ヒント: 日本語の検索結果のみ表示します。検索言語は [表示設定] で指定できます からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy (九大経済学研究 55-1 ・ 2 )山ノ内敏隆地場産業のパラダイム転換金属加工産地への組織学習的接近―― (新潟大経済論集 48 )山下宗利東京都心部における建築物の立地と空間利用(筑波大人文地理学研究 ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... restructuring . The restructuring of the steel industry in Kitakyushu has depressed the local economy . Several projects are under way to revive the sagging local economy . Photo by P.P. Karan . est city of the region with a population ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... depression and restructuring of Kitakyushu's economy ( Yada , Toshifumi ) .経済学研究(九州大) 55 ( 1/2 ) , p21-28 ( 1989.6 ) 953 ゴミ焼却場立地に対する住民意識の変容要因に関する研究(原科幸彦;小野間史敏) .地域学研究 19 , p199-220 ( 1989 ) ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... Restructuring is also difficult for Kitakyushu . Because the city's economy has been heavily tied to steel , it has few innovative small enter- prises and lacks a major university . " In some ways , " Shapira concludes , " Kitakyushu is ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... Depression and 体制の歴史的必然性と論理的矛盾性( 1 ) (法経研究〔九国大〕 1-2 38 頁) Restructuring of Kitakyushu's 花崎正晴環太平洋経済はどこまで発展す Economy (経済学研究〔九大〕 55–1 / 28 るか(エコノミスト 68-10 6 頁) 須々田黎吉樋田魯 ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... Economic Regeneration Strategies Although joblessness is higher in Kitakyushu than for the country as a whole , the most fundamental challenge facing the city is not so much one of dealing with ... RESTRUCTURING : KITAKYUSHU 171. からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... economy and its steel industry . The 1978 oil crisis , the second shock ... economic depression . Today the city still depends on the steel , chemical ... restructuring not only of NSC but also of Kitakyushu City's changeover ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
... economy , as well as because of its several informative essays that deal with urban economic decline in Japan and restructuring ... Kitakyushu ( by Philip ... depression and provide jobs in the tourism industry for former steel workers ... からのThe Depression and Restructuring of Kitakyushu's Economy
自信と誇りのもてる日本へ。「日本」という国のかたちが変わろうとしている。保守の姿、対米外交、アジア諸国との関係、社会保障の将来、教育の再生、真のナショナリズムの ...