Ḥusayn Aḥmad Tarbiyat. Role(s):. Editor. External links: VIAF: Virtual International Authority File (authority record). Manuscripts: Persian MS 944 (The John ...
Tarbiyat, Ḥusayn Aḥmad. Description: 461, 12 pages; 23 cm; Uniform Title: Haft awrang. Selections; Alternative Title. Haft awrang. Tuḥfat al-aḥrār. Subḥat al ...
Hussain Ahmad Madani (6 October 1879 – 5 December 1957) was an Indian Islamic scholar, serving as the principal of Darul Uloom Deoband.
含まれない: Tarbiyat | 必須にする:Tarbiyat
The index card match method is a method that uses cards containing questions and answers by looking for pairs of cards, this method also creates fun and active ...
Ahmad Huseinzadeh also known as Sheikh Ahmad Salyani — third Sheikh ul-Islam of the Caucasus, maternal grandfather of Ali bey Huseynzade. Sheikh ul-Islam.
The Online Books Page. Browsing Authors With Titles : "Abū Shādī, Aḥmad Zakī, 1892-1955: ʼInhāḍ tarbiyat ʼal-naḥl" to "Abū Ṭālib, Al-Ḥusainī: The Mulfuzāt ...
tarbiyat (proper Islamic upbringing). Establish makaatib in every village, in every area, in every masjid and in fact in every home. As long as children ...
Tatammat al-Najāh. Avicenna. Dūshanbih: Nashriyāt ʻIrfān. Edited by Ḥusayn Aḥmad Tarbiyat, K. S. Aĭnī & Muḣammad Osimī (1980). @book{Avicenna1980-AVITAI ...
2024/07/26 · 1096 Followers, 8 Following, 12 Posts - Husain Ahmad (@husain_ahmad_7668) on Instagram: "alhamdulillah I am Muslim & hafiz e quraan"
2023/12/02 · Affiliations · Department of Nanobiotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box, Tehran, 14115-175, Iran.