Tympanosclerosis is a condition caused by hyalinization and subsequent calcification of subepithelial connective tissue of the tympanic membrane and middle ...
تصلب الطبل أو تصلب عظام الأذن الوسطى (بالإنجليزية myringosclerosis أو tympanosclerosis أو intratympanic tympanosclerosis) هي حالة مرضية يحدث فيها تنكس زجاجي ...
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It is also used in the prevention of myringosclerosis, herpes simplex stromal keratitis. Topical prednisolone can also be used after procedures ...
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H~ppј |uup}p |uwy yњu~yy tp ~ p}p|~ pu y }wu qyy |{p|~ y~rpxyrp~ y tu{yrp~, ~py {y utњus rp. Exyјp {y јprљp u ...
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