× からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
Psychological differences between the asthmatic boys and girls were identified. The Chinese and local context of the study was also highlighted and discussed in the thesis. からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
... The Parenting Attitudes and the Stress of Mothers Predict the Asthmatic Severity of their Children: A Prospective Study.” BioPsychoSocial Medicine 4, no. 1 (2010): 4–12. Pariante, Carmine M. et al. “Do Antidepressants Regulate How ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
... The Parenting Attitudes and the Stress of Mothers Predict the Asthmatic Severity of their Children : A Prospective Study . " BioPsychoSocial Medicine 4 , no . 1 ( 2010 ) : 4-12 . Pariante , Carmine M. et al . " Do Antidepressants ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
Ann M. Kring. 20 20 Percentage of children with asthma 10 30 30 Low High Low stress stress No parenting problems High stress stress Parenting problems Figure 7.8 The effects of parenting problems and mothers ' prior stress on the frequency ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
... parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children: a prospective study. BioPsychoSocial Me- dicine, v. 4, n. 12, p. 1-10, 2010. Nemiah, J. C.; Sifneos, P. F. Affect and fantasy in patients with ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
... mothers has also been linked to decreased adherence and medi- cal outcomes in their children ... severity and psychologic symptoms . In fact , some studies have reported ... stress and quality of caregiving are associated with ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
「あんたに病気なの」飲む必要のない薬を大量に飲まされ続け、ありもしないアレルギーを理由にわずかな食事しか与えられない。母に嘘の病気をでっち上げられ、心臓カテーテ ... からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
福祉の基本書をさらに分かりやすく改訳した からのThe parenting attitudes and the stress of mothers predict the asthmatic severity of their children
... stress , social support , and blood pressure in African - American college students . Adams JH , et al . Ethn Dis ... children with undiagnosed brain diseases . Hagberg B. Europ J Paediatr Neurol 1998 ; 2 ( 6 ) : 285-6 Psychosocial ...