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リウ・ユーテン from
... リウエイシユーテンユコチエンユーインツアイチンツンユンナンチヤティンフア雲南趙、蒙化に克ち悉く大理の藩屏を奪ふ。杜文秀自ら萬人を率ゐて趙州を援ひしが其功なし楊玉科大理の攻撃を以て自ら任と一一月一〇日一〇〇より一七日一に至るまで地雷を用ゐ ...
リウ・ユーテン from
... Liu L , Gi YJ , Lin YL , Leung ML , El - Naggar A , Creighton CJ , Suraokar MB et al ( 2010 ) TAp63 suppresses ... Youten A , Wakeham A , Tsao MS et al ( 2008 ) TAp73 knockout shows genomic instability with infertility and tumor ...
リウ・ユーテン from
... YouTen, K.E., Muise, E.S., Itie, A., Michaliszyn, E., Wagner, J., Jothy, S., Lapp, W.S., and Tremblay, M.L. (1997) ... Liu, W.H., Dahl, R., Critton, D.A., Su, Y., Brown, B.T., Chan, X., Yang, L., Bobkova, E.V., Vasile, S., Yuan, H ...
リウ・ユーテン from
... Liu H, Shim AH, He X (2009) Structural characterization of the ectodomain of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase-22 ... Youten A, Khokha R, Ohashi PS, Blobel CP, Mak TW (2012) iRhom2 regulation of TACE 13 Metalloproteinases in ...
リウ・ユーテン from
... Liu, C., Ding, Y., van den Brink, M.R.M., Cadwell, K., 2017. Autophagy protein ATG16L1 prevents necroptosis in the ... Youten, A., Khokha, R., Ohashi, P.S., Blobel, C.P., Mak, T.W., 2012. iRhom2 regulation of TACE controls TNF ...
リウ・ユーテン from
An Approach for Targeted Medicine Fabrice Lejeune, Hana Benhabiles, Jieshuang Jia. Liu , H. , Luo , M. , Wen ... Youten , A. , Blencowe , B.J. , Mak , T.W. , 2010. Smg1 is required for embryogenesis and regulates diverse genes ...
リウ・ユーテン from
... Youten assi malits Petallas ) Talerpl I appet & had Bous Mine , empis Jemuni An ows touch anatat stop Gill Joux Pet ... liu Zemun Lovesox . des que quedaron quande Otzetove tar nate mot so mut litou ? puede oro peccade . te ...