase 11: Tel Alla Hostel (from when you first enter the hostel until the
          boss fight with Hilda)
Phase 12: Sannytown 2 (from when you bring Hilda to the inn until after
          you've switched to the Claire Side while you're leaving Sannytown)
Phase 13: Karez (from when you first enter Karez until Annie collapses)
Phase 14: Anikamal (from when you first enter Anikamal until Frantz tells you
          about the Oasis)
Phase 15: Oasis (from when you first enter the Oasis until you return to
          Anikamal to make the medicine)
Phase 16: Climbers' Cavern (from when you first enter the caverns until you
          make it to the area just before Babilograd)
Phase 17: Babilograd (from when you first enter the city until you ride the
Phase 18: Babilograd Harbor (from when you first reach the port until you
          board the boat)
Phase 19: Balka Harbor (from when you first arrive until after the old
          fortune-teller speaks to Veigue)
Phase 20: Balka (from when you first enter the city until you go to see Jibel.
Phase 21: Mesechina Caverns (from when you first enter the caverns until you
          return to Jibel's place after saving Hack)
Phase 22: Balka's Underground Passage (from when you first enter the
          passageway until you emerge in Karegia Castle)
Phase 23: Karegia Castle (from when you first enter the castle until you're
Phase 24: Balka Prison (from when you first wake up in the prison until you
          re-enter the castle for the second time)
Phase 25: Karegia Castle 2 (from when you re-enter the castle until the boss
          fight with Geyorkias)
Phase 26: Sulz ~ Petnadjanka (from when you gain control in Sulz until you
          join back up with Tytree)
Phase 27: Mesechina Caverns ~ Razilda Harbor (from when you meet Mao at the
          front of the cavern until you leave Razilda Harbor)
Phase 28: Razilda (from when you first enter the village until you receive
          the medicine for Eugene [Soul of Repose Pill/Pill of Serenity])
Phase 29: Mesechina Caverns 2 (from when you enter the caverns for the second
          time until after you've examined the stone tablets)
Phase 30: Razilda 2 (from when you enter the village for the second time until
          you figure out the location of the spring)
Phase 31: Shrine of Eephon (from when you find the spring until the boss fight
          with Eephon)
Phase 32: Pipista (from when you first enter the town until after you've
          freed Hack and talked to him at the altar)
Phase 33: Flame-Holder (from when you first enter the Flame-Holders until the
          appearance of the tower)
Phase 34: Shrine of Fenia (from when you first enter the tower until you
          receive Fenia's power)
Phase 35: Pipista ~ Great Pokunan Bridge (from when you talk to Hack again in
          Pipista until you receive the temporary pass from the soldier)
Phase 36: Kyogen (from when you first enter the city until Claire is
Phase 37: Kyogen Hostel ~ Kyogen (from the boss fight when you head east from
          Kyogen until you talk to Frantz in Kyogen)
Phase 38: Nolzen (from when you first enter the town until after the event
          with Eugene and the Viruses)
Phase 39: Tower of Nereg (from when you first enter the tower until after the
          boss fight with The Dark Wings)
Phase 40: Nolzen 2 (from when you talk to the Karegian Soldier until after
          all of the injured have been treated)
Phase 41: Shrine of Wontiga (from when you find the shrine until you meet
          with Wontiga)
Phase 42: Belsas Harbor (from when you arrive in Belsas Harbor until you leave
          the harbor)
Phase 43: Belsas (from when you first enter the city until after the execution
Phase 44: Shrine of Blue (from when you first enter the shrine until the boss
          battle with Shaorune)
Phase 44: Riding on Shaorune (lots of optional places to visit such as
(Extra)   Rabbitz Village, Lenpao Sky Garden, and Cyglorg's Chambers...I love
          Shaorune, I really do)
Phase 45: Mocrado Village (from when you first find the village until you read
          Naira's letter)
Phase 46: Shrine of Gilione (from when you find the shrine until you speak
          with Gilione)
Phase 47: Nolzen ~ Sannytown (from the scene in front of Karegia Castle until
          the worldwide catastrophe occurs)
Phase 48: Anikamal ~ Oasis (from when you enter Anikamal until Agarte gives
          the medicine to the child)
Phase 49: Babilograd Harbor ~ Shrine of Blue (from when you enter Babilograd
          until after pulling the levers in the factory)
Phase 50: Pipista ~ Flame-Holder (from when you talk to the man in Pipista
          until the event with Misha at Minal's Harbor)
Phase 51: Minal 2 (from when you enter Minal until after the boss battle with
Phase 52: Minal ~ Etoray Bridge (from when you wake up in Minal until the
          Beach fight scene)
Phase 53: Sulz ~ Sannytown (from when you enter Sulz until the scene with
          Claire and Milhaust at Karegia Castle)
Phase 54: Mount Sovereign (from when you enter the mountain until the boss
          battle with Zilva)
Phase 55: Upper Yuris' Realm (from when you first enter Yuris' Realm until
          after you pass the place with the lava)
Phase 56: Middle Yuris' Realm (from when you obtain the Jewel of Wisdom until
          you obtain the Jewel of Power)
Phase 57: Grunhelde (the area with the...extremely out-of-place item shop)
Phase 58: Lower Yuris' Realm (from Grunhelde until the showdown with Yuris)

9) Character Specific Info    !!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!                      [CHA000]
There will be some SPOILERS in Part B of this section, so reader beware.

PART A: SKILLS & OUGIS                                                [CHAa00]

You may notice that some of this information looks like a cut & paste from
KusanagiLord02's Tales Series Translation FAQ...well, that's because it is.
Before you go report my FAQ for plagiarism (and realistically, how many FAQ
thieves openly admit this kind of stuff?), I have received permission from
KusanagiLord02 to reproduce portions of his work here. I'm mostly going to
rely on his descriptions and any series cross-references for this section
since you guys would laugh yourselves silly if I attempted to describe them
in my own words.

Anyway, I am going to add my own bit of info to this while I'm at it, so it
may be worth a read even if you've seen Kusanagi's FAQ. And in case anyone was
wondering, someone suggested that I add this to my FAQ so that the information
would be more centralized (as opposed to being sorted by game in the series)
and I'm a sucker for requests, so there ya go. Also, the links that you will
find under the character's name lead to the Skills/Ougi Exhibition video for
that character (if there's not a link, then I haven't done one for him/her yet)
for those of you who are interested in actually seeing these things.

Alright, here's the format for this section: When I say "attack" in the
format explanation, I mean "Skill/Ougi"...I just don't want to write that
10,000 times. I'm also going to put a line of ~ between a character's Skills
and their Ougis so that the distinction is a bit more obvious.

NAME (Kanji[when applicable]/Furigana/Romaji): Any English translation,
                                               preference given to established
                                               names (e.g. Majinken=Demon Fang)
OR: Origin (Ougis only)...tells you which Skills the Ougi is derived from
DE: Description of the attack
LV: Level at which the attack is learned (if applicable)
EL: Elemental Attribute of the attack
ATK: Attack Power...a normal attack is assigned a base value of 100; I'm also
     assuming that your FG is full when you're using the attack
FG: Amount of Force Units the attack consumes, also defines the max number of
    Force Units the FG that the attack is assigned to can hold; the more Force
    Units an attack consumes (i.e. the greater the FG value), the longer it
    will take for that FG to completely refill after the attack is used.
HP: HP Recovery; the higher this value is, the more HP you recover from using
    the attack
SV: Shock Value...the higher this value is, the easier it is to increase the
    enemy's RG level
OC: Occurrence...defined as the time (in 60ths of a second) from when you
    press the X button to when the attack is initiated; the greater the OC,
    the longer the delay
SB: Steel Body (melee fighters only)...defined as the amount of time (in 60ths
    of a second) that enemy is "stunned" or unable to move after taking this
    attack. The bigger the number, the better.
CT: Chanting Time (mages only)...defined as the amount of time (in 60ths of a
    second) from when you give the command for a spell to when the spell is
    executed; the longer the CT, the longer the preparation time for that spell
RI: Rigidity...defined as the amount of time (in 60ths of a second) that you
    are unable to move after executing the attack; the smaller the RI, the
    sooner you are able to move
HIT: Max number of hits for that attack, although this amount can be exceeded
     in rare cases (e.g. fighting against a very large opponent)
RA: Range of the attack in terms of its effect on the line you're standing on
    and whether or not it affects adjacent/all lines
NOTE: Any other miscellaneous info will be listed here

If anyone's wondering about the order that I'm filling these in, it has to do
with the order of the trials. Basically, if I've already made a Skills/Ougis
Exhibition for the character, then everything's already been translated and I
can finish that part more quickly. Cool beans? Great, let's get crackin' then.

VEIGUE                                                               [CHAa01]

Veigue's special, so he has 6 Extra Skills in addition to his 8 base Skills.
You can use these Skills by equipping accessories known as Talismans, which
are acquired when you complete certain portions of Sub Event #2 (see the
Sub Event section below for more details).

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: 絶氷刃 ゼッヒョウジン
      Zehhyoujin: "Finish Ice Edge"
DE: Veigue does a normal slash covered in ice.
LV: Learned after storyline event
EL: Water
ATK: 200
FG: 100
HP: 15
SV: 12
OC: 26
SB: 8
RI: 18
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: 瞬連塵 シュンレンジン
   Shunrenjin: "Blink Connect Dust"
DE: Veigue rushes forward and does three thrusts.
LV: 7
ATK: 270
FG: 130
HP: 12
SV: 9
OC: 8
SB: 4
RI: 22
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: 瞬連塵 レッパショウ
      Reppashou: "Split Break Rush"
DE: Veigue slashes to the left of him, then to the right of him in an "X"
LV: 11
ATK: 300
FG: 160
HP: 21
SV: 13
OC: 11
SB: 6
RI: 24
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of the line Veigue is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: Enemies on adjacent lines will only sustain 1 hit instead of 2.

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: 絶翔斬 ゼッショウザン
      Zesshouzan: "Finish Soar Slash"
DE: Veigue does a jumping slash that causes multiple hits.
LV: 20
EL: Water
ATK: 350
FG: 180
HP: 19
SV: 12
OC: 18
SB: 10
RI: 16
HIT: 3
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: 幻龍斬 ゲンリュウザン
      Genryuuzan: "Illusion Dragon Slash"
DE: Veigue dashes through enemies with a thrust, then a downward slash,
    followed by an upward slash.
LV: 29
ATK: 400
FG: 210
HP: 24
SV: 9
OC: 6
SB: 9
RI: 24
HIT: 3
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: Genryuuzan is a versatile Skill; it can be used to get out of a pincer
      attack, pass through an enemy, or to get behind the enemy. You can also
      change directions to some extent if you choose a different target in the
      middle of your attack.

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: 無影衝 ムエイショウ
      Mueishou: "Shadow-less Rush"
DE: Veigue dashes backwards, then dashes forward with a horizontal slash that
    creates many "invisible" slashes.
LV: 36
ATK: 450
FG: 300
HP: 30
SV: 12
OC: 21
SB: 18
RI: 28
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 絶・霧氷装 ゼツ・ムヒョウソウ
      Zetsu Muhyousou: "Slash Mist Ice Dress"
DE: Veigue concentrates his Force and covers his blade with ice.
LV: 24
EL: Water
FG: 450
HP: 50
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Zetsu Muhyousou gives all of
      Veigue's attacks a chance of freezing the enemy; this effect lasts for 15
      seconds. Also, this Skill halves his current RG, so it can be used to
      improve his HP regeneration.

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 絶・瞬影迅 ゼツ・シュンエイジン
      Zetsu Shuneijin: "Slash Blink Shadow Quick"
DE: Veigue concentrates his Force around his feet.
LV: 43
EL: Water
FG: 550
HP: 60
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Zetsu Shuneijin boosts Veigue's
      movement speed by 50% and lowers his RG while he's moving. This effect
      lasts for 12 seconds. This is also another great way to increase Veigue's
      HP Recovery since it lowers his RG.

Level Learned (LV) is going to be replaced with Talisman (TA) for this section;
the Skill that needs to be used in order for the Extra Skill to appear will be
listed under the TA area in parenthesis. Note that the FG that your Extra Skill
is assigned to must be full; if it's not, then you'll just execute the Normal
Skill. For example, let's say that I have Extra Skill A that requires me to
use Normal Skill A and that they're assigned to FG #1. If I use FG #1 while
it's full, I'll perform Extra Skill A. If I use FG #1 and it's not full, then
I'll perform Normal Skill A instead. Capiche?

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: 魔神剣 マジンケン
      Majinken: Demon Fang/Demon Fist
DE: Veigue swings his sword which produces a purple shockwave that runs along
    the ground.
TA: 魔神の魂 Majin Spirit Talisman (Skill=Zehhyoujin)
ATK: 250
FG: 120
HP: 1
SV: 10
OC: 31
SB: 8
RI: 20
HIT: 2
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: A Tales series staple...also used by (but not limited to) Cless [ToP],
      Stan/Leon [ToD], Reid [ToE], Lloyd/Kratos/Zelos [ToS], Senel/Chloe [ToL],
      Luke/Guy [TotA], Ruca/Spada [ToI], and Caius [TotT]. Majinken pushes the
      enemy back.

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: 風神剣 フウジンケン
      Fuujinken: Hurricane Thrust/Wind Blade
DE: Veigue charges forward with a powerful thrust, creating a wind tunnel in
    the process.
TA: 風神の魂 Fuujin Spirit Talisman (Skill=Shunrenjin)
EL: Wind
ATK: 290
FG: 120
HP: 2
SV: 10
OC: 8
SB: 9
RI: 25
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Also used by (but not limited to) Woodrow [ToD], Lloyd/Kratos/Zelos
      [ToS], and Spada [ToI].

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: 虎牙破斬 コガハザン
       Kogahazan: Tiger Blade/Demon Hammer
DE: Veigue slashes up and then down in one quick motion.
TA: 猛虎の魂 Mouko Spirit Talisman (Skill=Reppashou)
ATK: 370
FG: 130
HP: 5
SV: 10
OC: 14
SB: 10
RI: 20
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Another common Tales Skill...also used by (but not limited to) Cless
      [ToP], Stan/Leon [ToD], Reid [ToE], Lloyd [ToS], Chloe [ToL], Guy [TotA],
      and Spada [ToI].

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: 閃光衝 センコウショウ
       Senkoushou: "Flash Light Shock"
DE: Veigue gathers light at the tip of his sword, then swings it in a sweeping
    upward motion.
TA: 閃光の魂 Senkou Spirit Talisman (Skill=Zesshouzan)
EL: Light
ATK: 420
FG: 160
HP: 5
SV: 10
OC: 31
SB: 11
RI: 20
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Also used by Kyle (ToD2), Senkoushou allows you to juggle the enemy.

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: 空襲剣 クウシュウケン
       Kuushuuken: Flying Dragon
DE: Veigue pushes his sword along the ground as he charges forward and then
    jerks back, lauching him diagonally into the air.
TA: 空神の魂 Kuushin Spirit Talisman (Skill=Genryuuzan)
ATK: 470
FG: 170
HP: 5
SV: 10
OC: 7
SB: 24
RI: 8
HIT: 3
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: Also used by Leon (ToD), similar in appearance to Rutee's Snipe Roar

>>>>>EXTRA SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: 霧氷翔 ムヒョウショウ
       Muhyoushou: "Mist Ice Soar"
DE: Veigue jumps up into the air and shoots a blast of ice off of his sword as
    he descends.
TA: 氷魔の魂 Hyouma Spirit Talisman (Skill=Mueishou)
EL: Water
ATK: 550
FG: 240
HP: 10
SV: 10
OC: 29
SB: 32
RI: 8
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Also used by Loni (ToD2), Muhyoushou is rather difficult to time.

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: 連塵裂氷撃 レンジンレッヒョウゲキ
       Renjin Rehhyougeki: "Connect Dust Extreme Ice Attack"
OR: Zehhyoujin (#1) and Shunrenjin (#2)
DE: Veigue does a Shunrenjin which is immediately followed by a Zehhyoujin.
LV: 10
EL: Water
ATK: 460
FG: 320
HP: 25
SV: 9
OC: 19
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT:  5
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: 凍牙衝裂破 トウガショウレッパ
       Touga Shoureppa: "Frozen Fang Rush Split Break"
OR: Zehhyoujin (#1) and Reppashou (#3)
DE: Veigue slams his sword into the ground, sending ice waves in a V shape out
    in front of him.
LV: 18
EL: Water
ATK: 400
FG: 290
HP: 31
SV: 8
OC: 35
SB: 24
RI: 24
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of all 3 lines

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: 絶空裂氷撃 ゼックウレッヒョウゲキ
       Zekkuu Rehhyougeki: "Finish Sky Split Ice Attack"
OR: Zehhyoujin (#1) and Zesshouzan (#4)
DE: Veigue does a curved slash that sends a wave of ice debris at the enemy.
LV: 24
EL: Water
ATK: 500
FG: 370
HP: 24
SV: 12
OC: 34
SB: 20
RI: 24
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: The trailing ice attack extends out for about 5 character widths.

