Masahiko Aoki (April 1, 1938 – July 15, 2015) was a Japanese economist, Tomoye and Henri Takahashi Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies in the Economics ...
Aoki was a theoretical and applied economist with a strong interest in institutional and comparative issues. He specialized in the theory of institutions, ...
Jul 17, 2015 ˇ Stanford economist Masahiko Aoki was a pioneer and leader in the scholarly understanding of the organizational forms involved in economic life.
Research Activities at RIETI: Expertise: Comparative institutional analysis, corporate governance, the theory of the firm, the Japanese economy.
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Masahiko Aoki: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS.
Jan 21, 2016 ˇ Masahiko Aoki, professor emeritus both at Stanford University in the United States and at Kyoto University in Japan, passed away on July 15, 2015.
Jul 20, 2015 ˇ Aoki was 77 years old and was also a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Freeman Spogli Institute for ...
Jan 19, 2016 ˇ Professor Masahiko Aoki passed away on July 15, 2015, in a hospital in Stanford, California, USA, from lung disease at the age of 77.
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In this book Masahiko Aoki uses modern game theory to develop a conceptual and analytical framework for understanding issues related to economic institutions.