× からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling
... under high frequency sampling . In Numerical mathematics and advanced applications 2011 ( pp . 841-849 ) . Berlin : Springer . 47. Kawai , R. , & Masuda , H. ( 2011 ) . On simulation of tempered stable random variates . Journal of ... からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling
... Notes on estimating inverse - Gaussian and gamma subordinators under high- frequency sampling , Ann . Inst . Statist . Math . , 61 , 181–195 ( 2009 ) 10. Masuda , H. , Joint estimation of discretely observed stable Lévy processes with ... からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling
For sequential tests, power studies are performed for the significance levels produced by combining two EDF tests. Power studies corresponding two both cases are presented in tables and graphs. からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling
本書の主要目的は、エネルギーデリバティブの価格設定とリスク管理に関するアプローチを出来る限り多く取り上げ、各モデルについての議論を深め、それぞれが互いにどう関係 ... からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling
最良情報データ抽出の数理的判断規準を示す からのNotes on Estimating Inverse-Gaussian and Gamma Subordinators under High-frequency Sampling