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: 凍牙龍影刃 トウガリュウエイジン
       Touga Ryuueijin: "Frozen Fang Dragon Shadow Edge"
OR: Zehhyoujin (#1) and Genryuuzan (#5)
DE: Veigue does an upward slash that makes an icicle appear from the ground,
    then thrusts forward the icicle, destroying it in the process.
LV: 30
EL: Water
ATK: 580
FG: 420
HP: 31
SV: 9
OC: 15
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Touga Ryuueijin is capable of passing through the enemy.

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: 凍牙無影剣 トウガムエイケン
       Touga Mueiken: "Frozen Fang Shadow-less Sword"
OR: Zehhyoujin (#1) and Mueishou (#6)
DE: Veigue does a slash to the left of him, then to the right of him, then a
    thrust, all of the attacks being covered in ice.
LV: 36
EL: Water
ATK: 640
FG: 500
HP: 33
SV: 9
OC: 26
SB: 20
RI: 24
HIT: 6
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: 衝破連牙衝 ショウハレンガショウ
       Shouha Rengashou: "Rush Break Connect Fang Rush"
OR: Shunrenjin (#2) and Reppashou (#3)
DE: Veigue slashes to the left and right of him in an "X" slash then does two
    fast thrusts.
LV: 24
ATK: 540
FG: 350
HP: 29
SV: 5
OC: 18
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #7<<<<<
NAME: 連塵斬翔剣 レンジンザンショウケン
       Renjin Zanshouken: "Connect Dust Slash Soar Sword"
OR: Shunrenjin (#2) and Zesshouzan (#4)
DE: Veigue does a few fast thrusts followed by a jumping upward slash, followed
    by an aerial downward slash. Looks a lot like a Raining Tiger Blade.
LV: 29
EL: Water
ATK: 580
FG: 420
HP: 31
SV: 14
OC: 17
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Renjin Zanshouken is a great combo builder due to the large number of
      hits. It can also knock lighter enemies to the ground.

>>>>>OUGI #8<<<<<
NAME: 連塵龍影刃 レンジンリュウエイジン
       Renjin Ryuueijin: "Connect Edge Dragon Shadow Edge"
OR: Shunrenjin (#2) and Genryuuzan (#5)
DE: Veigue does multiple thrusts, then a final thrust through the enemy. It's
    basically his version of Akisazame (Sword Rain) except much better IMHO.
LV: 35
ATK: 640
FG: 460
HP: 33
SV: 5
OC: 19
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 9
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Renjin Ryuueijin is also an excellent combo builder that is good for
      breaking through an enemy's defenses as well. It is capable of passing
      through the enemy.

>>>>>OUGI #9<<<<<
NAME: 幻魔連牙衝 ゲンマレンガショウ
       Genma Rengashou: "Illusion Demon Connect Fang Rush"
OR: Shunrenjin (#2) and Mueishou (#6)
DE: Veigue does a slash to the left of him, then to the right of him, then to
    the left again, then a rising upward slash, then a diving thrust into
    multiple thrusts.
LV: 40
ATK: 700
FG: 500
HP: 35
SV: 7
OC: 11
SB: 20
RI: 24
HIT: 8
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Another spiffy combo builder, Genma Rengashou excels at taking out groups
      of enemies.

>>>>>OUGI #10<<<<<
NAME: 絶空衝裂破 ゼックウショウレッパ
       Zekkuu Shoureppa: "Finish Sky Rush Split Break"
OR: Reppashou (#3) and Zesshouzan (#4)
DE: Veigue does two Zesshouzan's in a row, the second one being stronger than
    the first.
LV: 33
EL: Water
ATK: 640
FG: 460
HP: 33
SV: 13
OC: 18
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of the line Veigue is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: Zekkuu Shoureppa is a great way to take out aerial foes.

>>>>>OUGI #11<<<<<
NAME: 崩龍衝裂破 ホウリュウショウレッパ
       Houryuu Shoureppa: "Crumble Dragon Rush Split Break"
OR: Reppashou (#3) and Genryuuzan (#5)
DE: Veigue slashes an enemy, phases through the other side of the enemy and
    slashes them again, then quickly phases back to his original side and
    slashes the enemy one final time, creating an X pattern.
LV: 40
EL: Water
ATK: 700
FG: 500
HP: 35
SV: 14
OC: 24
SB: 20
RI: 24
HIT: 5
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Houryuu Shoureppa is capable of passing through the enemy and can be
      used to reach the enemy's backline, to get out of a pincer attack, or to
      take out large groups of foes.

>>>>>OUGI #12<<<<<
NAME: 幻魔衝裂破 ゲンマショウレッパ
       Genma Shoureppa: "Illusion Demon Rush Split Break"
OR: Reppashou (#3) and Mueishou (#6)
DE: Veigue jumps back and performs a set of LARGE X slashes.
LV: 45
EL: Water
ATK: 760
FG: 540
HP: 37
SV: 12
OC: 31
SB: 28
RI: 24
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of the line Veigue is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: I spam this Ougi a lot since it's so versatile; Genma Shoureppa can be
     used for groups, flying enemies, frisky enemies, or for avoiding an

>>>>>OUGI #13<<<<<
NAME: 絶空龍影刃 ゼックウリュウエイジン
       Zekkuu Ryuueijin: "Finish Sky Dragon Shadow Edge"
OR: Zesshouzan (#4) and Genryuuzan (#5)
DE: Veigue does a jumping upward slash, then a downward slash, followed by a
    slash that goes through the opponent, then a backwards low slash.
LV: 45
ATK: 760
FG: 570
HP: 37
SV: 13
OC: 17
SB: 12
RI: 24
HIT: 7
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Zekkuu Ryuueijin is especially easy to link up with for a combo. This
      Ougi is capable of passing through the enemy.

>>>>>OUGI #14<<<<<
NAME: 幻魔斬翔剣 ゲンマザンショウケン
       Genma Zanshouken: "Illusion Demon Slash Soar Sword"
OR: Zesshouzan (#4) and Mueishou (#6)
DE: Veigue does a wide slash in front of him, then rises in the air while
    doing many circular slashes.
LV: 50
ATK: 820
FG: 580
HP: 41
SV: 14
OC: 18
SB: 20
RI: 24
HIT: 7
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Genma Zanshouken is ideal for taking out flying or tall enemies. It can
      juggle the enemy and provides some slight coverage to your back side. Try
      using this with the Force Cube Effect FAST for better results.

>>>>>OUGI #15<<<<<
NAME: 崩龍無影剣 ホウリュウムエイケン
       Houryuu Mueiken: "Crumble Dragon Shadow-Less Sword"
OR: Genryuuzan (#5) and Mueishou (#6)
DE: Veigue dashes forward with a thrust, then dashes backward so fast, he
    disappears, leaving nothing but ice debris in his path.
LV: Learned after storyline event
EL: Water
ATK: 950
FG: 800
HP: 20
SV: 2
OC: 54
SB: 52
RI: 8
HIT: 10
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Oh Houryuu Mueiken, how I love thee...let me count the ways. You pack a
      can of whoopass, you take out multiple targets with ease, you can escape
      from pincer attacks, and you even juggle! Plus it doesn't hurt that you
      look so damn cool (pardon the pun). Keep the FG consumption and the
      really high Occurrence rating in mind though.

MAO                                                                  [CHAa02]

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: フレアショット Flare Shot
DE: Mao shoots a small ball of flame at the enemy.
LV: Learned after storyline event
EL: Fire
ATK: 500
FG: 135
HP: 23
SV: 13
OC: 18
CT: 76
RI: 38
HIT: 1
RA: Large portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: ウィンドエッジ Wind Edge
DE: Two blades of wind slice an enemy.
LV: 7
EL: Wind
ATK: 450
FG: 170
HP: 40
SV: 9
OC: 21
CT: 70
RI: 30
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Wind Edge is capable of forcing an enemy onto a different line.

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: アーチシェイド Arch Shade
DE: Two dark energy blades form an arc to strike the enemy.
LV: 13
EL: Darkness
ATK: 520
FG: 200
HP: 15
SV: 16
OC: 25
CT: 100
RI: 40
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of all 3 lines

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: バ一ンストライク Burn Strike
DE: Three large fireballs rain down from the heavens.
LV: 19
EL: Fire
ATK: 1120
FG: 370
HP: 48
SV: 20
OC: 60
CT: 158
RI: 42
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of the line that each fireball lands on plus any adjacent
NOTE: Burn Strike will typically miss aerial foes, so be careful.

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: ガスティーネイル Gusty Nail
DE: A large arc of wind appears from right, then to the left, to attack a
    group of enemies.
LV: 25
EL: Wind
ATK: 800
FG: 360
HP: 67
SV: 10
OC: 41
CT: 145
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of all 3 lines
NOTE: Gusty Nail is capable of forcing an enemy onto a different line. It also
      has highest HP Recovery of any of Mao's Skills.

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: ブラッディクロス Bloody Cross
DE: A large purple column rises up from the ground beneath the enemy, forms a
    cross, and eventually dissipates.
LV: 38
EL: Darkness
ATK: 1420
FG: 430
HP: 30
SV: 26
OC: 33
CT: 140
RI: 48
HIT: 3
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: F・フレイム Force Flame
DE: Mao jumps into the air and two flames shoot out from either side of him.
LV: 32
EL: Fire
ATK: 100
FG: 330
HP: 47
SV: 10
OC: 6
CT: 0
HIT: 1
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Force Flame is offensive in
      nature, but it can also be used in a pincer situation since it pushes
      the enemy back.

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: F・エンチャント Flame Enchant
DE: Mao spins his tonfa as he gathers flame into it.
LV: 45
EL: Fire
FG: 800
HP: 60
CT: 0
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Flame Enchant doubles the
      power of Mao's normal attack for 12 seconds, which makes his strength
      comparable to that of Veigue's.

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: エイミングヒート Aiming Heat
OR: Flare Shot (#1) and Wind Edge (#2)
DE: Ribbons of flame are sent to attack the unfortunate foe.
LV: 15
EL: Wind and Fire
ATK: 1050
FG: 350
HP: 39
SV: 14
OC: 45
CT: 160
RI: 40
HIT: 4 (on average)
RA: Area surrounding the targeted enemy
NOTE: The number of hits for Aiming Heat varies depending on the proximity of
      the selected enemy.

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: ネガティブガイト Negative Gate
OR: Flare Shot (#1) and Arch Shade (#3)
DE: Purple & black gales form a dome and slash the enemy.
LV: 21
EL: Fire and Darkness
ATK: 1200
FG: 420
HP: 19
SV: 12
OC: 56
CT: 150
RI: 56
HIT: 4 on average (max number of hits possible=6)
RA: Moderate portion of the line the enemy is on plus any adjacent lines

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: ゲイルスラッシュ Gale Slash
OR: Wind Edge (#2) and Arch Shade (#3)
DE: Large saws of wind shred the enemy into pieces.
LV: 24
EL: Wind and Darkness
ATK: 900
FG: 400
HP: 75
SV: 14
OC: 41
CT: 150
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of all 3 lines
NOTE: Gale Slash can force an enemy onto a different line.

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: ブレイジングハーツ Blazing Hearts
OR: Burn Strike (#4) and Gusty Nail (#5)
DE: Two huge fireballs strike the ground, creating a large burning cross, and
    any enemy standing will receive damage.
LV: Learned after storyline event
EL: Wind and Fire
ATK: 1800
FG: 670
HP: 63
SV: 15
OC: 60
CT: 230
RI: 64
HIT: 11
RA: Moderate portion of the line the enemy is on plus any adjacent lines

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: ディザスターロアー Disaster Roar
OR: Burn Strike (#4) and Bloody Cross (#6)
DE: A large dragon streaks across the field, attacking anything in its path.
LV: 47
EL: Fire and darkness
ATK: 2500
FG: 600
HP: 18
SV: 10
OC: 67
CT: 190
RI: 80
HIT: 15
RA: The entirety of a randomly chosen line

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: フィアフルスト一ム Fearful Storm
OR: Gusty Nail (#5) and Bloody Cross (#6)
DE: A red portal forms on the ground as dark energy engulfs the enemy.
LV: 37
EL: Wind and Darkness
ATK: 1700
FG: 730
HP: 95
SV: 20
OC: 65
CT: 220
RI: 64
HIT: 9
RA: Large portion of all 3 lines

EUGENE                                                               [CHAa03]

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: 旋風槍 センプウソウ
      Senpuusou: "Whirlwind Spear"
DE: Eugene does a horizontal slash with his spear, leaving a trail of wind.
LV: Eugene learns this Skill after a storyline event
EL: Wind
ATK: 240
FG: 130
HP: 12
SV: 13
OC: 33
SB: 13
RI: 32
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: Enemies on adjacent lines will only sustain 1 hit instead of 2.

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: 裂駆槍 レックソウ
      Rekkusou: "Extreme Drive Spear"
DE: Eugene backs up, and then does a VERY strong thrust with his spear.
LV: 7
ATK: 300
FG: 170
HP: 14
SV: 15
OC: 27
SB: 10
RI: 40
HIT: 2
RA: Large portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: 轟破槍 ゴウハソウ
      Gouhasou: "Boom Break Spear"
DE: Eugene thrusts his spear in the ground, making rocks erupt from either side
    of him.
LV: 12
EL: Earth
ATK: 350
FG: 200
HP: 18
SV: 20
OC: 10
SB: 22
RI: 36
HIT: 2
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: Gouhasou can send the enemy flying and is great to use when you are
      surrounded by enemies.

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: 瞬迅槍 シュンジンソウ
      Shunjinsou: Sonic Spear
DE: Eugene slashes his spear to the left of him, then to the right of him, then
    to the left of him again, moving forward with each slash.
LV: 21
ATK: 400
FG: 240
HP: 21
SV: 12
OC: 16
SB: 4
RI: 40
HIT: 3
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Shunjinsou is excellent for reaching those pesky mages in the back row.

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: 天雷槍 テンライソウ
      Tenraisou: Thunder Spear
DE: Eugene thrusts his spear into the air creating a lightning bolt.
LV: 33
EL: Light
ATK: 420
FG: 280
HP: 24
SV: 18
OC: 18
SB: 18
RI: 48
HIT: 3
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: It is very easy to juggle the enemy with Tenraisou, especially if you
utilize the Force Cube Effect FLOAT.

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: 滅翔槍 メッソウショウ
      Messoushou: "Destroy Soar Spear"
DE: Eugene launches the enemy in the air with the end of his spear, then jumps
    and slashes the enemy back down into the ground.
LV: 37
ATK: 500
FG: 320
HP: 20
SV: 25
OC: 25
SB: 34
RI: 40
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Messoushou can be used to floor the enemy, particularly light or flying

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 錬・鋼体装 レン・コウタイソウ
      Ren Koutaisou: "Refine Steel Body Dress"
DE: Eugene gathers his Force, coating himself in a protective layer.
LV: 27
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 50
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Ren Koutaisou makes it to where
      Eugene will not be knocked back when he's hit by an enemy's magical
      attack; while it doesn't directly reduce the amount of damage that Eugene
      takes from a magic attack, it does enable him to move out of range so
      that he can avoid the brunt of the spell (think of this as a non-cheap
      version of Abyss' Free Run, if you will). This effect lasts for 15
      seconds. The HP Recovery is quite high as well, so keep that in mind.

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 錬・鏡銘弾 レン・キョウメイダン
      Ren Kyoumeidan: "Refine Mirror Inscription Shell"
DE: Eugene concentrates his Force and coats his weapon with a protective layer.
LV: 47
EL: Earth
FG: 570
HP: 68
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Ren Kyoumeidan makes it to
      where Eugene can repel an enemy's attack while guarding; it also reduces
      the amount of damage taken while in the guarding stance. This effect
      lasts for 12 seconds. It is best to use this Refining Skill when your RG
      is high so that you are able to guard more effectively. Notice the very
      high HP Recovery stat.

