it can't be helped,it's inevitable,it's no use,can't stand it,being annoyed - Meaning of 仕方がない, 仕方が無い, しかたがない, shikataganai.
(exp, adj-i) it can't be helped; it's inevitable; it's no use; can't stand it; being impatient; being annoyed →Related words: 仕方のない.
社長の命令では仕方がない。 I have no choice but to obey the president's order. ... 遊んでばかりいて仕方がないやつだ。 He is always playing around. He is hopeless.
そんなに; けんこう健康; の; こと; を; しんぱい心配; して; も; しかた仕方がない 。 There is no sense in your worrying about your health so much.
Oct 3, 2021 · 4つ目の「仕方がない」の英語は「It is what it is」。変えたくても変えられない状況に対して「そういうことだから仕方ない」という意味で使われます。
Can't Be Helped ; Primary. Can't Be Helped ; Alternatives. It's No Use, There's No Other Way ; Word Type. expression ...
Definition of 仕方がない. Click for more info and examples: しかたがない - shikataganai - there's no (other) way.
it can't be helped,it's inevitable,it's no use,can't stand it,impatient,annoyed - Meaning of 仕方ない, 仕方無い, しかたない, shikatanai.
Missing: #words
仕方がない」は英語でどう表現する?【単語】there is nothing for it but to do...【例文】You failed again? You're hopeless, aren't you!...【その他の表現】have no ...
They said one of the paper's I signed, it gives them the right. 今は、だれでも仕方ない。 And now none of us have a choice. だとしたら もう仕方ないわ.