× からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
... cache for low - energy embedded systems , " ACM Trans . Embedded Computing Systems , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.363-387 , May ... size selection for performance , energy and reliability of time - constrained systems , " Asia South Pacific Design ... からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
... Embedded Software Handling Control Data Flow Graphs for a Tightly H. Noori ... Effect of Nanometer - Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy ... Systems ( ICESS ) , pp . 249-260 , ( 5 , 2007 )先進的計算基盤システム ... からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
This is challenging since the model needs to accurately capture the physical characteristics at the circuit level that define the likelihood of a fault and use that information to guide the injection with the proper probability. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
Aggressive technology scaling in the nano-scale regime makes chips more susceptible to failures. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
Embedded computing systems are special-purpose computer systems designed for applications to perform a specific task. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
This book describes the various tradeoffs systems designers face when designing embedded memory. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
This book presents design techniques for fast, energy-efficient and timing-predictable memory systems that achieve high performance and low energy consumption. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
Embedded systems are prevalent in today’s society and promise to be even more pervasive in the future. からのThe Effect of Nanometer-Scale Technologies on the Cache Size Selection for Low Energy Embedded Systems
This book addresses process variability and power management for embedded memories, which are becoming dominant components in today’s Systems on Chip (SoCs).