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: 裂風迅槍衝 レップウジンソウショウ
      Reppuu Jinsoushou: "Gale Fast Spear Rush"
OR: Senpuusou (#1) and Rekkusou (#2)
DE: Eugene brings his spear back, then thrusts forward with a small cyclone
    covering his spear.
LV: 10
EL: Wind
ATK: 500
FG: 380
HP: 20
SV: 13
OC: 43
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: 轟爆旋風牙 ゴウバクセンプウガ
      Goubaku Senpuuga: "Boom Burst Whirlwind Fang"
OR: Senpuusou (#1) and Gouhasou (#3)
DE: Eugene stabs his spear into the ground, creating a shockwave around him.
LV: 19
EL: Wind
ATK: 560
FG: 420
HP: 22
SV: 9
OC: 10
SB: 20
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: 裂風瞬迅殺 レップウシュンジンサツ
      Reppuu Shunjinsatsu: "Split Wind Blink Fast Kill"
OR: Senpuusou (#1) and Shunjinsou (#4)
DE: Eugene does a slash to the left of him, a horizontal slash, then a slash to
    the right of him.
LV: 25
EL: Wind
ATK: 620
FG: 460
HP: 24
SV: 15
OC: 17
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines
    (last part of the Ougi only)

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: 裂風爆雷陣 レップウバクライジン
      Reppuu Bakuraijin: "Split Wind Burst Thunder Formation"
OR: Senpuusou (#1) and Tenraisou (#5)
DE: Eugene does a slash in front of him, then a horizontal slash that makes
    lightning bolts appear in an arc in front of him.
LV: 30
EL: Wind
ATK: 660
FG: 500
HP: 26
SV: 15
OC: 18
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: 滅殺旋風牙 メッサツセンプウガ
      Messatsu Senpuuga: "Obliterate Whirlwind Fang"
OR: Senpuusou (#1) and Messhousou (#6)
DE: Eugene does a jumping overhead slash with his spear, then creates a small
    tornado in front of him.
LV: 35
EL: Wind
ATK: 740
FG: 540
HP: 28
SV: 15
OC: 10
SB: 30
RI: 40
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: 轟爆迅槍衝 ゴウバクジンソウショウ
      Goubaku Jinsoushou: "Boom Burst Fast Spear Rush"
OR: Rekkusou (#2) and Gouhasou (#3)
DE: Eugene does a Gouhasou, then stabs his spear in the ground again, creating
    shockwaves that spread from either side of him.
LV: 23
ATK: 620
FG: 460
HP: 24
SV: 15
OC: 7
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #7<<<<<
NAME: 瞬殺迅槍衝 シュンサツジンソウショウ
      Shunsatsu Jinsoushou: "Blink Kill Fast Spear Rush"
OR: Rekkusou (#2) and Shunjinsou (#4)
DE: Eugene does a slash to the left of him, then to the right, then ends with a
    SUPER sonic thrust.
LV: 28
ATK: 680
FG: 500
HP: 26
SV: 15
OC: 17
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 3
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Shunsatsu Jinsoushou can for the enemy onto a different line.

>>>>>OUGI #8<<<<<
NAME: 裂走爆雷陣 レッソウバクライジン
      Ressou Bakuraijin: "Split Run Boom Thunder Formation"
OR: Rekkusou (#2) and Tenraisou (#5)
DE: Eugene thrusts forward with his spear, then thrusts upwards as lighting
    bolts strike the enemy.
LV: 33
EL: Light
ATK: 740
FG: 540
HP: 28
SV: 15
OC: 24
SB: 20
RI: 40
HIT: 5
RA: Large portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #9<<<<<
NAME: 裂走天翔撃 レッソウテンショウゲキ
      Ressou Tenshougeki: "Split Run Sky Soar Attack"
OR: Rekkusou (#2) and Messhousou (#6)
DE: Eugene thrusts the enemy strongly, launching the enemy in the air, then
    thrusts upwards holding the enemy in place, then retracts his spear.
LV: 36
ATK: 880
FG: 580
HP: 30
SV: 15
OC: 24
SB: 24
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Ressou Tenshougeki can force the enemy into a different line.

>>>>>OUGI #10<<<<<
NAME: 瞬殺轟衝撃 シュンサツゴウショウゲキ
      Shunsatsu Goushougeki: "Blink Kill Boom Rush Attack"
OR: Gouhasou (#3) and Shunjinsou (#4)
DE: Eugene does a Shunjinsou, followed by a Gouhasou.
LV: 35
EL: Earth
ATK: 740
FG: 540
HP: 28
SV: 15
OC: 17
SB: 30
RI: 40
HIT: 5
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Shunsatsu Goushougeki can be used to get behind the enemy.

>>>>>OUGI #11<<<<<
NAME: 迅雷轟衝撃 ジンライゴウショウゲキ
      Jinrai Goushougeki: "Formation Thunder Boom Rush Attack"
OR: Gouhasou (#3) and Tenraisou (#5)
DE: Eugene does a Raijinsou (?), then stabs his spear into the ground, making
    rocks erupt from it.
LV: 40
EL: Earth and Light
ATK: 800
FG: 580
HP: 30
SV: 15
OC: 25
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #12<<<<<
NAME: 轟爆天翔撃 ゴウバクテンショウゲキ
      Goubaku Tenshougeki: "Boom Burst Sky Soar Attack"
OR: Gouhasou (#3) and Messhousou (#6)
DE: Eugene does two Gouhasous, the second one stronger and wider than the
LV: 45
EL: Earth
ATK: 860
FG: 620
HP: 32
SV: 15
OC: 7
SB: 20
RI: 40
HIT: 7
RA: Large portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: Like Gouhasou, Goubaku Tenshougeki is perfect to use when you're

>>>>>OUGI #13<<<<<
NAME: 迅雷瞬迅殺 ジンライシュンジンサツ
      Jinrai Shunjinsatsu: "Formation Thunder Blink Fast Kill"
OR: Shunjinsou (#4) and Tenraisou (#5)
DE: Eugene does an upward slash, then a downward slash, followed by multiple
    thrusts, finishing with an upward thrust.
LV: 50
EL: Light
ATK: 860
FG: 620
HP: 32
SV: 15
OC: 16
SB: 16
RI: 40
HIT: 7
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: One of my favorites, you can quite literally clean up the entire
      battlefield by using Jinrai Shunjinsatsu alone. O_o

>>>>>OUGI #14<<<<<
NAME: 瞬殺天翔撃 シュンサツテンショウゲキ
      Shunsatsu Tenshougeki: "Blink Kill Sky Soar Attack"
OR: Shunjinsou (#4) and Messhousou (#6)
DE: Eugene jumps a short distance with a thrust, then creates a small quake
    that travels a distance in front of him.
LV: 55
EL: Earth
ATK: 840
FG: 640
HP: 34
SV: 15
OC: 10
SB: 40
RI: 40
HIT: 6
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Shunsatsu Tenshougeki can send the enemy flying. This Ougi is also nice
      since it travels rather quickly over such a long range.

>>>>>OUGI #15<<<<<
NAME: 迅雷天翔撃 ジンライテンショウゲキ
      Jinrai Tenshougeki: "Formation Thunder Sky Soar Attack"
OR: Tenraisou (#5) and Messhousou (#6)
DE: Eugene launches the enemy into the air with a Raijinsou, then jumps in the
    air and sends a boulder for the sky to crush the enemy.
LV: Eugene learns this after a storyline event
EL: Earth and Light
ATK: 1200
FG: 840
HP: 30
SV: 15
OC: 10
SB: 60
RI: 40
HIT: 9
RA: Large portion of the line Eugene is standing on plus any adjacent lines
NOTE: Damn, I gotta say...this HAS to hurt.

ANNIE                                                                [CHAa04]

With the exception of the Refining Skill Drag Leben, Annie will have EF
(effect) in place of the ATK which indicates the percentage boost of the stat
in question. So EF=110 would mean that the stat would increase by 10%. For
her Ougis, I'm going to omit the description (DE) since they basically all
look the same. And yeah, I made a ton of name errors in her Skills & Ougi
Exhibition...alas, I have no talent for German it seems. I purposely didn't
check anyone else's FAQ prior to making this exhibition since I tend to
subconsciously copy things, but I guess I should have. I'll fix the video one
of these days.

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: パワー・クラフト Power Kraft
DE: A red circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    attack power (Slash and Thrust); it can also cure the status ailment
EL: Fire
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 40
CT: 60
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent
NOTE: KRAFT is the German word for "power" or "strength."

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: ガード・ヴァッサー Guard Wassar
DE: A blue circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    defense power (Slash and Thrust); it can also cure the status ailment
EL: Water
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 55
CT: 60
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent
NOTE: WASSAR is the German word for "water."

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: マインド・ガイスト Mind Geist
DE: A white circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    Skill Attack power; it can also cure the status ailment Paralyze.
LV: 21
EL: Light
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 45
CT: 60
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent
NOTE: GEIST is the German Word for "spirit."

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: レジスト・ヴィレ Resist Wille
DE: A purple circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    Skill Defense power; it can also cure the status ailment Panic.
LV: 24
EL: Darkness
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 30
CT: 60
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent
NOTE: WILLE is the German word for "will."

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: ライフ・マテリア Life Materia
DE: A brown circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    HP Recovery; it can also cure the status ailment Slow.
LV: 15
EL: Earth
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 60
CT: 68
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: チャージ・ヴィント Charge Wind
DE: A green circle appears, and anyone standing within it gets an increase in
    FG Recovery; it can also cure the status ailment Weak.
LV: 18
EL: Wind
EF: 135
FG: 300
HP: 40
CT: 60
RI: 48
HIT: 0
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: D・レーベン Drag Leben
DE: An ornate pattern appears and sucks energy away from the enemy.
LV: 33
EL: Water
ATK: 200
FG: 370
HP: 60
SV: 0
OC: 66
CT: 160
RI: 48
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of all 3 lines
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Drag Leben is capable of
      targeting multiple enemies, and restores Annie's HP by draining life
      from your foes. LEBEN is the German word for "life."

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: R・エリキシル Rise Elixir
DE: Angelic imagery appears as Annie plants her staff into the ground, forming
    a Circle capable of bringing back fallen allies.
LV: 28
EL: Water
FG: 900
HP: 70
CT: 120
RI: 48
RA: Moderate portion of the line on which Annie is standing plus any adjacent
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Note that I made a mistake in
      Annie's exhibition video; you can use Rise Elixir as many times as you
      please during a single battle.

Note that REGEN is the German word for "rain."

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: アーツ・レーゲン Arts Regen
OR: Power Kraft (#1) and Mind Geist (#3)
EF: Allies within rainfall can activate Ougis regardless of their RG
LV: 40
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 35
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: バースト・レーゲン Burst Regen
OR: Power Kraft (#1) and Resist Wille (#4)
EF: Forcibly increases the RG of enemies within rainfall by about 25
LV: 25
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 50
CT: 75
NOTE: The Ougi can be used to force an enemy into the Rush Burst state
      (RG=100); this cuts the time that an enemy is invincible after being
      knocked back by 50%. The effect of Burst Regen can be amplified by
      pairing it with the Force Cube Effect SUPPORT.

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: レデュース・レーゲン Reduce Regen
OR: Power Kraft (#1) and Life Materia (#5)
EF: Reduces the Attack Power of enemies within rainfall by about 30%; effect
    lasts for 8 seconds
LV: 20
EL: Earth & Fire
FG: 400
HP: 20
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: ペイン・レーゲン Pain Regen
OR: Power Kraft (#1) and Charge Wind (#6)
EF: Extends the knock back period for enemies within rainfall until the rain
LV: 22
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 50
CT: 75
NOTE: This Ougi is great for setting up combos since the enemy is particularly
      vulnerable while in the knock back state.

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: フラッシュ・レーゲン Flash Regen
OR: Guard Wasser (#2) and Mind Geist (#3)
EF: Allies within rainfall will be invincible until the rain ends
LV: 40
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 30
CT: 75
NOTE: This Ougi shares its name with the Armor Latent Ability FLASH since it
      essentially produces the same effect. If timed properly, Flash Regen
      could be a huge asset during boss battles.

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: スタン・レーゲン Stun Regen
OR: Guard Wasser (#2) and Resist Wille (#4)
EF: Forcibly decreases the RG of enemies within rainfall by about 25
LV: 30
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 50
CT: 75
NOTE: This Ougi is designed to prevent enemies from executing their own Ougis
      and to limit their ability to defend themselves against your attacks.
      The effect of Stun Regen can be amplified by pairing it with the Force
      Cube Effect SUPPORT.

>>>>>OUGI #7<<<<<
NAME: シェイブ・レーゲン Shave Regen
OR: Guard Wasser (#2) and Life Materia (#5)
EF: Reduces the Defense Power of enemies within rainfall by about 30%; effect
    lasts for 8 seconds
LV: 20
EL: Earth & Water
FG: 400
HP: 20
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #8<<<<<
NAME: ブレイク・レーゲン Break Regen
OR: Guard Wasser (#2) and Charge Wind (#6)
EF: Allies within rainfall can break through an enemy's defenses; effect lasts
    only while it is raining
LV: 45
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 35
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #9<<<<<
NAME: ブレイク・レーゲン Blast Regen
OR: Mind Geist (#3) and Life Materia (#5)
EF: Reduces the Skill Attack Power of enemies within rainfall by about 30%;
    effect lasts for 8 seconds
LV: 23
EL: Earth & Light
FG: 400
HP: 20
CT: 75
NOTE: Blast Regen can be very helpful for certain boss battles.

>>>>>OUGI #10<<<<<
NAME: ファスト・レーゲン Fast Regen
OR: Mind Geist (#3) and Charge Wind (#6)
EF: Boosts the movement speed of allies within rainfall; effect lasts for 8
LV: 50
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 40
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #11<<<<<
NAME: ガンビット・レーゲン Gambit Regen
OR: Resist Wille (#4) and Life Materia (#5)
EF: Reduces the Skill Defense Power of enemies within rainfall by about 30%;
    effect lasts for 8 seconds
LV: 26
EL: Earth & Darkness
FG: 400
HP: 20
CT: 75

>>>>>OUGI #12<<<<<
NAME: ヒール・レーゲン Heal Regen
OR: Resist Wille (#4) and Charge Wind (#6)
EF: Allies within rainfall recover 250 HP
LV: 35
EL: Earth
FG: 400
HP: 20
CT: 75
NOTE: Unlike Life Materia, Heal Regen recovers HP regardless of RG, so it can
be used for healing in emergency situations.

TYTREE                                                               [CHAa05]

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: 翔連脚 ショウレンキャク
      Shourenkyaku: "Soar Connect Kick"
DE: Tytree does two rising spin kicks.
ATK: 220
FG: 100
HP: 24
SV: 0
OC: 13
SB: 0
RI: 24
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: 轟裂破 ゴウレッパ
      Goureppa: "Boom Extreme Break"
DE: Tytree does a double palm thrust that sends the enemy back a bit.
ATK: 280
FG: 140
HP: 32
SV: 0
OC: 22
SB: 0
RI: 36
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: If you time the release of this Skill well, you can easily push the enemy
      back far enough so that they can't immediately counterattack.

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: 牙連撃 ガレンゲキ
      Garengeki: "Fang Connect Attack"
DE: Tytree does a quick punch combination.
ATK: 300
FG: 180
HP: 25
SV: 0
OC: 12
SB: 0
RI: 24
HIT: 4
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Skill has excellent attack power, execution speed (OC), and combos
      easily with Ougis, so you'll probably be using this one often.

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: 疾空波 シックウハ
      Shikkuuha: "Rapid Sky Break"
DE: Tytree does a low sliding kick, follow by an aerial slash kick.
LV: 26
ATK: 350
FG: 200
HP: 42
SV: 0
OC: 10
SB: 16
RI: 20
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Skill is capable of forcing an enemy onto a different line.

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: 樹砲閃 ジュホウセン
      Jyuhousen: "Tree Cannon Flash"
DE: Tytree shoots an arrow into the ground, which tunnels until it hits an
    enemy, or when it reaches a short distance.
LV: 22
EL: Earth
ATK: 510
FG: 350
HP: 15
SV: 0
OC: 27
SB: 0
RI: 32
HIT: 1
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Skill can reach enemies on a different line.

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: 扇翔閃 センショウセン
      Senshousen: "Fan Soar Flash"
DE: Tytree shoots an arrow into the air, which then rains down smaller arrows.
LV: 33
EL: Water
ATK: 600
FG: 400
HP: 10
SV: 0
OC: 24
SB: 0
RI: 36
HIT: 3
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 激・樹装壁 ゲキ・ジュソウヘキ
      Geki Jyusouheki: "Violent Tree Dress Wall"
DE: A green circle appears around Tytree as he throws his fist up then down.
LV: 30
EL: Earth
FG: 370
HP: 69
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Geki Jyusouheki allows Tytree
      to recover life while guarding regardless of his current RG level; you'll
      regain about 800 HP.

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: 激・瞬殺連 ゲキ・シュンサツレン
      Geki Shunsatsuren: "Violent Blink Kill Connect"
DE: Tytree gathers power in his fist as red-colored energy collects at his
LV: 48
EL: Wind
FG: 440
HP: 47
NOTE: Unlike Normal Skills, Refining Skills can only be used when the FGs that
      they are assigned to are completely full. Geki Shunsatsuren reduces the
      time period that Tytree is immobile after using a Skill (except for
      Jyuhousen and Senshousen). It also allows for faster comboing and
      shortens the amount of time that you are stunned after taking a hit.
      Your RG will rise by 30 after using Geki Shunsatsuren.

