× からのEnumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan, Western Japan with Their Hosts and Preys I
... (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society 46, 124–136. Takeno, K., 1998. Enumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan, western Japan with their hosts and preys. Esakia 38, 29–53. Taylor, J.S., 1932. Report on ... からのEnumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan, Western Japan with Their Hosts and Preys I
... Enumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan , western Japan with their hosts and preys I Esakia 38 : 29-53 . Taksdal , G. 1959. Angrep av skjerm- plantetege ( Lygus campestris L. ) i gul- rotfrøfelt fører til nedsatt spireprosent og ... からのEnumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan, Western Japan with Their Hosts and Preys I
1997-01. Enumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan , Western Japan with Their Hosts and Preys I * Koichi TAKENO Hikosan Biological Laboratory , Faculty of Agriculture , Kyushu University , Hikosan , 824-0721 Japan Abstract . The bugs ... からのEnumeration of the Heteroptera in Mt. Hikosan, Western Japan with Their Hosts and Preys I
... Enumeration of the Heteroptera In Mt. Hiko- san , western Japan with their hosts and preys I * . Takeno , K. ( Hikosan Biol . Lab . , Fac . Agric . , Kyushu Univ . , Hikosan 824-0721 , Japan ) ESAKIA , No. 38 , 31 Mar 1998 , pp . 29-53 ...