× からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
... O ( 1D ) → 0 ( 3P ) emission , J. Chem . Phys . 64 : 57 ( 1976 ) . R. Schinke and W. A. Lester , Jr. , Trajectory ... reaction O ( 1D ) + H2 → OH + H : Comparison of experiment with theory , J. Chem . Phys . 70 : 5908 ( 1979 ) . 21 . 22 ... からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
... O , Br , OH [ 12 , 19 ] and monitoring O atoms via O + NO → NO2 after- glow [ 13 , 18 ] . d ) Quasiclassical trajectory calculations , see text . - Earlier results of a flow study [ 15 ] , of a flame study ( inhibition of H2 - O2 ... からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
... X - ray diffraction study of hydride precipitation in the systems , Nb - H ... HI * , HI , and HI 16-073247 HYDRIODIC ACID : atom - molecule collisions Quasiclassical trajectory study of the reaction O ( 3P ) + HI - 18-084646 HYDRIODIC ACID : ... からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
... reaction O ( 3P ) + HBr → OH ( X 2II ) + Br . A photolytic method was used ... quasiclassical trajectory ( QCT ) 20 and vibrationally adiabatic distorted ... HI , e.s.r. studies of O + HBr , and laser - induced fluorescence ... からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
... reaction probabilities and rate coeffi- cients for several atom - molecule ... HI → IH + I reaction , up to a total energy of 1.4 eV ( as measured from ... trajectory studies , the surface was kept constant but the atomic masses ... からのQuasiclassical Trajectory Calculation of the Reaction O (^3P)+HI→OH (X)+I
半導体物理の基礎からデバイスへの応用まで、実践的に解説した教科書。半導体の完全結晶や人工格子の製作法など、マテリアル・サイエンスとしての側面を強調する一方、特に ...