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: 飛連轟衝牙 ヒレンゴウショウガ
      Hiren Goushouga:"Fly Connect Boom Soar Fang"
OR: Shourenkyaku (#1) and Goureppa (#2)
DE: A Shourenkyaku, followed by a Goureppa.
LV: 15
ATK: 400
FG: 290
HP: 40
SV: 10
OC: 14
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 3
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: 愚連連天脚 グレンレンテンキャク
      Guren Rentenkyaku: "Stupid Connect Connect Sky Kick"
OR: Shourenkyaku (#1) and Garengeki (#3)
DE: A kick, followed by an uppercut, then a rising spin kick, into an aerial
    diving kick.
LV: 20
ATK: 440
FG: 310
HP: 42
SV: 10
OC: 12
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: 飛連斬空脚 ヒレンザンクウキャク
      Hiren Zankuukyaku: "Fly Connect Slash Sky Kick"
OR: Shourenkyaku (#1) and Shikkuuha (#4)
DE: Tytree does constant Shourenkyaku's until he's off the screen, then does
    an overhead kick that slams the enemy back down to the ground.
LV: 30
ATK: 530
FG: 340
HP: 64
SV: 10
OC: 14
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: 飛連墜蓮閃 ヒレンツイレンセン
      Hiren Tsuirensen: "Fly Connect Crash Lotus Flash"
OR: Shourenkyaku (#1) and Jyuhousen (#5)
DE: Tytree launches the enemy in the air with a kick, then he jumps in the air
    and shoots it back down with an arrow shot.
LV: 28
EL: Earth
ATK: 520
FG: 360
HP: 46
SV: 10
OC: 14
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 2
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi is capable of penetrating through the enemy, meaning that you
      can hit multiple enemies at the same time if they are lined up.

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: 蒼破連天脚 ソウハレンテンキャク
      Souha Rentenkyaku: "Pale Break Connect Sky Kick"
OR: Shourenkyaku (#1) and Senshousen (#6)
DE: Tytree launches an arrow that curves around and hits the enemy from behind,
    then a kick chained with a standing kick that launches the enemy into the
    air, then an aerial spin kick, followed by an overhead kick that slams the
    enemy into the ground.
LV: 34
EL: Water
ATK: 560
FG: 380
HP: 48
SV: 10
OC: 34
SB: 0
RI: 20
HIT: 5
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: The first attack of this Ougi is unblockable and can be used to knock the
      enemy down.

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: 轟裂連牙弾 ゴウレツレンガダン
      Gouretsu Rengadan: "Boom Split Connect Fang Bullet"
OR: Goureppa (#2) and Garengeki (#3)
DE: A Goureppa that hits mutiple times.
LV: 25
ATK: 480
FG: 340
HP: 44
SV: 10
OC: 30
SB: 0
RI: 56
HIT: 6
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>OUGI #7<<<<<
NAME: 轟裂斬空脚 ゴウレツザンクウキャク
      Gouretsu Zankuukyaku: "Boom Split Slash Sky Kick"
OR: Goureppa (#2) and Shikkuuha (#4)
DE: Tytree does an uppercut, followed by a flashy aerial kick.
LV: 28
ATK: 420
FG: 360
HP: 46
SV: 10
OC: 11
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 2
RA: This Ougi knocks the enemy back.

>>>>>OUGI #8<<<<<
NAME: 緋桜轟衝牙 ヒオウゴウショウガ
      Hiou Goushouga: "Cherry Blossom Boom Rush Fang"
OR: Goureppa (#2) and Jyuhousen (#5)
DE: Tytree launches a fireball forward for multiple hits. Haohshokouken,
LV: 32
EL: Earth
ATK: 560
FG: 380
HP: 48
SV: 10
OC: 30
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 5 (on average)
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: For this Ougi, the closer the enemy is, the more hits they will take
      (max hit #=8).

>>>>>OUGI #9<<<<<
NAME: 轟裂蒼翔閃 ゴウレツソウショウセン
      Gouretsu Soushousen: "Boom Split Pale Soar Fan"
OR: Goureppa (#2) and Senshousen (#6)
DE: Tytree does a Goureppa that pushes him back, then shoots an arrow a short
LV: 37
EL: Water
ATK: 600
FG: 400
HP: 50
SV: 10
OC: 13
SB: 16
RI: 30
HIT: 6
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi knocks the enemy back.

>>>>>OUGI #10<<<<<
NAME: 愚連斬空脚 グレンザンクウキャク
      Guren Zankuukyaku: "Stupid Connect Slash Sky Kick"
OR: Garengeki (#3) and Shikkuuha (#4)
DE: Tytree does a multiple kick combination that Kim Kapwhan would be proud
    of. ^_^
LV: 40
ATK: 560
FG: 380
HP: 48
SV: 5
OC: 13
SB: 0
RI: 24
HIT: 9
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi can knock the enemy to the back line.

>>>>>OUGI #11<<<<<
NAME: 愚連墜蓮閃 グレンツイレンセン
      Guren Tsuirensen: "Stupid Connect Crash Lotus Flash"
OR: Garengeki (#3) and Jyuhousen (#5)
DE: Tytree does three Juhousen's in a row.
LV: 35
EL: Earth
ATK: 640
FG: 400
HP: 50
SV: 10
OC: 28
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 3
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi can reach enemies on a different line.

>>>>>OUGI #12<<<<<
NAME: 愚連蒼翔閃 グレンソウショウセン
      Guren Soushousen: "Stupid Connect Pale Soar Fan"
OR: Garengeki (#3) and Senshousen (#6)
DE: Tytree launches a spread of arrows upward from his mini-crossbow.
LV: 39
EL: Water
ATK: 680
FG: 420
HP: 57
SV: 10
OC: 18
SB: 0
RI: 30
HIT: 12
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi is ideal for aerial or large enemies.

>>>>>OUGI #13<<<<<
NAME: 空破墜蓮閃 クウハツイレンセン
      Kuuha Tsuirensen: "Sky Break Crash Lotus Flash"
OR: Shikkuuha ($4) and Jyuhousen (#5)
DE: Tytree does a jumping aerial kick, then slams his foot down into the
    ground, creating a shockwave in front of him.
LV: 43
EL: Earth
ATK: 640
FG: 440
HP: 56
SV: 10
OC: 46
SB: 20
RI: 30
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of current and adjacent lines

>>>>>OUGI #14<<<<<
NAME: 空破蒼翔閃 クウハソウショウセン
      Kuuha Soushousen:"Sky Break Pale Soar Fan"
OR: Shikkuuha (#4) and Senshousen (#6)
DE: Tytree does a lunging kick forward, followed by a rising uppercut creating
    a small geyser of water in front of him.
LV: 45
EL: Water
ATK: 680
FG: 430
HP: 76
SV: 10
OC: 13
SB: 16
RI: 14
HIT: 5
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi launches the enemy (quite literally, in fact).

>>>>>OUGI #15<<<<<
NAME: 蒼破墜蓮閃 ソウハツイレンセン
      Souha Tsuirensen: "Pale Break Crash Lotus Flash"
OR: Jyuhousen (#5) and Senshousen (#6)
DE: Tytree charges up his mini-crossbow, then fires a myriad of arrows that
    fly in all directions.
LV: Learned after storyline event
EL: Earth and Water
ATK: 700
FG: 790
HP: 48
SV: 10
OC: 50
SB: 30
RI: 32
HIT: 16
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: This Ougi is ideal for aerial or large enemies, but it can also hit
      smaller/crawling foes.

HILDA                                                                [CHAa06]

>>>>>SKILL #1<<<<<
NAME: ロックバラージ Rock Barrage
DE: A barrage of rocks attacks an enemy. Simple, isn't it. :P
EL: Earth
ATK: 500
FG: 230
HP: 35
SV: 15
OC: 36
CT: 90
RI: 28
HIT: 3
RA: Small portion of 1 line

>>>>>SKILL #2<<<<<
NAME: スプラッシャー Splasher
DE: A small geyser of water erupts under an enemy.
EL: Water
ATK: 460
FG: 200
HP: 30
SV: 10
OC: 21
CT: 85
RI: 26
HIT: 2
RA: Small portion of 1 line
NOTE: Splasher can stop an enemy's movement and force them back slightly.

>>>>>SKILL #3<<<<<
NAME: サンダースピア Thunder Spear
DE: A lightning bolt streaks vertically across the field.
EL: Light
ATK: 420
FG: 170
HP: 20
SV: 12
OC: 18
CT: 104
RI: 30
HIT: 1
RA: The entirety of the line that Hilda is currently on
NOTE: Thunder Spear is capable of penetrating through the enemy, so it's great
      for situations when the enemies are all lined up together.

>>>>>SKILL #4<<<<<
NAME: ストーンブレイク Stone Break
DE: Stalagmites surround and attack the enemy, then one large stalagmite
    appears and pierces the enemy.
LV: 18
EL: Earth
ATK: 980
FG: 430
HP: 77
SV: 22
OC: 22
CT: 160
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Moderate portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent
NOTE: Stone Break is a great spell for juggling the enemy, and it has a very
      high HP Recovery stat.

>>>>>SKILL #5<<<<<
NAME: アクアストリーム Aqua Stream
DE: A large wave of water attacks an enemy.
LV: 26
EL: Water
ATK: 750
FG: 420
HP: 67
SV: 10
OC: 60
CT: 138
RI: 38
HIT: 3
RA: Moderate portion of 1 line
NOTE: Aqua Stream can launch the enemy into the air.

>>>>>SKILL #6<<<<<
NAME: シャイニングレイ Shining Ray
DE: Two glyphs appear in the sky and start rotating and as they rotate, rain
    down rays of light on a foe.
LV: 40
EL: Light
ATK: 1000
FG: 480
HP: 57
SV: 20
OC: 35
CT: 202
RI: 40
HIT: 7
RA: Moderate portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent
NOTE: Shining Ray is a cult favorite due to the number of hits and the fact
      that it can literally stop an enemy in its tracks.

>>>>>SKILL #7<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: L・ロ一ブ Lightning Robe
DE: Hilda calls down a bolt of lightning and enshrouds herself with it.
LV: 31
EL: Light
FG: 500
HP: 69
CT: 0
NOTE: Lightning Robe acts as a "shield" of sorts in that it will automatically
      counterattack with a shock when an enemy lands a direct hit on Hilda. Be
      aware that Lightning Robe doesn't actually reduce the damage taken though
      and that Hilda can still be interrupted while chanting. L. Robe also
      prevents enemies from comboing against Hilda. This effect lasts for 15
      seconds. L. Robe has an excellent HP Recovery stat as well. Remember that
      Refining Skills require a full FG for use.

>>>>>SKILL #8<<<<< (Refining Skill)
NAME: L・ソ一サリ一 Limited Sorcery
DE: Hilda gathers her Force and concentrates it into her tarot cards.
LV: 49
EL: Light
FG: 370
HP: 62
CT: 0
NOTE: Limited Sorcery can be a great asset during long battles since it reduces
      the chant time for Hilda's Ougis by 25% and doubles the FG recovery for
      her Normal attacks. The effect lasts for 18 seconds. Remember that
      Refining Skills require a full FG for use.

>>>>>OUGI #1<<<<<
NAME: フリ一ズランサ一 Freeze Lancer
OR: Rock Barrage (#1) and Splasher (#2)
DE: Hilda shoots 5 ice spears that fan out in front of her.
LV: 20
EL: Earth and Water
ATK: 800 (per spear!)
FG: 370
HP: 57
SV: 12
OC: 44
CT: 160
RI: 56
HIT: 1
RA: Large portion of all 3 lines
NOTE: Freeze Lancer can be deadly at point blank range.

>>>>>OUGI #2<<<<<
NAME: クラスターレイド Cluster Raid
OR: Rock Barrage (#1) and Thunder Spear (#3)
DE: 8 Crystals fall from the sky, and as they hit the ground, spread into more
    crystals attacking any enemy in range.
LV: 24
EL: Earth and Light
ATK: 1000
FG: 400
HP: 67
SV: 27
OC: 20
CT: 180
RI: 40
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent
NOTE: It can be rather difficult to hit the intended target with Cluster Raid
      because of how the crystals fall.

>>>>>OUGI #3<<<<<
NAME: フラッシュティア Flash Tear
OR: Splasher (#2) and Thunder Spear (#3)
DE: A large glyph appears on the ground, as another appears above it, then the
    two glyphs fuse into one, making the glyph erupt attacking any enemy in
LV: 28
EL: Water and Light
ATK: 1160
FG: 440
HP: 60
SV: 14
OC: 85
CT: 170
RI: 56
HIT: 4
RA: Large portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent

>>>>>OUGI #4<<<<<
NAME: フリジットコフィン Frigid Coffin
OR: Stone Break (#4) and Aqua Stream (#5)
DE: Ice rises from the ground and into the sky as they form a giant sword that
    pierces the enemy.
LV: 45
EL: Earth and Water
ATK: 1700
FG: 700
HP: 72
SV: 20
OC: 50
CT: 260
RI: 64
HIT: 5 (varies, max=7)
RA: Large portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent

>>>>>OUGI #5<<<<<
NAME: グランドダッシャー Ground Dasher
OR: Stone Break (#4) and Shining Ray (#6)
DE: The ground opens up and proceeds to spew a whole line of stalagmites at the
LV: 40
EL: Earth and Light
ATK: 1800
FG: 650
HP: 83
SV: 20
OC: 66
CT: 240
RI: 64
HIT: 7
RA: Large portion of 1 line
NOTE: Ground Dasher is awesome; it sports the highest HP Recovery stat of any
      Hilda's spells and it freakin' rips through an enemy's defenses. And it

>>>>>OUGI #6<<<<<
NAME: ディバインセイバー Divine Sabre
OR: Aqua Stream (#5) and Shining Ray (#6)
DE: Lightning rains down in a circular pattern, which then finally consolidate
    into one massive bolt that smashes the targeted foe.
LV: Hilda learns this Ougi after a storyline event.
EL: Water and Light
ATK: 1900
FG: 800
HP: 65
SV: 20
OC: 23
CT: 290
RI: 68
HIT: 10
RA: Large portion of the line that the targeted enemy is on and any adjacent
NOTE: Absolutely brutal, that's all I have to say.

PART B: TITLES                                                        [CHAb00]

Here's the format that I'll be using for this section:
Name: name of title in Japanese, English
Par: parameter
Bon: bonus
AC: acquisition conditions
Sub: sub event that you should look at for more details

Note that I currently only have the titles for the PS2 version of the game. I
probably won't be able to include the PSP exclusive ones anytime soon unless
someone wants to upload some screenshots for me.

VEIGUE                                                               [CHAb01]

Name: 剣士 Swordsman
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Veigue starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 笑顔を失った青年 Young Man Who's Lost His Smile
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Veigue starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 恋のキュ一ピット Love Cupid
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 3
AC: Clear Sub Event "Monica & Steve"
Sub: #1

Name: 名探偵 Great Detective
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 6
AC: Clear Sub Event "Mystery of the Iron Factory"
Sub: #6

Name: S・ラフティングマン Super Rafting Man
Par: Max HP
Bon: 70
AC: Get a score of at least 100,000 points for all 4 routes of the rafting
Sub: If I add a Mini-Game section to this FAQ, then I'll update this later.

Name: ラフティングマン Rafting Man
Par: Max HP
Bon: 20
AC: Play the rafting mini-game during Phase 9.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3...for the curious, a sommelier is the French term for a waiter who
     serves wine.

Name: ナイスウェイタ一 Nice Waiter
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Veigue.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由青年 Free Youth
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A...but on a random note, in light of the spirit of freedom, you are
     free to rename this title.

