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2020/10/27 · A logical conditional snippet that allows for conditionals in MODX. History If was written by Jason Coward (opengeek) and Shaun McCormick (splittingred)
含まれない: @endif
2015/09/25 · I've read through the forum and the documentation but I can't seem to get the syntax right. What am I missing? modx · modx-evolution.
含まれない: @endif
2021/03/08 · The main emphasis of this release is stability of the system, as well as updating and replacing old snippets by new ones. So it is possible now to create sites ...
2019/04/05 · I am trying to write a spinet with if and else statements. However, when I try to load my page I am getting an error. An example of my code is below.
含まれない: evolution | 必須にする:evolution
2022/01/10 · I used to have a Plugin where you can show something only when logged in the Manager. Does anyone knows how to do this? Something like:
@ bindings are a kind of shorthand that will let you extend TVs for special purposes. We've already seen the @INHERIT binding, but there are several others.
条件に応じて分岐するには、 @IF 文を使用します。 また必要に応じて、 @ENDIF 、 @ELSE を使用します。 構文:@IF.
You use the If statement structure in your scripts to evaluate a condition. The process your script performs after the evaluation of the condition is based on ...
2021/03/08 · Evolution CMS provides a fast, lightweight and powerful framework on which to deploy and secure your website and web applications.
含まれない: @endif
The #if and #endif variables are used to conditionally include content. They can be used to show or hide content in a variety of locations.
含まれない: modx evolution