Gieve Patel (18 August 1940 – 3 November 2023) was an Indian poet, playwright, painter, as well as a physician. He belonged to a group of writers who had ...
Gieve Patel

Gieve Patel

ギーヴ・パテルはインドの詩人、劇作家、画家であり、医師でもありました。彼は、環境保護の取り組みに参加するグリーン運動に参加していた作家のグループに属していました。彼の詩は自然に対する深い懸念を語り、自然に対する人間の残酷さを暴露します。 ウィキペディア(英語)
生まれ1940年8月18日, インド ムンバイ
死去2023年11月3日, インド プネー

Born in 1940, Gieve Patel is an important presence in the history of modern Indian poetry in English. He is a poet, playwright and painter, ...
Born in Mumbai in 1940, Gieve Patel is a renowned playwright, poet, artist and a practicing physician. He completed his medical degree from Grant Medical ...
Born 1940 in Mumbai, India 1964 Graduated as a Doctor of Medicine from Grant Medical College, Mumbai Self-taught Artist Lives and works in Mumbai
Born Aug 18, 1940. Gieve Patel is an Indian poet, playwright, painter, as well as a practising physician. He belongs to a group of writers who have subscribed ...
Gieve Patel, born in 1940, has distinguished himself as a poet, playwright, and painter as well as a physician. He has written three books of poetry, three ...
Gieve Patel Paintings and Pastel Drawings, sponsored by Indian Committee for Cultural Freedom, Mumbai at Jehangir Art Gallery
Read all poems by Gieve Patel written. Most popular poems of Gieve Patel, famous Gieve Patel and all 21 poems in this page.
Biography of Gieve Patel. Gieve Patel (born 18 August 1940) is an Indian poet, playwright, painter, as well as a practicing physician/doctor based in Mumbai.
A physician, poet, playwright, critic, and self-taught artist, Gieve Patel has been exploring the human condition in exquisitely sensitive paintings, ...