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 9
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミスタ一・パ一フェクト Mister Perfect
Par: Max HP
Bon: 100
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: 考え込む青年 Brooding Young Man
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Display the item "Can of Milk with Sulz's Seal" in Balka's museum and
    examine it with Veigue.
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 6
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin" (note: Usanin literally means Bunny Person)
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 11
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 5
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 9
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 15
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 6
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the
Sub: #11

MAO                                                                  [CHAb02]

Name: 術使い Magic User
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Mao starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 記憶喪失の少年 The Boy with Amnesia
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Mao receives this title automatically after Claire is abducted in Sulz. He
    loses it after Phase 34.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 脱走兵 Deserter
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Mao gets this title automatically after Claire is abducted in Sulz.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: くいしんぼう Gourmand
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear the Sub Event "Gourmand"
Sub: #27

Name: 歌好き Likes to Sing
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: View the Skit "Mao's Song" during Phase 6.
Sub: N/A

Name: 創られし者 One Who Was Created
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Mao receives this title after Phase 34.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: Max HP
Bon: 40
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3

Name: ナイスウェイタ一 Nice Waiter
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Mao.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由少年 Free Boy
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 13
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミスタ一・パ一フェクト Mister Perfect
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: カワイイもの好き Likes Cute Things
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Display the item "Bush Baby Statue" in Balka's museum and examine it with
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin"
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: Max HP
Bon: 80
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 6
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 11
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 6
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: 炎の子 Child of Fire
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Mao receives this title after Phase 34.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the
Sub: #11

EUGENE                                                               [CHAb03]

Name: 槍戦士 Spearsman
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Eugene starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 元・隊長 Former Commander
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Eugene receives this title automatically after Claire is abducted in Sulz.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: カレギアの黒豹 Karegia's Black Panther
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Eugene starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 良き指導者 Good Leader
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the Sub Event "The Young Girl with the Force of Feather"
Sub: #15

Name: やさしいおじちゃん Kindhearted Mister
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Complete the Sub Event "Kindhearted Mister"
Sub: #7

Name: ダンディ Dandy
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 3
AC: View the Skit "Eugene's Appearance Part 1" during Phase 13.
Sub: N/A

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: Max HP
Bon: 50
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3

Name: ナイスウェイタ一 Nice Waiter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Eugene.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由中年 Free Middle-Aged Man
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: Max HP
Bon: 100
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミスタ一・パ一フェクト Mister Perfect
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 7
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: 忠臣 Loyal Subject
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 5
AC: Display the item "Armor of the First King of Karegia" in Balka's museum
    and examine it with Eugene.
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin"
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 11
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 15
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 5
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: Max HP
Bon: 160
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 7
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the
Sub: #11

ANNIE                                                                [CHAb04]

Name: 法陣師 Position to Judge
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Annie starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 仇討ちの少女 Girl of Vengeance
Par: None
Bon: None
AC:  Annie starts off with this title. She loses it after Phase 41.
Sub: N/A

Name: 女医志望 Aspiring Lady Doctor
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Annie receives this title automatically during Phase 6.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 名探偵 Great Detective
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Clear Sub Event "Mystery of the Iron Factory"
Sub: #6

Name: 怖がり Scaredy Cat
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Annie receives this title automatically during Phase 6.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: ガジュマ嫌い Gajuma Hater
Par: None
Bon: None
AC:  Annie starts off with this title. She loses it after Phase 41.
Sub: N/A

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3

Name: ナイスウェイトレス Nice Waitress
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Annie.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由少女 Free Girl
Par: Max HP
Bon: 10
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミス・パ一フェクト Miss Perfect
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 2
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: 評論家 Critic
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Display the item "Abstract Painting" in Balka's museum and examine it
    with Annie.
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin"
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: Max HP
Bon: 100
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 6
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the
Sub: #11

TYTREE                                                               [CHAb05]

Name: 格闘弓士 Grappling Archer
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Tytree starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 製鉄工場従業員 Iron Factory Worker
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Tytree starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 姉恋い Loves Sis
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Tytree starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 料理好き Likes Cooking
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Tytree starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ××料理人 xxCook
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 2
AC: Tytree receives this title automatically during Phase 9.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: エコロジスト Ecologist
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Tytree starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3

Name: ナイスウェイタ一 Nice Waiter
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Tytree.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由野郎 Free Rascal
Par: Max HP
Bon: 10
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミスタ一・パ一フェクト Mister Perfect
Par: Max HP
Bon: 100
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: 真正料理人 Genuine Cook
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 3
AC: Display the item "Golden Frying Pan and Silver Ladle" in Balka's museum
    and examine it with Tytree.
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin"
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 7
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 12
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: 料理の師匠 Cooking Instructor
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the Sub Event "The Young Girl with the Force of Feather"
Sub: #15

Name: 迷探偵 Sloppy Detective
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Clear Sub Event "Mystery of the Iron Factory"
Sub: #6

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the
Sub: #11

HILDA                                                                [CHAb06]

Name: 術使い Magic User
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Hilda starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 占い師 Fortune Teller
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Hilda starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ハ一フ Half
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Hilda starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 元・王の盾 Former Member of The Royal Shield
Par: None
Bon: None
AC: Hilda starts off with this title.
Sub: N/A

Name: 孤独を知る女 Woman Who Knows Loneliness
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the Sub Event "The Young Girl with the Force of Feather"
Sub: #15

Name: 酒好き Enjoys Sake
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: View the Skit "Heavenly Sake Part 1" during Phase 18.
Sub: N/A

Name: トレジャ一ハンタ一 Treasure Hunter
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 3
AC: Complete the salvage during Phase 47.
Sub: Storyline Event

Name: 本のソムリエ  Book Sommelier
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 4
AC: Clear Sub Event "Moving Library"
Sub: #3

Name: ナイスウェイトレス Nice Waitress
Par: Max HP
Bon: 20
AC: Clear the Bar Mini-Game with Hilda.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: 自由姐さん Free Elder Sister
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 2
AC: Go to the town hall in Minal and speak to the lady with the glasses.
    Choose the third answer そう思う to receive the title.
Sub: N/A

Name: ドリ一ム・クリア Dream Clear
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 6
AC: Clear Level 2, Mission 5 of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: ミス・パ一フェクト Miss Perfect
Par: Slash Attack Power
Bon: 13
AC: Clear all 30 Free Stages of the Mini-Game Force of Dream.
Sub: No Mini-Game section right now.

Name: トラベラ一 Traveler
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 2
AC: Talk to the old guy in Sannytown who likes cats (and has about 25 of them
    running around in his house).
Sub: #4

Name: チェロ奏者 Cello Player
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Display the item "Cello" in Balka's museum and examine it with Hilda.
Sub: #11

Name: バニ一ハンタ一 Bunny Hunter
Par: Thrust Attack Power
Bon: 7
AC: Clear Sub Event "Hidden Usanin"
Sub: #21

Name: 世界仰天不思議発見 Amazing and Mysterious Discoveries of the World
Par: Skill Defense Power
Bon: 15
AC: Find all 64 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations
Par: FG Recovery
Bon: 6
AC: Find the 7 Discovery Spots that contain the stone monuments of the Sacred
Sub: #4

Name: 冒険家 Adventurer
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 5
AC: Find at least 30 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 偉大なる冒険家 Grand Adventurer
Par: Slash Defense Power
Bon: 6
AC: Find at least 40 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: 驚愕の冒険家 Astonishing Adventurer
Par: Max HP
Bon: 60
AC: Find at least 50 Discovery Spots.
Sub: #4

Name: バトルマスタ一 Battle Master
Par: Skill Attack Power
Bon: 15
AC: Complete the Battlebook.
Sub: #2

Name: G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter
Par: HP Recovery
Bon: 5
AC: Acquire the item "Aifreed's Hand-mirror" from salvaging.
Sub: #18

Name: オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist
Par: Thrust Defense Power
Bon: 4
AC: Have all of the items from the Sub Event "Auction" on display at the

CLAIRE                                                               [CHAb07]

Name: 村娘 Village Girl
AC: Claire starts off with this title.

Name: さらわれた娘 Abducted Girl
AC: Claire starts off with this title.

Name: ヴェイグの家族 Veigue's Family
AC: Claire starts off with this title.

Name: 入れ替わった女性 Woman Who Changed Bodies
AC: Claire gains this title automatically after the events in Phase 43.

Name: 演説者 Speaker
AC: Claire gains this title automatically after the events in Phase 43.

Name: 純朴な娘 Simplistic Girl
AC: Examine the item "Pipista's Specialty: Hemp Fabric" displayed in Balka's

AGARTE                                                               [CHAb08]

Name: 女王 The Queen
AC: Agarte starts off with this title.

Name: 術使い Magic User
AC: Agarte starts off with this title.

Name: 謎の女性 Woman of Mystery
AC: Agarte starts off with this title.

Name: 入れ替わった女性 Woman Who Changed Bodies
AC: Agarte gains this title automatically after the events in Phase 43.

Name: 誇り高き旅人 Proud Tourist
AC: Agarte receives this title after the events in Phase 48.

Name: 目覚めた女王 Awakened Queen
AC: Agarte receives this title after Phase 49.

Name: ゴ一ジャスレディ一 Gorgeous Lady
AC: Examine the item "Gorgeous Dress" displayed in Balka's museum.

10) Sub Events                                                        [SUB000]
The Sub Events section is intimately linked to the Titles section;
essentially, this portion will provide more details about how to earn those
titles and other goodies.

For those of you who have the Official Guide in hand, I will be listing the
Sub Events in a slightly different order. The guide numbers the Sub Events in
the order in which you visit different locales, which I happen to find
illogical and confusing; therefore, I will be numbering the Sub Events in
chronological order by Phase instead (for the most part anyway...the last 3
can be started early in the game, but you won't likely finish them for a long

In this first section, I'm going to make a list of all of the Sub Events.
The Details portion of the Sub Events section will contain all of the
specifics for each event (when I get to them, of course).

By the way, I haven't personally completed a lot of these Sub Events, so if
the information sounds a bit vague, it's because the guide doesn't give me a
specific location or something. In any case if I ever have the time (ha!),
I'll try to translate some of the Sub Events that give you more background
info for the storyline (although that really is at the bottom of my priority
list right now, so don't hold your breath or anything...unless someone wants
to volunteer to help me, of course ^^).

PART A: SUB EVENT SUMMARY                                            [SUBa00]

Here's the format for the Sub Event list summary.

#) Name of the Sub Event
I. Phase: Indicates the time period that a Sub Event can be INITIATED. The
       first number represents the earliest phase that a Sub Event is
       available; the second number (if applicable) represents the latest
       phase that the Sub Event can be started. In other words, some Sub
       Events have limited availability! So for instance, Sub Event #1 can be
       initiated any time from the very beginning of the game up until the
       boss battle at the end of Phase 25. However, you won't be able to
       complete the Sub Event if you try to trigger the event for the first
       time from Phase 26 or later. Notice that for the summary, this ONLY
       refers to triggering the Sub Event the first time...some of the events
       have multiple parts to them; phase restrictions for each part will be
       listed under the Details section below.
Reward: Lists any major items or titles awarded for completing the Sub Event.
Location: Town (or the closest town) where the reward(s) for the Sub Event is

1) Monica & Steve
I. Phase: 01~25
Reward: 剣「バルスンク」 Barsunc? Sword (for Veigue)
        称号「恋のキュ一ピット」 Love Cupid Title (for Veigue)
Location: Sulz

2) The Complete Old Man
I. Phase: 05 onward
Reward: Various items including talismans (for Veigue)
        称号「バトルマスタ一」 Battle Master Title (for the main party)
Location: Minal

3) Moving Library
I. Phase: 06 onward
Reward: 称号「本のソムリエ」  Book Sommelier Title (for the main party)
Location: Minal

4) The Old Guy Who Likes Cats
I. Phase: 10 onward
Reward: 称号「トラベラ一」 Traveler Title and other Titles (for the main party)
         that are related to the Discovery Spots.
Location: Sannytown

5) Hack's Gratitude
I. Phase: 21~25
Reward: 杖「アンダリュ一サイト」 Andrew Sight? Staff (for Annie)
Location: Balka

6) Mystery of the Iron Factory
I. Phase: 30~47
Reward: 称号「名探偵」 Great Detective Title (for Veigue and Annie)
        称号「迷探偵」 Sloppy Detective Title (for Tytree)
        エリクツ一ル Elixir
        5,000 Gald
Location: Petnadjanka

7) Kindhearted Mister
I. Phase: 30~47, 51 onward
Reward: 称号「やさしいおじちゃん」 Kindhearted Mister Title (for Eugene)
        宝石「ライフエメラルド」 Life Emerald Jewel
Location: Babilograd

8) The Stone Tablets of Mesechina Caverns
I. Phase: 30 (from when you hear the story about the flag until you complete
          the Shrine of Eephon)
Reward: None
Location: Balka

9) Enhancement Obsession?
I. Phase: 35 onward
Reward: 防具「リフレ一ル」 Refrel? Armor (for Hilda)
        防具「ウェディングドレス」 Winding Dress (for Annie)
Location: Pipista

10) Waltu & Eugene
I. Phase: 36~41
Rewards: None
Location: Balka

11) Auction
I. Phase: 40~57
Reward: 称号「オ一クションの達人」 Auction Specialist Title (for the main party)
        称号「考え込む青年」など  Unique Titles for each character such as
                                 Brooding Young Man
Location: Balka

12) Donnell Once Again
I. Phase: 44 onward
Reward: None (but don't you want to see him?)
Location: Kyogen

13) The Lady Who Collects Jewels
I. Phase: 44 onward
Reward: 武器「ディストランゲ」 Distrang? Weapon (for Tytree)
        武器「ゲイリュイオン」 Geyruion? Weapon (for Annie)
Location: Belsas

14) Militsa & Hilda
I. Phase: 45~46
Reward: None
Location: Sannytown

15) The Young Girl with the Force of Feather
I. Phase: 45 onward
Reward: 称号「良き指導者」 Good Leader Title (for Eugene)
        称号「料理の師匠」 Cooking Instructor Title (for Tytree)
        称号「孤独を知る女」 Woman Who Knows Loneliness Title (for Hilda)
Location: Nolzen

16) Peeping Tom Cat
I. Phase: 45 onward
Reward: None
Location: Usanin Village

17) Hilda's Time to Read
I. Phase: 47 onward
Reward: Hilda can now read fortunes.
Location: Balka

18) Salvage
I. Phase: 48 onward
Reward: 貴重品「アイフリ一ドの手鏡」 Aifreed's Hand-Mirror (Valuable Item)
        護符「シルバ一ガントレット」 Silver Gauntlet (Accessory) and other items
Location: Belsas

19) Arrival of New Goods
I. Phase: 55 onward
Reward: The Accessory Shop has a new line of goods for sale.
Location: Balka

20) Thick Curtain
I. Phase: 55 onward
Reward: None
Location: Pipista

21) Hidden Usanin
I. Phase: 55 onward
Reward: 称号「バニ一ハンタ一」 Bunny Hunter Title (for the main party)
Location: Usanin Village

22) Secret Diary
I. Phase: 56 onward
Reward: You can now read the diaries of your party members.
Location: Balka

23) Movie Usanin
I. Phase: 45 onward (2nd or later playthroughs only)
Reward: You can watch all of the movie sequences in the game.
Location: Usanin Village

24) Annihilation Nekonin
I. Phase: 45 onward (2nd or later playthroughs only)
Reward: I'm not sure at this point, but I think this lets you screw around
        with the storyline; it also mentions something about lines from
        different characters when you mess up...?
Location: Usanin Village

25) What Happened To The Beautiful Women After That
I. Phase: Various (see Details Section)
Reward: Backstory mainly...you get to talk to all of the girls that Claire
        befriended when she was captured by The Royal Shield.
Location: All over the world

26) Prize Recipes
I. Phase: 11 onward
Reward: レシピ「唐揚げ」 Fried Chicken Recipe
        レシピ「野菜サラダ」 Vegetable Salad Recipe
        レシピ「海鮮グラタン」 Seafood Gratin Recipe
        レシピ「マ一ボ一カレ一」 Marbled Curry Recipe
Location: Farm Fresh Groceries

27) Gourmand
I. Phase: 1 onward
Reward: 称号「くいしんぼう」 Gourmand Title (for Mao)
Location: Farm Fresh Groceries

PART B: SUB EVENT DETAILS                                            [SUBb00]
There isn't going to be a set format for this section persay since each Sub
Event follows a different process. At the very least, I'll have the following
information for you for all of them:

Name: Name of the Event
I. Phase: Indicates the time period that a Sub Event can be INITIATED
C. Phase: Indicates the earliest phase that you can COMPLETE the Sub Event
PL: Specific place where the Sub Event occurs
PA: Number of parts to the Sub Event
MS: Indicates whether a Sub Event is missable or not. "No" means that you
    should be able to activate and complete the Sub Event as long as you
    haven't entered the final dungeon yet. You may be able to do it even
    after you start Phase 55, but I make no guarantees. "Yes" means that
    the Sub Event itself or its parts have limited availability.
DE: General description of Sub Event

Okey dokey, let's see how many of these I can get through before I decide
to completely redo the format!

Sub Event #1                                                         [SUBb01]
Name: Monica & Steve
I. Phase: 1-25
C. Phase: 53
PL: Sulz (see each part for more details)
PA: 4
DE: This event involves getting together two of Veigue's neighbors, Monica
    and Steve. Doing so will net you a weapon and a title for Veigue. This
    event is really easy to overlook, so be careful to pay attention to the
    active phases for each part (particularly parts 2 and 3). Your rewards
    for completing this event include the 剣「バルスンク」 Barsunc? Sword
    (for Veigue) and the 称号「恋のキュ一ピット」 Love Cupid Title
    (for Veigue as well).

PART 1: (Phases 1-25)
Active from the time that Claire is abducted until the boss battle in
Karegia Castle.
  > First talk to Steve in the weapons shop.
  > Then talk to Monica in front of the assembly hall.

PART 2: (Phases 26-43)
Active from when "Claire" joins your party at the hostel near Sulz
until you part ways at Scarab's house in Belsas.
  > First talk to Steve in the weapons shop.
  > Then talk to Monica in front of the assembly hall.

PART 3: (Phases 44-51)
Active from when you first arrive at the Shrine of Blue until you act as a
mediator between the Humas and Gajumas in Minal.
  > First talk to Steve in the weapons shop.
  > Then talk to Monica in front of the assembly hall.

PART 4: (Phase 53)
Active during Aunt Popura's peach pie party.
  > Talk to Steve and Monica during the party.

