Blue Jasmine is a 2013 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Woody Allen. The film tells the story of a rich Manhattan socialite (Cate ...
A woman whose comfortable life is uprooted after her husband is exposed as a criminal moves to San Francisco to be with her sister.
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What is the point of blue jasmine?
What happened to Jasmine in Blue Jasmine?
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After her marriage to a wealthy businessman (Alec Baldwin) collapses, New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) flees to San Francisco and the modest ...
Elegant New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) moves into her sister Ginger's (Sally Hawkins) modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself ...
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Cate Blanchett stars as a former New York socialite teetering between her troubled past and a fresh start in San Francisco.
Blue Jasmine is a 2013 American black comedy-drama film written and directed by Woody Allen. It stars Cate Blanchett as a New York socialite, ...
A disgraced, displaced and utterly delusional Manhattan socialite whose designer-brand lifestyle implodes after moving into her sister's downscale San ...
Jul 25, 2013 · Cate Blanchett plays a wealthy woman who has lost her money and her bearings in gBlue Jasmine,h directed by Woody Allen.