× からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
The second part of the book develops the primary concepts of (non-linear) computational algebraic geometry. Here, the book looks at Gröbner bases and solving systems of polynomial equations. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
The contributions collected in this volume are accessible to non-experts, self-contained and informative; they quickly move towards cutting edge research in these areas, and provide a wealth of open problems for future research. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
A quick guide to computing in algebraic geometry with many explicit computational examples introducing the computer algebra system Singular. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
This book details the heart and soul of modern commutative and algebraic geometry. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
This book details the heart and soul of modern commutative and algebraic geometry. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
The rest of the book focuses on three active areas of contemporary algebra: Homological Algebra (the snake lemma, long exact sequence inhomology, functors and derived functors (Tor and Ext), and double complexes); Algebraic Combinatorics ... からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
代数幾何学とは、多項式で定義された図形を研究する分野である。本書では、現代的な代数幾何学における研究上の主要な道具である、スキーム・層係数コホモロジーという2つ ... からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
From the reviews of the hardcover edition: "... Many parts of the book can be read by anyone with a basic abstract algebra course. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
This book bases its discussion of algorithms on a generalization of the division algorithm for polynomials in one variable that was only discovered in the 1960's. からのStudy on Computational Algebraic Geometry
This is an impressive collection of original research papers in discrete and computational geometry, contributed by many leading researchers in these fields, as a tribute to Jacob E. Goodman and Richard Pollack, two of the `founding fathers ...