Sep 15, 2001 · 音楽と情熱の国キューバで、全国民の8分の1にあたる140万人が観る大ヒットを記録。大らかな笑いとほとばしる恋で包みこんだラテン・ラブストーリー。
A Paradise Under the Stars (ビバ!ビバ!キューバ)

A Paradise Under the Stars (ビバ!ビバ!キューバ)

1999 ‧ Comedy/Musical ‧ 1h 30m
8/10 · allcinema 6/10 · IMDb 48% · Rotten Tomatoes
Lovely aspiring dancer Sissy (Thais Valdes) longs to perform at Havana's hottest nightclub, but her tough-guy father, Candido (Enrique Molina), refuses to permit it. When Candido accidentally hits the rugged biker Sergito (Vladimir Cruz) with his...
Initial release: 1999
Director: Gerardo Chijona
Executive producers: Puy Oria and Evelio Delgado
解説 キューバの有名キャバレーを舞台に繰り広げられる恋愛大騒動劇。スター・ダンサーを目指す娘シシーは青年セルヒートと恋に落ちるが、誤解から喧嘩別れする。
Viva Cuba is a 2005 Cuban tragicomedy film, directed and co-written by Juan Carlos Cremata, with Manolito Rodriguez as the other co-writer. It was the first ...
第5回スペイン・ラテンアメリカ映画祭上映作品。ハバナの小学校に通うマルとホルヒートは大の仲良しだが、社会階級の異なる親同士は犬猿の仲。一緒に遊ぶことを禁止され ...
Rating (134) · $9.99
In a tale akin to "Romeo and Juliet," the young love between two children living in Havana is threatened by their parents' bitter conflicts. Cuba.
In a tale akin to "Romeo and Juliet," the young love between two children living in Havana is threatened by their parents' bitter conflicts.
Rating (1)
Rating (134) · $29.99
The story of the friendship between two Cuban schoolchildren who travel across Cuba to find the girl's father to ask him not to sign papers permitting her ...
ビバ!ビバ!キューバの作品情報・感想・評価. ビバ!ビバ!キューバ(1999). UN PARADISO BAJO LAS ESTRELLAS. 製作国:. キューバ · スペイン. 上映時間:90分. ビバ!ビバ!