Sub Event #2                                                         [SUBb02]
Name: The Complete Old Man
I. Phase: 5
C. Phase: 55 (I think?)
PL: Minal (in the gymnasium...head towards the library and you'll see a set
    of stairs going down. The building at the bottom is the gym)
PA: 1 (technically)
MS: No
DE: There's an old man in the gym who will give you items in exchange for
    completing the enemy data section of your Battle Book. The talismans that
    you receive from him can be equipped by Veigue and change some of his
    Skills to ones that are more "traditional" for a swordsman in the Tales
    series (e.g. Demon Fang/Majinken). The list that appears below assumes
    that you have filled in all of the enemy data (i.e. you've fought, killed,
    received any item drops from those enemies, activated any defensive or
    offensive latent abilities that they may have...basically, you should have
    no question marks under the enemy's data) up through that point excluding
    the event/boss battles. In addition to a bunch of items, everyone in your
    main party will receive the 称号「バトルマスタ一」Battle Master Title once
    you've completed every entry (I believe there are 158 total). You can see
    how many entries you've finished by checking your Battle Book on the main
    menu (it is the middle option on the bottom row). From there, choose the
    last option 戦闘歴史 "Battle History". The number of entries completed
    should be the fourth option from the bottom 敵コンプリ一ト数 "Number of
    Completed Enemy Entries."

Here's the format for this section:
# entries completed: Item awarded (first area where requirements can be met)

5 Entries: 「ステップブ一ツ」 Step Boots (ス一ルズ周辺 Outskirts of Sulz)
10 Entries: 「魔神の魂」 Majin Spirit Talisman (アルヴァン山脈 Alvan Mountains)
20 Entries: 「アップルグミ」 Apple Gummi (ペトナジャンカ周辺 Outskirts of
30 Entries: 「風神の魂」 Fuujin Spirit Talisman (カレ一ズ Karez)
40 Entries: 「回錬石」 Recovery Refine Stone (バビログラ一ド周辺 Outskirts of
50 Entries: 「ピ一チグミ」 Peach Gummi (バルカ周辺 Outskirts of Balka)
60 Entries: 「カモミ一ル」 Chamomile (ラジルダ周辺 Outskirts of Razilda)
70 Entries: 「猛虎の魂」 Mouko [Kogahazan] Spirit Talisman (ピピスタ周辺
             Outskirts of Pipista)
80 Entries: 「グレ一プグミ」 Grape Gummi (キョグエン周辺 Outskirts of Kyogen)
90 Entries: 「ラベンダ一」 Lavender (海上 On the ocean)
100 Entries: 「閃光の魂」 Senkou Spirit Talisman (ベルサス周辺 Outskirts of
110 Entries: 「ウッチャリグミ」 Uchari [Switch] Gummi (ギリオ一ヌの聖殿 Shrine
              of Gilione)
120 Entries: 「空神の魂」 Kuushin [Kuushuuken] Spirit Talisman
             (ユリスの領域上層部 Upper Yuris' Realm)
130 Entries: 「セ一ジ」 Sage (サイグロ一グの館 Cyglorg's Chambers)
140 Entries: 「醒錬石」 Awakening Refine Stone (サイグロ一グの館
              Cyglorg's Chambers)
150 Entries: 「氷魔の魂」 Hyouma [Muhyoushou] Spirit Talisman (サイグロ一グの館
              Cyglorg's Chambers)

Sub Event #3                                                         [SUBb03]
Name: Moving Library
I. Phase: 6 (after Annie joins your party)
C. Phase: 48
PL: Minal and all over the world (see each part for more details)
PA: 3
MS: You can apparently miss Part 2, but you can still get the title as long as
    you complete part 3.
DE: This is an event where you lend and retrieve books for the librarian in
    Minal. Be aware that you need to coordinate this Sub Event with the Sub
    Event #15, The Young Girl with the Force of Feather, since you need to
    let that girl borrow one of those books. Also, in Parts 2 and 3, you can
    retrieve the books right after you lend it to the people once you step
    onto the world map. So basically, you can lend it to them, exit onto the
    world map, and re-enter to take it back to the library. All of this
    legwork nets you a couple of random items and the 称号「本のソムリエ」
    Book Sommelier Title for your main party.

Here's the format that I'm going to use for this Sub Event.

L. Place: Place where you can find the person whom you're lending the book to
          (Parts 2 & 3 only)
R. Place: Place where you can find the person so that you can retrieve the
Person: Person who's borrowing the book
A. Phase: Indicates the phase/time period when a person first becomes
Book: Name of the book
Thanks: What the person gives you (if anything) for doing his/her chores for

PART 1: (Phases 6-44)
In this part, you are returning books to the librarian in Minal. Talk to the
librarian first. Then go visit these people and they should give you a book.
All you have to do now is return to the library and talk to the librarian
again. Piece of cake, right? BTW, in case you didn't know, there's usually a
guy with a cowboy hat that stands near the entrance of the towns...he's
basically your fastest way of travelling between towns until Phase 25, so use
him. He charges 300 Gald, but trust me, you don't want to hike from all the
way from Babilograd to Minal. After Phase 25, all of the ports reopen, so it's
generally faster to go by boat at that point. After Phase 44, well, you'll
know what the best way to travel will be when you get there.

-Person #1-
R. Place: The gym in Minal
Person: The younger Huma man behind the counter
A. Phase: 6 (after Annie joins your party)
Book: 歴史小説  Historical Novel
Thanks: Nothing

-Person #2-
R. Place: Private residence in Sannytown (the house that Susie was hiding in)
Person: The bird-type Gajuma woman on the second floor
A. Phase: 13 (after you've entered Karez)
Book: 旅行記 Travel Journal
Thanks: Squat

-Person #3-
R. Place: The inn at Babilograd's Harbor
Person: The bird-type Gajuma on the second floor (on the left side)
A. Phase: 19 (after you've entered Balka's Harbor
Book: 冒険小説 Adventure Novel
Thanks: Zilch

-Person #4-
R. Place: Private residence in Kyogen
Person: The old Huma man who tells you about the Garden of Illusion (aka
        Lenpao Sky Garden)
A. Phase: 38 (after you've enter Nolzen)
Book: 歴史書 History Book
Thanks: Diddly

-Person #5-
R. Place: Private residence in Nolzen (to the right and rear of the plaza with
          the mermaid statue)
Person: The old Huma man
A. Phase: 41 (after you've entered the Shrine of Wontiga)
Book: 伝記 Biography
Thanks: Zero

-Person #6-
R. Place: Private residence in Belsas (the house that is furthest to the rear
          from the corner with the Item Shop
Person: The Huma woman
A. Phase: 44 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 恋愛小説 Love Novel
Thanks: Nought

PART 2: (Phase 45 onward...except for maybe Person #5)
Okay, I've finally figured out what the deal is with this part. You must
complete Part 1 of Sub Event #15 (The Young Girl With The Force Of Feather)
before the people in Part 2 of this Sub Event will appear! I've made the
necessary changes, so do a search for "[SUBb15]" (note that if you do a search
up for the same term, it should bring you back here) and finish that first.

So you've taken care of Ninon's part, right? Good, now go talk to the
librarian again. He should give you the option of checking out a book once
more. Pick the one you need (you can check out up to three books at the same
time) and go talk to the person who's borrowing the book and exit to the
world map. After that, go to the Retrieval Place that is indicated. And
finally, bring the book back to the librarian.

-Person #1-
L. Place: The hostel on Keketto Road (the one near Sulz)
R. Place: The hostel on Keketto Road
Person: The Huma peddler
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 推理小説 Crime Fiction
Thanks: Nil (didn't know there were so many synonyms for nothing, huh?)

-Person #2-
L. Place: The cabin on top of Mount Alvan
R. Place: The hostel on Keketto Road
Person: The Gajuma peddler
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 旅行記 Travel Journal
Thanks: グレ一プグミ Grape Gummi (finally, something!)

-Person #3-
L. Place: Tel Alla Highway Hostel (the one near Sannytown)
R. Place: Tel Alla Highway Hostel
Person: The Huma traveller
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 歴史書 History Book
Thanks: Nada

-Person #4-
L. Place: Private residence in Belsas
R. Place: Private residence in Belsas
Person: The old Huma lady
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 画集 Collection of Paintings
Thanks: ウッチャリグミ Switch Gummi

-Person #5-*I would recommend finishing this part before Phase 47 because
            something bad happens to Razilda and I'm not sure if that affects
            this Sub Event or not.
L. Place: Razilda (in front of inn or inside of the house with the older
          Gajuma lady who told you about the crests/flags earlier
R. Place: The second floor of the inn at Balka Harbor
Person: The little flower girl that Tytree gave the flower to
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 図鑑 Picture Book
Thanks: The Power of Darkness...well, it's true!

-Person #6-
L. Place: Private residence in Nolzen (to the right and rear of the plaza with
          the mermaid statue)
R. Place: Private residence in Nolzen
Person: The old Huma man (the same one in Step #1 who borrowed the Biography)
A. Phase: 45 (after you've entered the Shrine of Blue)
Book: 辞典 Dictionary
Thanks: The same thing that he gave you last time, unfortunately...

PART 3: (Phase 48 onward)
Part 3 is basically the exact same thing as Part 2 except that these people
are hanging out in even more random spots.

-Person #1-
L. Place: Under the huge tree in the Forest Labyrinth (where the save spot is)
R. Place: Under the huge tree in the Forest Labyrinth
Person: The Huma traveller
A. Phase: 48 (after you've set off on a journey to regenerate the wor...er,
          I mean, when you go and act as a mediator for pretty much every town
          out there)
Book: 伝記 Biography
Thanks: ウッチャリグミ Switch Gummi

-Person #2-
L. Place: Karez (where you climbed up to the outside to rest)
R. Place: Karez (the other area where you can climb above ground, not the exit)
Person: The Gajuma peddler
A. Phase: 48 (after you act as a mediator for the entire world)
Book: 歴史小説  Historical Novel
Thanks: エリクツ一ル Elixir

-Person #3-
L. Place: The guest room at the Babilograd Harbor (I'm guessing this is in the
          inn somewhere?)
R. Place: The guest room at the Babilograd Harbor
Person: The bird-type Gajuma on the second floor (same person as person #3 in
        Part 1)
A. Phase: 48 (after you act as a mediator for the entire world)
Book: 詩集 Collection of Poems
Thanks: Jack

-Person #4-
L. Place: Razilda Harbor
R. Place: The hostel nearby Kyogen
Person: The Gajuma peddler (same guy from the Alvan Mountains)
A. Phase: 48 (after you act as a mediator for the entire world)
Book: 冒険小説 Adventure Novel
Thanks: アワ一グラス Hourglass (nice!)

-Person #5-
L. Place: Sannytown (inside of the Item/Accessory Shop)
R. Place: Sannytown (inside of the Item/Accessory Shop)
Person: The bird-type Gajuma woma shopper
A. Phase: 48 (after you act as a mediator for the entire world)
Book: 恋愛小説 Love Novel
Thanks: Her sincerity, I'm sure

-Person #6-
L. Place: Private residence in Kyogen
R. Place: Private residence in Kyogen
Person: The old Huma man who tells you about the Garden of Illusion (aka
        Lenpao Sky Garden)
A. Phase: 48 (after you act as a mediator for the entire world)
Book: 哲学書
Thanks: Shi..er, crap

Sub Event #4                                                         [SUBb04]
Name: The Old Guy Who Likes Cats
I. Phase: 10 onward (after you arrive in Sannytown)
C. Phase: 55 (1 Discovery Spot doesn't appear until near the end of the game)
PL: Sannytown (residence near the southern exit of town...just look for a
    house that has a whole bunch of cats crawling around in it)
PA: 1 technically
MS: No
DE: The old man who likes cats is the person who gives you information about
    Discovery Spots (those green circular things that appear on the world
    map). He'll provide you with hints about their locations and will also
    give you titles when you find a predetermined number of Discovery Spots.
    He will give you the トラベラ一 Traveller Title when you first talk to him,
    but you will need to give him the item まねきネコ Beckoning Cat (it's a
    figure of a white cat that some Asian businesses have in the front of
    their stores in order to "usher" in customers...call it a good luck charm
    for business, if you will) if you want to get the rest of the titles from
    this guy. The Beckoning Cat can be purchased from the item shop in Minal.

There are a total of 64 Discovery Spots on the world map. You will receive
titles after making 30, 40, 50, and 64 "Discoveries," as he likes to call
them. You also get a title after you find the 7 Discoveries which are related
to the Sacred Beasts. Obviously, text is not the most appropriate form of
relaying information in this case, so I will redirect you to a spiffy map
that has all of the Discoveries listed on it (kudos to zer83 for finding it!
Note that this map was done by someone else entirely though):


Also, you have what you could call a "search" level which is the same as
Veigue's real level. Every spot has a minimum search level which is associated
with it, so you won't be able to find the spot if your actual level is too
low. For instance, if Discovery Spot #3 has a minimum search level of 35 and
you're only level 30, you could literally run over that spot hundreds of times
and never get it to pop up (trust me, I speak from experience). And that's
where I come in! I'm going to list the minimum search level requirement for
all of the Discovery Spots on the map that I linked to so that you're not
running around like an idi...er, like me. I'll also mark which ones are
associated with the Sacred Beasts so that it makes it easier to get the
七星陣発見 Discovery of the 7 Constellations Title. If you are dying to know
the names of each Discovery Spot...well, tough toots. Maybe I'll fill that in
when I don't have, like, half of the storyline left to sub. The names of the
actual titles you'll receive can be found in the Character Titles section...
you can look under anyone who's in the main party (i.e. everyone except Claire
and Agarte).

Here's the format for this section:
Number as it appears on that map: Minimum Search Level, Range

The range will be indicated by a number of asterisks (*) ranging from 1 to 3.
The fewer the asterisks, the closer you have to be to the exact point in
order to find the Discovery Spot. One asterisk is approximately equal to one
body width (the amount of space that your on-screen character takes up when
s/he is on the world map). I'll be placing exclamation points (!) next to the
Sacred Beast Stone Monument Discoveries. Oh, and just ignore the stuff in the
parentheses. The map that I linked to is numbered in a completely different
order from the one in the Official Guide, so I'm putting that info for my
reference in case I need to double check myself.

#1: Lvl. 5  **     (1-->8)           #33: Lvl. 40 *     (33-->42)
#2: Lvl. 25 *      (2-->11)          #34: Lvl. 15 *     (34-->29)
#3: Lvl. 25 *      (3-->9)           #35: Lvl. 35 *     (35-->26)
#4: Lvl. 15 *      (4-->17)          #36: Lvl. 15 *     (36-->38)
#5: Lvl. 45 **     (5-->12)          #37: Lvl. 25 *     (37-->22)
#6: Lvl. 10 **     (6-->10)          #38: Lvl. 45 * !!! (38-->3)
#7: Lvl. 30 *      (7-->13)          #39: Lvl. 25 *     (39-->23)
#8: Lvl. 20 **     (8-->14)          #40: Lvl. 25 *     (40-->37)
#9: Lvl. 35 * !!!  (9-->1)           #41: Lvl. 30 **    (41-->44)
#10: Lvl. 10 *     (10-->15)         #42: Lvl. 45 * !!! (42-->4)
#11: Lvl. 25 **    (11-->16)         #43: Lvl. 15 ***   (43-->19)
#12: Lvl. 10 *     (12-->51)         #44: Lvl. 25 ***   (44-->31)
#13: Lvl. 20 ***   (13-->41)         #45: Lvl. 25 **    (45-->18)
#14: Lvl. 35 *     (14-->55)         #46: Lvl. 35 *     (46-->34)
#15: Lvl. 37 *     (15-->56)         #47: Lvl. 35 *     (47-->59)
#16: Lvl. 25 ***   (16-->25)         #48: Lvl. 45 *     (48-->33)
#17: Lvl. 15 ***   (17-->58)         #49: Lvl. 25 ***   (49-->32)
#18: Lvl. 30 **    (18-->53)         #50: Lvl. 30 ***   (50-->21)
#19: Lvl. 15 **    (19-->27)         #51: Lvl. 20 *     (51-->39)
#20: Lvl. 15 **    (20-->46)         #52: Lvl. 30 **    (52-->40)
#21: Lvl. 25 **    (21-->24)         #53: Lvl. 38 *     (53-->61)
#22: Lvl. 30 *     (22-->50)         #54: Lvl. 30 ***   (54-->20)
#23: Lvl. 40 *     (23-->35)         #55: Lvl. 25 *     (55-->64)
#24: Lvl. 50 *     (24-->47)         #56: Lvl. 35 * !!! (56-->5)
#25: Lvl. 52 *     (25-->48)         #57: Lvl. 35 *     (57-->54)
#26: Lvl. 50 * !!! (26-->7)          #58: Lvl. 40 ***   (58-->62)
#27: Lvl. 25 *     (27-->60)         #59: Lvl. 40 ***   (59-->28)
#28: Lvl. 20 **    (28-->45)         #60: Lvl. 45 * !!! (60-->6)
#29: Lvl. 48 *     (29-->30)         #61: Lvl. 35 **    (61-->63)
#30: Lvl. 52 *     (30-->49)         #62: Lvl. 30 ***   (62-->36)
#31: Lvl. 45 * !!! (31-->2)          #63: Lvl. 30 *     (63-->52)
#32: Lvl. 30 *     (32-->43)         #64: Lvl. 10 *     (64-->57)

WARNING!! Discovery Spot #64 will only be accessible AFTER the appearance of
the last dungeon during Phase 55! It's on a small island that is not marked on
the map, so you'll just have fly around. You can see your current location on
the world map a bit better by pressing on the R3 stick (the right analog

Sub Event #5                                                         [SUBb05]
Name: Hack's Gratitude
I. Phase: 21~25
C. Phase: 21~25
PL: Balka (in Jibel's house, which is across from the item/accessory shop)
PA: 1
DE: This Sub Event is pretty simple. Just talk to Hack anytime after you save
    him in Mesechina Cavern until the boss battle in Karegia Castle and he'll
    give you the 杖「アンダリュ一サイト」 Andrew Sight? Staff for Annie. If you
    talk to him again, he'll ask you if you're taking good care of the staff
    and such. He'll only give you the staff once though. The staff is unique
    (i.e. it can't be purchased or created), so it's up to you whether or not
    you decide to keep it.

