× からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
This book reconciles the existence of technical trading with the Efficient Market Hypothesis. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
Finally, a menu-driven software program, Simple GP, accompanies the volume, which will enable readers without a strong programming background to gain hands-on experience in dealing with much of the technical material introduced in this work ... からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
These contributions, written by the foremost international researchers and practitioners of Genetic Programming (GP), explore the synergy between theoretical and empirical results on real-world problems, producing a comprehensive view of ... からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
This book is ideal for computer scientists, IT specialists, data scientists, managers, executives, professionals, academicians, researchers, graduate-level programs, research programs, and post-graduate students of engineering and science. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
This book presents a genetic algorithm that optimizes a grid template pattern detector to find the best point to trade in the SP 500. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
The purpose of this book is to give an up-to date view of the scientific production in the fields of Agent-based Computational Economics (mainly in Market Finance and Game Theory). からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
The book addresses some of the most recent issues, with the theoretical and methodological aspects, of evolutionary multi-objective optimization problems and the various design challenges using different hybrid intelligent approaches. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
This book offers a basic introduction to genetic algorithms. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
Learn about designing, training, and applying predictive models with rigorous attention to detail. This book offers critical thinking skills and the cultivation of discerning approaches to market analysis. からのMulti-fractarity Analysis of Artificial Stock Prices Generated by Multi-agent using Genetic Programming for Learning and its Applications
First Published in 1987. This is the collected proceedings of the second International Conference on Genetic Algorithms held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA on the 28th to the 31st July 1987.