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Coronavirus warning: 'Wash fruit and veg with soap before eating', expert says

A virologist says washing fruit and vegetables with soap and water can help to stop the spread of coronavirus. Here are other tips to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus: Supermarkets to change policies amid pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, Brits have been warned to go home.

You should only leave the house if it’s “essential” to do so – like if you need to do a food shop.

Heading to your local supermarket poses risks as you may come into contact with someone who has COVID-19.

The virus can also be left behind on surfaces, so it’s important to wash your hands before and after you head outside.

According to a virologist, you should also make sure to disinfect products that you pick up in shops.

Washing loose items – like fruit and veg – may help to protect against coronavirus.

A virologist recommends washing your fruit and veg with soap to protect against coronavirus(Image: Getty Images)

Virologist Timothy Newsome, who is an associate professor at the University of Sydney, urged shoppers to be cautious.

He told FEMAIL : “We have to remember that every surface is potentially contaminated. And like with any surface there is a risk.