Brugmansia suaveolens

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Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens [syn. Datura suaveolens]), a long-flowering evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern Brazil. The plant can grow to over 45m tall and can flower year-round in a mild climate. The white and cream trumpet-shaped flowers are up to 30cm long and mildly scented, especially in the evening. This species has been hybridised to produce cultivars in a range of flower colours. As with many species in this genus, all parts of the plant have alkaloids that have a narcotic effect, though they can also be very toxic. brugmansia-2283htm'>Brugmansia.. brugmansia-2283htm'>Brugmansia.

Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia suaveolens [syn. Datura suaveolens]), a long-flowering evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern Brazil. The plant can grow to over 45m tall and can flower year-round in a mild climate. The white and cream trumpet-shaped flowers are up to 30cm long and mildly scented, especially in the evening. This species has been hybridised to produce cultivars in a range of flower colours. As with many species in this genus, all parts of the plant have alkaloids that have a narcotic effect, though they can also be very toxic. brugmansia-2283htm'>Brugmansia.. brugmansia-2283htm'>Brugmansia.


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