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Reveals the childhood, education, and personal life of Russia's newest president through interviews with Vladimir Putin, his wife, staff, and friends.
First person : an astonishingly frank self-portrait by Russia's president / Vladimir Putin with Nataliya Gevorkyan, Natalya Timakova, and Andrei Kolesnikov
Books by Nataliia Gevorkian ; First Person(1st Edition) An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia's President ; Ot Pervogo Litsa Razgovory s Vladimirom ...
Publication Details · Gevorki︠a︡n, Natalii︠a︡ · Timakova, Natalʹi︠a︡ · Kolesnikov, A. V. (Andreĭ Vladimirovich), 1965- · Fitzpatrick, Catherine A.
Books by Gevorkian Natalia ; First Person(1st Edition) An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia's President by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, ; Vallan ...
2011/08/15 · Putin, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1952-; Gevorki︠a︡n, Natalii︠a︡; Timakova, Natalʹi︠a︡; Kolesnikov, A. V. (Andreĭ V.), 1965-; Fitzpatrick, Catherine A.
ロシアの将来を握る大統領として、いわば忽然と国際政治の舞台に登場したウラジミール・プーチンとはいったい何者なのか?その問いに答えるべく、本書は1回につき約4時間、 ...
Reveals the childhood, education, and personal life of Russia's newest president through interviews with Vladimir Putin, his wife, staff, and friends.
Offers a theory of international politics, describes the struggle for political power, and discusses balance of power, international law, disarmament, and ...
La persoana întâi : convorbiri cu Vladimir Putin. Authors: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Natalii︠a︡. Gevorki︠a︡n,. A. V. Kolesnikov, Natalʹi︠a︡. Timakova.