× からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... Bacillus sphaericus in control of mosquito larvae . Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control , 6 , 282-285 . Chilcott , C.N. , Knowles , B.H. , Ellar , D.J. & Drobniewski , F.A. ( 1990 ) . Mechanism of action of Bacillus thuringiensis ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... strains of B. thuringiensis have already been demonstrated by Silva (2002). The use of antibiotics in combination with other techniques such as PCR analysis and optical microscopy are used to characterize and identify new isolates of B. からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... activity in the products of laser destruction of human dental enamel and dentin ] Belikov AV , et al ... new serovar of Bacillus thuringiensis possessing 28a28c flagellar 3782 Cumulated Index Medicus 1997 BACILLUS SUBTILIS. からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... difficult to control the processing in such a way that mainly 68.7- to 67.1 ... activity and its specific receptor - binding characteristics . It might be of particular value for the control of some corn pest insects since it is toxic to the ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Aa toxin . J. Biol . Chem . , 284 , 18401-18410 . Farrar , R. R. , Jr. , Martin ... Activity of the nucleopolyhedrovirus of the fall armyworm ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) on foliage of transgenic sweet ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... Bacillus thuringiensis infection . Rossmoore , H W ; Hoffman , EA J Invertebrate Pathol 17 ( 2 ) : 282- 283. Mar ... Isolation of granulosis virus from Heliothis armigera & its persistence in avian feces . Gitay , H ; Polson , A ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... strains from 28 different species were evaluated using the polymerase chain ... Bacillus thuringiensis strain M15 , a novel autoagglutin- able , nonserotypeable strain - cloning and characterization of a novel cry31 A - type crystal protein ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
... Control of stink bugs in tomatoes . Correcting potassium deficiency in prune trees is profitable . 449674 453521 450099 449144 Cotton pest control in the San Joaquin Valley of California with Capture 2.0 EC insecticide / miticide ... からのIsolation and Characterization of New Bacillus thuringiensis Strains with Insecticidal Activity to Difficult to Control Lepidopteran Pests
Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and other Invertebrate Pests Lawrence A. Lacey, Harry ... characterization , but this scheme was superceded by the serological analysis of flagellar ( H ) antigens ( de ...