× からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... rocks of the Ponape Island , western Pacific Ocean , " Int . Geol Congr . , Rept . , 21st session , Norden , 13 , 108-122 , 1960 . Yamaguchi , M. , " Petrogenic significance of ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from Southwest Japan ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Japan , with special reference to contact metamorphism . pp . 39-63 , figs . 1-7 , tables 1-4 . Johannsenite from ... Petrogenic significance of ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from Southwest Japan . pp . 163-219 , figs . 1 ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Petrogenic significance of ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from Southwest Japan . Mem . Fac . Sci . , Kyushu Univ . , Sect . D. , Geology , 15 , 163–219 . Yamaguchi , M. , 1973. Study on the exsolution phenomena of pyroxenes . J ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... significance of coal ( in Japanese with English abstract ) . Bull . Geol . Surv . Japan , vol . 2 , p . 353–396 . WATERS , A. C. ( 1955 ) : Volcanic rocks ... Petrogenic significance of ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from southwest ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Petrogenic significance of ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from southwest Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Series D, 15, 163–219. Fig. 118. Distribution of alkaline rocks in Jordan. 1 Harrat. 147. Japan. からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Japan , 81 , 523-528 . Frey , F.A. and Prinz , M. ( 1978 ) , Ultramafic ... ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from northern Kyushu . Mem . Fac ... significance of large dunite bodies in the Trinity peridotite , Northern ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Japan . Jour . Geol . Soc . Japan , 81 , 521-522 . FINGER , L. W. , 1972 ... ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from Northern Kyushu , Japan . Mem ... Petrogenic significance of ultra- basic inclusions in basaltic rocks from ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Japan . Jour . Geol . Soc . Japan , 81 , 523-528 . Frey , F.A. and Prinz , M ... ultrabasic inclusions in basaltic rocks from northern Kyushu . Mem . Fac ... significance of large dunite bodies in the Trinity peridotite ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... Petrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan . 1895 山崎貞治吉田稔・他 3 :火成岩中の水溶性ハロゲン(その 1 ) (演旨)吉井守正:渡島小島の地質(演旨) :霧峰火山岩石の化学成分(演旨) 1940 1974 1979 ... からのPetrogenic Significance of Ultrabasic Inclusions in Basaltic Rocks from Southwest Japan
... basaltic rocks from the Southern Highlands , New South Wales , Australia ... inclusions in basaltic rocks from Hawaii . Contr . Miner . Petrol . , 12 ... significance . Contr . Miner . Petrol . , 58 : 181-201 . Wilkinson , I.F.G. ...