Richard J. Bernstein (リチャード・J・バーンスタイン)

Richard J. Bernstein (リチャード・J・バーンスタイン)

American philosopher
Richard Jacob Bernstein was an American philosopher who taught for many years at Haverford College and then at The New School for Social Research, where he was Vera List Professor of Philosophy. Wikipedia
Born: May 14, 1932, Brooklyn, New York, NY
Died: July 4, 2022 (age 90 years), Jay, NY
リチャード・ジェイコブ・バーンスタイン(英: Richard Jacob Bernstein、1932年5月14日 - 2022年7月4日)は、アメリカ合衆国の哲学者。ニュースクール大学の哲学教授。
Official website of artist Richard Bernstein who created the covers of Andy Warhol's Interview Magazine from 1972-1989 and was one of the pioneers and ...
Richard Jacob Bernstein (May 14, 1932 – July 4, 2022) was an American philosopher who taught for many years at Haverford College and then at The New School ...
GRAMMY® Award winning bass Richard Bernstein is recognized here and abroad as one of the most outstanding singers of his generation.
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その他の購入オプションについては、各商品詳細ページを確認してください。 哲学のプラグマティズム的転回. リチャード・J.バーンスタイン · 4.05つ星のうち4.0 (5).
ゲッティイメージズのプロのフォトグラファーが撮影した、高品質で本格的なアーティスト リチャード・バーンスタインの写真とロイヤリティフリーの写真のプレミアム ...
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Richard Bernstein, a former reporter, culture critic, and foreign correspondent at TIME Magazine and The New York Times, has been a journalist and writer ...
Recent and archived work by Richard Bernstein for The New York Times · The Stone. The Illuminations of Hannah Arendt · 'The Most Wanted Man in China' and 'The ...