Sub Event #6                                                         [SUBb06]
Name: Mystery of the Iron Factory
I. Phase: 30~47
C. Phase: 30~47
PL: Petnadjanka (in the Iron Factory)
PA: 12
DE: This Sub Event is available from when you give Eugene the medicine that
    you get from Razilda until you meet with the Sacred Beast Randgriz. For
    this Sub Event, the factory manager basically asks you to investigate the
    suspicious events that have been taking place in the factory. You have
    to do a lot of running around to collect both information and pieces of a
    mysterious brooch. You will be rewarded with the 称号「名探偵」 Great
    Detective Title for Veigue and Annie, 称号「迷探偵」 the Sloppy Detective
    Title for Tytree, エリクツ一ル an Elixir, and 5,000 Gald for completing
    this event. A random note, but the titles are rather funny since they are
    both pronounced the same way (MEITANTEI), but have completely opposite
    meanings. Anyway, I'm just going to list the different steps, so no
    hare-brained formats for this event.

1) Talk to the Factory Manager in the Control Room (that room near the
   entrance of the factory with the save point)
2) Go to the Rookie's house and talk to him.
3) Talk to everyone inside of the factory. Then go to the main corridor.
4) When prompted with a choice, pick 「怪しい場所」 Suspicious Place.
5) Examine the hole in the wall in the room with the blast furnace on the 2nd
6) Talk to the factory worker in that same room.
7) Then talk to all of the workers in the other areas of the factory.
8) Go back to the blast furnace room on the second floor and check out the
   hole in the wall again.
9) Gather the 4 pieces of the brooch from the treasure chests. Note that the
   brooch you are putting together is round, so if you pick up a piece and
   it doesn't look like it's part of a circle, you may have opened the wrong
   treasure chest.
   a) To get to Piece 1, go down the main corridor of the factory and go into
      the only door on the right side. It's in the chest on that big crate.
   b) Piece 2 is on the 1st floor of the factory in the room with the blast
      furnace. Remember that oven-looking thing you tossed the coal into way
      back when you came to get Tytree? The chest should be right next to the
      oven (near the upper left-hand corner of the screen).
   c) Piece 3 is in the same room as Piece 2, but you have to go up to the 2nd
      floor and go down the ladder from there in order to reach it. It's
      behind that big crate in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
   d) If you're coming from the blast furnace room on the 1st floor, Piece 4
      is in the room to the left (the room that the conveyor belt goes into).
      The last piece is in that chest all the way on the left side of the
10) Go back into the first floor blast furnace room and talk to the guy there.
    He'll give you an iron mold.
11) Return to the room where you found Piece 4 and talk to the worker. You'll
    hand over the mold and the guy will make 「ユリのブロ一チ」 Yuri's Brooch
    for you.
12) Place Yuri's Brooch in the hole in the wall on the 2nd floor room with the
    blast furnace.

Sub Event #7                                                         [SUBb07]
Name: Kindhearted Mister
I. Phase: 30~47, 51 onward
C. Phase: 30
PL: Climbers' Cavern (the locked cell in the room right before the area with
    the save point...it's about halfway through the cavern).
PA: 4
MS: No
DE: Remember when you were going through the Climbers' Cavern way back when
    and there was one treasure chest that you couldn't get to because the
    lever was broken? Okay, so maybe you don't, but now's your chance to
    get the contents of that chest, 宝石「ライフエメラルド」 the Life Emerald
    Jewel, and earn a title for Eugene in the process (「やさしいおじちゃん」
    Kindhearted Mister Title). The event starts when you talk to the Gajuma
    mom who's standing in front of the locked cell. Apparently, her little
    sprat somehow managed to get trapped in the cell even though he was able
    to avoid that enemy-infested mist. Anyway, your job is to get him out of
    there. This event is pretty simple (but a tad time-consuming, especially
    if you don't have Shaorune yet), so no special format.

1) Head over to the place where the kid is stuck.
2) Talk to mom in front of the cell.
3) Go to Petnadjanka and talk to the Factory Manager (he should be in the room
   near the entrance that has the save point in it). He'll give you the
  「ナカコ鉱石」Nakako Ore. If you talk to him again with Tytree, you'll find
   out the reason why Tytree knew about this ore apparently.
4) Go back to the Climbers' Cavern and talk to the mom again.

Sub Event #8                                                         [SUBb08]
Name: The Stone Tablets of Mesechina Caverns
I. Phase: 30 (from when you hear the story about the flag until you complete
          the Shrine of Eephon)
C. Phase: 48
PL: Depends, but mostly in the Mesechina Cavern (see below for details)
PA: 6
DE: After Veigue and company discover the stone monuments in Mesechina Cavern,
    Hack goes in there to decipher them. He decodes more of it as you progress
    through the game, so the subject matter will also change gradually. The
    timing for each conversation is pretty precise so it's best to check back
    often with him if you don't want to miss anything, particularly the part
    that takes place in Phase 47. If Hack isn't at the cavern for some reason,
    there should be a memo on the stone monuments that has whatever he's
    decoded up to that point written on it. Note that you can no longer view
    any portion of this Event once the last dungeon appears in Phase 55. Also,
    you don't receive any material goods for completing this Event so if you
    can't read Japanese, it might not be worth the effort. Unless, of course,
    you just want to see Hack again in case saving his hide 3 times isn't
    enough for ya.

For this Event, I'm just gonna tell you when you're supposed to talk to Hack
and where you can find him if he's not in Mesechina Cavern.

Part 1: Phase 30~31 (from when you hear the story about the flag in Razilda
        until you complete the Shrine of Eephon)
Part 2: Phase 35~41 (from when you meet Saleh outside of the inn in Razilda
        until you complete the Shrine of Wontiga)
Part 3: Phase 42~44 (from when you first arrive in Belsas until you complete
        the Shrine of Blue)
Part 4: Phase 45~46 (from when you first arrive in Mocrado Village until you
        complete the Shrine of Gilione)
Part 5: Phase 47 (from when you ask Frantz about the Island of Illusion until
        you meet the Sacred Beast Randgriz for the first time)
Part 6: Phase 48 (when you start acting as a mediator between the Humas and
        the Gajumas throughout the world...but only until Yuris' Realm

So where in the world is Hack anyway?
Balka: From when you first rescue him in the Mesechina Cavern until you
       complete the Shrine of Eephon
Pipista: From when you solve the mystery of the Sacred Altar until the
         appearance of the Burning Tower
Razilda: From when you ask about the "ancient tower which rises up into the
         clouds" in Razilda until you leave the city
Mesechina Cavern: He should be here if he's not in the other 3 places listed
                  up until the appearance of the last dungeon

Sub Event #9                                                         [SUBb09]
Name: Enhancement Obsession?
I. Phase: 35 (anytime after you complete the the Shrine of Fenia/the Burning
C. Phase: 35
PL: the Flame-holders outside of Pipista (the middle Flame-holder along the
    left wing of the gigantic bird ground drawing thing)
PA: 1
MS: No
DE: Basically, there's a guy at one of the Flame-holders who has a thing for
    Enhancing and will give you an armor in exchange for a Refining Stone.
    Doing this twice nets you the 防具「リフレ一ル」 Refrel? Armor for Hilda
    and the 防具「ウェディングドレス」 Winding Dress for Annie. The reward is
    always the same, so it's to your advantage to get these armors early on
    instead of waiting.

Sub Event #10                                                        [SUBb10]
Name: Waltu & Eugene
I. Phase: 36~41 (from after you enter Kyogen until you complete the Shrine of
C. Phase: 36
PL: Balka (in front of Karegia Castle)
PA: 1
DE: If you try to enter Karegia Castle, you'll bump into Waltu, and he and
    Eugene will start to talk. This is an easy Sub Event to miss since you're
    running around Kyogen and Nolzen at this point in the game. You don't get
    anything for this one, so again, it may not be worth it for those who
    can't read (or don't feel like deciphering) Japanese.

Sub Event #11                                                        [SUBb11]
Name: Auction
I. Phase: 40~57 (From after you climb up the Tower of Nereg until Wan Gin dies)
C. Phase: 40
PL: Kyogen (Auction House) and Balka (Museum)
PA: That's up to you, actually.
DE: You start this Event by talking to the museum curator in Balka (it's that
    huge building that's near the weapon/armor shop off on the west side of
    the city...the curator is the guy in the back behind the counter on the
    first floor). He asks you to bid on 1 of 8 requested items at Kyogen's
    auctions so that they can be displayed in the museum. Since the items
    which appear in the auction are chosen at random, it's best to start
    bidding as soon as you get a chance. The curator will give you an
    estimated value for the items that he requests and will reimburse you
    after you bring the item back to the museum. You can technically keep the
    requested items (I don't know why you'd want to do that though); however,
    if you choose to display them in the museum, you can earn individual
    titles for the main party, Claire, and Agarte by examining them (they're
    displayed up on the second floor of the museum...you don't actually have to
    change your on-screen character either as long as that person's in your
    party). In addition, everyone in the main party will get the
    オ一クションの達人 Auction Specialist Title when you display all 8 items
    (plus the curator will give you an hourglass for your troubles). There are
    also many rare items for auction that serve a more practical purpose such
    as Refine Stones. Keep in mind that a new auction begins once you've
    stepped out onto the World Map.

The first time that you talk to Wan Gin, he'll make a sly comment and ask you
if you want to participate in the auction. Select "yes" (はい) and he should
give you a whole bunch of directions (which I'll explain in a minute). For
future reference, when you talk to Wan Gin again, the first question he asks
you is if you want to bid in the auction. The second question that he asks
you is if you want to hear the directions for the auction again (which I would
presume that most of you wouldn't). Okay, now I'm going to give you the
instructions for actually bidding in the auction:

TRIANGLE button: 値段をつり上げる Jack up the price
-->Raises the price by about 50%

SQUARE button: 探りを入れる Test the waters
-->Raises the price by about 5%

X button: あきらめる Give up
-->End the auction

Just in case, here's a quick explanation of how a real auction works. There's
a start price for each item and the auction continues as long as the bid
amounts increase. If no new bids are placed after a certain amount of time,
then the bidder with the highest bid wins the item.

In terms of the auction in Kyogen, the other bidders are more likely to place
another bid when you choose "Test the waters" compared to when you choose
"Jack up the price." Also, when the price of the item exceeds its estimated
value, the other bidders are more reluctant to place further bids. You can
usually win the item by choosing the "Test the waters" option until the price
is about 65-75% of its estimated value and then choosing the "Jack up the
price" option.

a) If you've taken a request from the curator:
-->Requested Item=1/6, Common Item=3/6, Rare Item=2/6

b) If you haven't taken a request from the curator:
-->Requested Item=0/5, Common Item=3/5, Rare Item=2/5

So basically, you have to take a request from the curator or the items that he
asks for will never appear. Simple as that. Also, these percentages assume
that you haven't already purchased the maximum number of each rare item that
is allowed.

a) Veigue
Requested Item: ス一ルズ牛乳印のミルク缶 Can of Milk with Sulz's Seal
Title Earned: 考え込む青年 Brooding Young Man
Estimated Value: 10,000 Gald

b) Mao
Requested Item: ブッシュベイビ一の像 Bush Baby Statue
Title Earned: カワイイもの好き Likes Cute Things
Estimated Value: 25,000 Gald

c) Eugene
Requested Item: 初代カレギア王の鎧 Armor of the First King of Karegia
Title Earned: 忠臣 Loyal Subject
Estimated Value: 40,000 Gald

d) Annie
Requested Item: 抽象画 Abstract Painting
Title Earned: 評論家 Critic
Estimated Value: 15,000 Gald

e) Tytree
Requested Item: 金のフライパンと銀のおたま Golden Frying Pan and Silver Ladle
Title Earned: 真正料理人 Genuine Cook
Estimated Value: 30,000 Gald

f) Hilda
Requested Item: チェロ Cello
Title Earned: チェロ奏者 Cello Player
Estimated Value: 47,000 Gald

g) Claire
Requested Item: ピピスタ特産の麻織物 Pipista's Specialty: Hemp Fabric
Title Earned: 純朴な娘 Simplistic Girl
Estimated Value: 8,000 Gald

h) Agarte
Requested Item: ゴ一ジャスドレス Gorgeous Dress
Title Earned: ゴ一ジャスレディ一 Gorgeous Lady
Estimated Value: 50,000 Gald

*Note that the probability of appearing for each of these items is 1/11. Also,
there is no limit to how many of these that you can purchase. However, the
item won't be offered if you already have 15 of them because then you wouldn't
be able to carry it anyway. This has nothing to do with the Sub Event, but I
absolutely suck at making tables without help from an actual word processor,
so you're just going to have to settle with this...table wannabe thing.

     Name of Item          Estimated Value (Gald)       
グレ一プグミ      Grape Gummi             2,250
ウッチャリグミ    Switch Gummi             2,400
ライムグミ        Lime Gummi                840
オ一ルディバイド  All-Divide                 6,750
アワ一グラス      Hourglass                 15,000
フレアパウダ一    Flare Powder             4,500
アクアパウダ一    Aqua Powder              4,500
ゲイルパウダ一    Gale Powder              4,500
ア一スパウダ一    Earth Powder             4,500
ライトパウダ一    Light Powder             4,500
ダ一クパウダ一    Dark Powder              4,500

Okay, that table sucked...here's the new format:
Name of item-->Estimated Value-->Probability of Appearing-->Max # of Times
  Item Can Be Won

セ一ジ Sage-->3,000-->20/451-->3
ラベンダ一 Lavender-->3,000-->20/451-->3
ベルベ一ヌ Bellabane-->3,000-->20/451-->3
ロ一ズマリ一 Rosemary-->3,000-->20/451-->3
サフラン Saffron-->3,000-->20/451-->3
カモミ一ル Chamomile-->3,000-->20/451-->3
セボリ一 Savory-->3,000-->20/451-->3
斬錬石 Slash Refine Stone-->1,500-->25/451-->5
打錬石 Thrust Refine Stone-->1,500-->25/451-->5
術錬石 Skill Refine Stone-->1,500-->25/451-->5
回錬石 Recovery Refine Stone-->1,500-->25/451-->5
醒錬石 Awakening Refine Stone-->2,550-->15/451-->3
マルクリオ一ザ Markrioza*-->5,850-->30/451-->3
クリスプレイス Krisplace**-->4,500-->30/451-->3
ネイチャ一トパ一ズ Nature Topaz-->6,300-->35/451-->2
メディカルトパ一ズ Medical Topaz-->5,775-->35/451-->2
メンタルトパ一ズ Mental Topaz-->5,685-->35/451-->2
ミスティエメラルド Misty Emerald-->10,000-->15/451-->1
ライフダイアモンド Life Diamond-->75,000-->1/451-->1
金のフォ一ク Golden Fork-->30,000-->5/451-->1
ダッシュブ一ツ Dash Boots-->15,000-->10/451-->1

*Armor for Mao
**Armor for Tytree

Sub Event #12                                                        [SUBb12]
Name: Donnell Once Again
I. Phase: 44 (after Claire gives her speech in Belsas)
C. Phase: 44
PL: Kyogen (inside of Wan Gin's mansion...the room where "Agarte" was being
PA: 1
MS: No
DE: Remember Donnell? He's the guy with the Force of Earth that you fought at
    Climbers' Cavern way back when you were trying to get to Balka from
    Babilograd. Anyway, he was presumed to be dead since he dropped a couple
    of large boulders on himself, but he's actually alive and in Kyogen. He
    should be in the room where "Agarte" was being kept (the right room in
    Wan Gin's mansion). He still has the same funky accent, but his
    personality is completely different now. Apparently, if you talk to
    Yottsua in Balka (the Karegian Dictionary guy), you can learn how Donnell
    survived. If you purchase 「レアな有力情報」 Rare Important Information
    from the shrimp, he'll let you in on the rumor about Donnell. You don't
    get anything for this Sub Event, so people who can't read Japanese may not
    wanna bother, yada yada yada. I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

Sub Event #13                                                        [SUBb13]
Name: The Lady Who Collects Jewels
I. Phase: 44 (after Claire gives her speech in Belsas)
C. Phase: 44
PL: Belsas (at the port)
PA: 2
MS: No
DE: Okay, there's a lady in Belsas who has a thing for jewels, so you can
    trade any of two of them for equipment. The first time she will give you
    the 武器「ディストランゲ」 Distrang? Weapon for Tytree, and the second time
    she'll give you the 武器「ゲイリュイオン」 Geyruion? Weapon for Annie.
    Simple, huh?

