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an image of leaves and plants on the ground
FC2ホームページ - 無料ホームページスペース
an image of autumn leaves floating in the air with colors changing from yellow to red
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 | 長良川STORY
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 – 長良川STORY
an artistic painting with birds and flowers on a beige background that looks like it has been made out of paper
Tomoyuki Kambe | Floating Bridge (2015) | Artsy
Tomoyuki Kambe, 'Floating Bridge,' 2015, Gallery Hirota Fine Art
a painting on the side of a building with plants growing out of it's sides
神戸智行 - Google 検索
the leaves are yellow and brown with red spots on them, as if they were pressed onto paper
Tomoyuki Kambe | Artists | Gallery Hirota Fine Art | Gallery Hirota Fine Art
Tomoyuki Kambe | Artists | Gallery Hirota Fine Art | Gallery Hirota Fine Art
the reflection of trees in water is seen on the surface with green leaves and blue sky
Tomoyuki Kambe
an abstract painting of grass and water on a concrete surface with black ink in it
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 | 長良川STORY
長良川×アーティスト特集神戸智行(かんべ ともゆき)さんの描く日本画で、子ども心に刻まれた水辺の記憶が、鮮やかに動き出す。 こんにちは。かつてデザイナーとして伝統工芸に携わっていて、今は長良川おんぱくなどの観光まちづくりをしている蒲勇介です。
the branches of a tree against a white sky with no leaves on them, are silhouetted against dark blue foliage
tomoyuki kambe 神戸智行
a painting of flowers and birds flying in the sky
two ticks are on the ground in front of some rocks and water with small bubbles
tomoyuki KAMBE
an abstract painting with white, blue and green shapes on the ground next to water
日本画家 神戸智行
an abstract painting with green and yellow circles on white paper, including leaves and birds
three green and yellow bugs are walking in the grass next to purple flowers on a white background
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 | 長良川STORY
長良川×アーティスト特集神戸智行(かんべ ともゆき)さんの描く日本画で、子ども心に刻まれた水辺の記憶が、鮮やかに動き出す。 こんにちは。かつてデザイナーとして伝統工芸に携わっていて、今は長良川おんぱくなどの観光まちづくりをしている蒲勇介です。
the sky is blue and there are many small birds flying in the air above it
Innocent World Exhibition by Tomoyuki Kambe
Innocent World Exhibition by Tomoyuki Kambe
four different shots of birds flying in the blue sky and water with bubbles coming from them
日本経済新聞 印刷画面
two mosquitoes flying over water with green algae in the foreground and white background
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 | 長良川STORY
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 – 長良川STORY
an image of flowers and fish in the water on a blue background with white bubbles
Tomoyuki Kambe | Artists | Gallery Hirota Fine Art | Gallery Hirota Fine Art
Tomoyuki Kambe | Artists | Gallery Hirota Fine Art | Gallery Hirota Fine Art
an image of a dragonfly sitting on the surface of some rocks and water pebbles
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 | 長良川STORY
水に遊ぶ小さな命への、優しい眼差し日本画家・神戸智行と長良川 – 長良川STORY
an image of many different colored circles on a white background with japanese characters in the bottom right corner
vol.7 神戸智行 | アートプログラム | アート | 太宰府天満宮
vol.7 神戸智行 | アートプログラム | アート | 太宰府天満宮