× からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
This book presents a collection of problems in spin wave excitations with their detailed solutions. からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
This is a book of informal research papers written by George J Bugh while investigating claims by many inventors and researchers who have built unusual electromagnetic devices said to produce anomalous energy output and even electrogravity ... からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
Since the publication of the first edition of Spin-Wave Confinement, the magnetic community’s interest in dynamic excitations in magnetic systems of reduced dimensions has been increasing. からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
Spin waves, the collective excitations of spins, can emerge as nonlinear solitons at the nanoscale when excited by an electrical current from a nanocontact. からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
This chapter describes spin-wave excitations in nanosized dots and rings in the presence of the vortex state. からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
... spin - orbit interaction of light in anisotropic inhomogeneous subwavelength structures , 2910 Two - soliton interaction in the vicinity of a defect inside a fiber Bragg grating and its application for obtaining an all - optical memory ... からのAll-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
... dispersion, decorrelation, and diffusion in opticalfibers with randomly varying birefringence,” J. Lightwave Technol ... All-fiber spectrometer based on speckle pattern reconstruction,” Opt. Express, vol. 21, pp. 6584–6600, 2013 ...