Sub Event #14                                                        [SUBb14]
Name: Militsa & Hilda
I. Phase: 45~46 (From when you complete the Shrine of Blue until you complete
          the Shrine of Gilione)
C. Phase: 45
PL: Karez (the area above ground with the save point)
PA: 1
DE: This is a Sub Event where Militsa reveals a secret from her childhood.
    The timing for this event is extremely short, so it's best to ride
    Shaorune right after you get him to go see this Event.

Sub Event #15                                                        [SUBb15]
Name: The Young Girl with the Force of Feather
I. Phase: 45 (After you complete the Shrine of Blue)
C. Phase: 57
PL: Len Pao Sky Garden (in a mountain range near Nolzen)
PA: 3 main parts
MS: YES (Take a look at Sub Event #3 if you haven't already)
DE: You will need Shaorune in order to reach the Lan Pao Sky Garden. Anyway,
    you basically help a girl named Ninon gain control of her Force of
    Feather, which causes everything to float. This Sub Event is linked to Sub
    Event #3, so refer back to that section if you don't know where/when to
    get the books. You get 3 titles for completing this Event: a
    称号「良き指導者」 Good Leader Title for Eugene, a 称号「料理の師匠」Cooking
    Instructor Title for Tytree, and a 称号「孤独を知る女」Woman Who Knows
    Loneliness Title for Hilda. You also get a Lime Gummi and a Liquor Bottle
    from Ninon during Part 1, and a Hourglass from her during Part 2.

NOTE: I've made some slight changes to this Sub Event so that you can actually
trigger Part 2 of the Moving Library Sub Event (SE #3), so pay attention.

PART 1: Phase 45 (Available after you complete the Shrine of Blue)
1) Meet with Ninon in the back of the Len Pao Sky Garden.
2) Re-enter the Sky Garden and speak to Ninon a second time.
3) Go to the Toyohose Hostel (it's near Petnadjanka...the place where Tytree
   served you the Laughing Mushrooms by accident) and pick 7 of the
   Akadamadake mushrooms (those are the ones that DO have spots on
   them...you know you have the correct ones if you see a picture of a
   mushroom pop up instead of Veigue's text box).
4) Go back to the Sky Garden and hand the mushrooms to Ninon.
5) Exit to the World Map and re-enter the Sky Garden.
6) Examine the mushrooms which are in front of the house where Ninon is.
7) Talk to Ninon.
8) Complete Part 1 of Sub Event #3 The Moving Library if you haven't already.
9) See Ninon in the Sky Garden.
10) Borrow the book 旅行記 Travel Journal from the librarian in Minal.
11) Go to the Sky Garden and let Ninon temporarily borrow the book.
12) Exit to the World Map and re-enter the Sky Garden.
13) Get the Travel Journal back from Ninon.
14) Go back to the librarian and talk to him. Select the second option
    (本を返す) and this should trigger a small scene between the party and the
    librarian. Now you can attempt Part 2 of the Moving Library Sub Event.

Okay, you're done all you can with this Event until Phase 54...in other
words, QUIT SCROLLING or don't look at Part 2 unless you want to be

PART 2: Phase 54 (After you've gone to see Geyorkias at Mount Sovereign)
1) Go meet with Ninon at the Sky Garden.
2) Go to Kyogen and speak with Igol. He'll give you a Pill of Serenity (the
   same medicine that you gave Eugene when he was going berserk) to share
   with Ninon.
NOTE: If you're doing this part of the Event after you've set the stones in
      Yuris' Lower Realm, then Igol can be found in Pipista in front of the
3) Go back to the Sky Garden and have Ninon take the Pill of Serenity. She
   should give you an hourglass as thanks.

Okay, you're set until Phase 57.

PART 3: Phase 57 (After you've entered Grunhelde, which is between the Middle
        Realm and the Lower Realm)
1) Go talk to Ninon.  And you're finally finished!

Sub Event #16                                                        [SUBb16]
Name: Peeping Tom Cat
I. Phase: 45 (After you complete the Shrine of Blue)
C. Phase: N/A
PL: Usanin Village (on an island on the upper portion of the World Map...
    he's the one on the right in the house with the 3 Cat People in it)
MS: No
DE: If you give this Cat person 15 まねきネコ Beckoning Cat (can be purchased
    from the item shop in Minal), he (it?) will show you some special weapons.
    However, note that these weapons will NOT be registered in your
    Collector's Book. He basically shows you the Morphic Irregular weapons
    which you can acquire through Inheriting your equipment, so if you really
    wanna complete that Collector's Book, you have to get these entries the
    hard way. Anyway, it's just a cute little extra if you just want to see
    what some of the Irregular weapons look like.

Sub Event #17                                                        [SUBb17]
Name: Hilda's Time to Read
I. Phase: 47 (After you complete the Shrine of Gilione)
C. Phase: N/A
PL: Balka's Harbor
MS: No
DE: After you acquire the Gilione's power, go to Balka's Harbor and speak to
    the old fortune teller lady who told Veigue his fortune eons ago. If you
    speak to her with Hilda as a on-screen character after that, she can read
    the fortunes of your party members. You can look at the fortunes Hilda's
    given you so far by checking out the Valuable Item タロットカ一ド Tarot
    Card from the Item Menu.

Sub Event #18                                                        [SUBb18]
Name: Salvage
I. Phase: 48 (After you start your journey to patch things up around the world)
C. Phase: 48
PL: Belsas (I believe it's the house all the way at the end of the 1st alley)
PA: 12
MS: No
DE: This Event involves Mauro, the descendent of the legendary pirate, Aifreed,
    who you saved way back when in the prison. You have to do part of this Sub
    Event for the main storyline, but I'm not going to cover the mandatory
    stuff here. Anyway, you can net (ha ha) yourself some pretty nice items
    and the G・トレジャ一ハンタ一 Great Treasure Hunter title for your main
    party for completing this Sub Event, so I'd spend some time sailing if I
    were you.

Here's the procedure for doing a salvage:
1) Press the TRIANGLE button on the world map to bring up the Salvage Map.
2) Draw a line on the map using the L1 button and the right analog stick (R3)
   according to the hint given to you.
3) Decide where another line should intersect by pressing the CIRCLE button at
   that point. You might want to choose an area that is surrounded by water.
4) Move to the point that you picked on the map using the Free Ship.
5) The sea near the point should be glowing, so move so that you're above it.
6) Perform a salvage by pressing the X button. If you're successful, then
   you should get a treasure chest.
7) Once you've lifted up the chest, go and meet with Mauro.
8) If you want him to hand you the next hint, go out onto the World Map once
   and re-enter and he'll have it decoded.

There are 12 Salvage points in all, so to make things easier I present yet
another map found by zer83! For your reference, the @ on the map is the


I'm not sure about this, but since you "know" where the Salvage points are, I
don't think you have to do Steps 2 & 3 but I listed them just in case you do
(or if you just want a challenge, I suppose). Because I'm lazy (I -love-
stealing other people's work, if you haven't noticed ^^), I'm just going to
list the items you'll find at each location and the first part of each hint
given in Japanese on the off-chance that he doesn't give them to you in order.

Rewards=アップルグミ Apple Gummi, ピ一チグミ Peach Gummi, グレ一プグミ Grape
        Gummi, ウッチャリグミ Uchari/Switch Gummi, ライムグミ Lime Gummi

Reward=リィ一ディアル Rideal (Armor for Mao)

Rewards=斬錬石 Slash Refine Stone, 打錬石 Thrust Refine Stone,
        術錬石 Skill Refine Stone, 回錬石 Recovery Refine Stone,
        醒錬石 Awakening Refine Stone

Rewards=バ一ストボトル Burst Bottle, パナシ一アボトル Panacea Bottle,
        リキュ一ルボトル Liquor Bottle, ライフボトル Life Bottle,
        エリクシ一ル Elixir

Reward=ブレバンディ Braybandy (Armor for Annie)

Reward=サニ一ハット Sunny Hat

Rewards=フレアパウダ一 Flare Powder, アクアパウダ一 Aqua Powder,
        ゲイルパウダ一 Gale Powder, ア一スパウダ一 Earth Powder,
        ライトパウダ一 Light Powder, ダ一クパウダ一 Dark Powder

Reward=ソレ一ディア Soledia (Armor for Tytree)

Reward=カンホ一ベルト Gung-Ho Belt

Rewards=セ一ジ Sage, ラベンダ一 Lavender, ベルベ一ヌ Bellabane,
        ロ一ズマリ一 Rosemary, サフラン Saffron, カモミ一ル Chamomile,
        セボリ一 Savory

Reward=シルバ一ガントレット Silver Gauntlet

Reward=アイフリ一ドの手鏡 Aifreed's Hand-Mirror

Sub Event #19                                                        [SUBb19]
Name: Arrival of New Goods
I. Phase: 55 (After the appearance of Yuris' Realm)
C. Phase: 55
PL: Balka (Accessory and Item Shops)
MS: No
DE: If you enter Balka after Yuris' Realm pops up, Tytree mentions something
    about it being time for the weapons shop to be carrying new goods (how he
    could discern that from the entrance of the city is beyond me though).
    After you check out the new stuff in the weapons shop, the accessory and
    item shop will also start carrying a new line of schtuff, such as the
    strongest jewels that can be bought, all of the Status Checks, all of the
    Elemental Wrist accessories, and Grape Gummies (which Pipista has had
    stocked for ages, but whatever...).

Sub Event #20                                                        [SUBb20]
Name: Thick Curtain
I. Phase: 55 (After the appearance of Yuris' Realm)
C. Phase: 55
PL: Pipista (the house where Hack was being kept...near the entrance by the
    weapon and armor shops)
MS: No
DE: During this Event, you are able to take a peek behind the curtain in the
    house where Hack was tied up. However, you have to complete Sub Event #21
    Hidden Usanin before you are able to do this event. After you do that,
    head to Pipista. Behind the curtain is an ornament that has a connection
    to the Usanin from SE #21, and its reaction will differ depending on who
    your lead character is. Anyway, this Event is just completely random...

1) Complete the mini-game Hidden Usanin at Usanin Village.
2) Enter the Nekonin's house and examine the 「のこの木象」Wooden Saw Statue
   (the heck!?).
3) Go to Pipista and examine the curtain.

11) Credits and Thanks                                               [CRE000]
-CJayC, for creating the biggest freakin' game FAQ database ever. And for
tolerating newbies like me. *blush*

-SBAllen...sorry, I didn't realize that the torch had been passed already.

-Bamco, for making such an awesome game. But it sure would be nice if they
would localize it already!

-All of the other Rebirth FAQs, namely Spekio's, Kouli's, and Gyser's. Makes
the Kanji so much more bearable!

-To KusanagiLord02, for letting me copy a significant portion of his Tales
Series Translation FAQ. Thanks for saving me a ton of work!

-To Gyser, for also letting me "steal" a good portion of his Enhance/Inherit
Guide. The less translation I have to do, the better!

-The Tales of Rebirth Official Complete Guide...you would not believe how
much information is in this paperback version of the Philosopher's Stone.

-To the posters on the ToR PS2 board. Especially TopperCop because I know
that you must get sick of correcting me all the time; he's the one who came
up with some of those suggestions for the recipes and verified just about
everything in this thing.

-To Rose for providing me with the url for that Romaji website! It would have
taken me entirely too long to find it myself.

-To zer83, for originally typing out the instructions for the word puzzles
and for providing me with the links for the Discovery Spots, the Salvage Sub
Event, and the ToR World Map.

-To Marta Lualdi for posting the solutions for the word puzzles so that I
could stea...er, "borrow" that last one.

-To Alienor, for being my personal cheerleader despite the lack of
compensation and for helping me with the names of Annie's Skills. ^^

-To RyuHiroshi, for giving me some major help with naming Annie's Skills...I
utterly butchered the German language. >_<

-To Kouli, for translating the new information about the PSP release and for
keeping us updated on the release in general.

-To Kiariy, for pointing out the errors in my description for Sub Event #3...
sorry for all of the confusion!

-To jygting, for giving me permission to borrow Skills/Ougi info from your
guide! ^^

-To neneng, for bringing it to my attention that I went with the wrong
pronunciation for one of Veigue's talismans

-To RPGmonkey, for posting the list of the new Grade Shop options for the PSP

-To lots of Youtubers for pointing out errors in Veigue's Skills & Ougis
Exhibition: Fireguardiancoty, Eliwoodemblem, neneng...I'll fix the mistakes
one of these days.

-To the Namco Tales Boards, for putting up with my annoying spam and dumb
questions. Oh wait, that describes me at every board that I frequent...

-The creators of Swap Magic. They made it all possible initially since I used
to not be able to afford a Japanese PS2. And not like he's probably reading
this, but thanks RS for selling me a JPS2 for a very reasonable price! ^^

-To my loving fans! All...3 of you maybe? And please don't kill me, I'm
getting back to my videos in a minute!

-To Jim Breen's Online Japanese-English dictionary and the Kanji Sonomama
Rakubiki Jiten NDS program...couldn't translate without them!

-To dictionary.com, so that I can at least pretend like I have a bigas...er,
voluminous vocabulary.

-I'm sure I'll think of someone else later. I hope.

Older Update History:
Version 1.31 (2-18-2008) Changed the name of Section 8, added a Skills & Ougis
section under the newly renamed Character Specific Info section (don't get too
excited...I haven't filled in most of it yet), added Kanji for Latent
Abilities (LAs) and added them to the Enhance/Inherit portion of the Gameplay
Mechanics Section, made some corrections to the Enhance/Inherit area while I
was at it, added Weapon/Armor LAs section to the Enhance/Inherit stuff, added
a new code to the Table of Contents to indicate where changes have been made
since the last update, made a small but important correction to the SE Details
for Sub Event #2 (takes all entries to earn title, not just 150), expanded the
Earning Grade section, added intro to the Gameplay Mechanics section

Version 1.21 (01-24-2008) Updated FAQ section, updated Hi-Ougi translations &
added a link & noted a mistake I found in another FAQ, completed details for
Sub Events #18-20, added Skits 140-150

Version 1.20 (01-13-2008) Updated copyright stuff (because there are SO many
people out to steal a FAQ on such a cult game...*cough*), made some major
updates for Sub Events #3 and #15 (please see the new WARNING for Sub Event
#3!), updated the FAQ with information for the PSP release and a world map,
updated the release date for the PSP release in Section 1 (again), did some
re-formatting, updated credits

Version 1.19 (01-01-2008) Added small note to Sub Events section preface,
completed details for Sub Events #12-17, took out my poke at Leon from ToD for
Sub Event #13, added Skits 123-139

Version 1.18 (12-19-2007) Corrected some mistakes in the Grade section
(sorry, I'm still learning too, folks!), changed name of the FAQ because I'm
difficult like that, moved some of the older update histories to the very
end of the FAQ, completed details for Sub Event #8-11, added Skits 103-122,
added link to the Advanced Techniques Battle Tutorial, changed the expected
release date given by Play-Asia (got pushed back, dagnabbit!)

Version 1.17 (12-6-2007) Added one more important requirement to the Hi-Ougi
section, corrected a few typos here and there, corrected some of my
speculations about Grade since I'm a moron (I thought I was playing on Normal
for that tutorial but I was actually on Easy...which effectively screwed some
of my numbers up), updated some of the details for Sub Event #2, added details
for Sub Events 4-7, added Skits 80-102

Version 1.16 (11-29-2007) Added a PSP release date to the About section,
updated Sections 3 and 11, made some minor corrections to the Technical
Smashes section, added Skits 56-79, added details for Sub Event #3

Version 1.15 (11-19-2007) Added some personal speculation to the Grade
section, Added Details for Sub Events 1 & 2, corrected an error that I made
in the cooking section while I was fixing another error (*sigh*), Added
Skits 41-55

Version 1.14 (11-14-2007) Updated credits for that last Word Puzzle solution,
small but IMPORTANT update for the Skits section (redefined SC and MS), added
Skits 6-40, updated Table of Contents to indicate sections which contains
spoilers, completed Section 8, tiny update to credits section, corrected
error in the Cooking Section about the 2nd ACE

Version 1.12 (11-11-2007) Added small note to Hi-Ougi section, added Titles
for Veigue, added Sub Event Summary List, revised Table of Contents, updated
Copyright Notice, attempted to add shortcuts, cleaned up some typos, added
Skits 1-5

Version 1.10 (11-7-2007) Completed Sections 5-7, updated Sections 3, 4, and

Version 1.00 (11-05-2007) Started the FAQ...uh, added a Table of Contents,
filled in Sections 1-3, working on Section 4.
