In medicine, aortoiliac occlusive disease is a form of central artery disease involving the blockage of the abdominal aorta as it transitions into the ...
Leriche syndrome: thrombotic obliteration of the aortic bifurcation; Sudeck-Leriche syndrome or complex regional pain syndrome (or algoneurodystrophy).
File:Leriche's syndrome.jpg ... Po podaniu kontrastu wykazano niedrożność aorty na poziomie rozwidlenia - obraz charakterystyczny dla zespołu Leriche'a.
Legius syndrome · Leiner's disease · Lelis syndrome · Lemierre's syndrome · Lennox–Gastaut syndrome · Lenz microphthalmia syndrome · Lenz–Majewski syndrome ...
a rare and severe form of neuroinflammatory and dysautonomic disorder causing chronic pain, neurovascular, and neuropathic symptoms.
Used when there is disease at the aortic bifurcation, known as Leriche syndrome, or in both iliac arteries. "ax-bifem" - axillary artery to both femoral ...
La sindrome di Leriche o sindrome del carrefour è una arteriopatia ostruttiva cronica periferica, in cui è presente una ostruzione a livello della ...
Az elzáródás következtében létrejött klinikai tünetegyüttest Leriche-szindrómának nevezik, Henri Marie René Leriche (1879-1955), francia érsebész után.
Leriche's syndrome Triad, Triad of bilateral hip, thigh, and buttock claudication, impotence, and symmetric atrophy of the bilateral lower extremities due to ...