The IntlChar::chr() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to check whether the given input character is Unicode code point value or not. It returns Unicode character by code point value. Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $codepoint which is mandatory.
Returns a string containing the character specified by the Unicode code point value. This method complements IntlChar::ord(). Parameters ¶. codepoint. The int ...
2018/01/24 · I would like to convert Unicode codepoint to character. Here is what I have tried: $point = dechex(127468); // 1f1ec echo "\u{1f1ec}"; // this works
IntlChar::chr() - Return Unicode character by code point value; mb_ord() - Get Unicode code point of character; ord() - Convert the first byte of a string to ...
2009/09/02 · IntlChar provides access to a number of utility methods that can be used to access information about Unicode characters. // PHP 7.0 and later ...
Retrieves the name of a Unicode character. Depending on type, the resulting character name is the "modern" name or the name that was defined in Unicode version ...
2023/04/24 · PHP IntlChar::charName() function is an inbuilt function in PHP used to retrieve the name of a Unicode character. Syntax: string IntlChar:: ...
Returns a string containing the character specified by the Unicode code point value. This function compliments IntlChar::ord(). Parameters ¶. codepoint. The ...
Finds a Unicode character by its name and returns its code point value. The name is matched exactly and completely. If the name does not correspond to a ...
IntlChar::isdigit() - Check if code point is a digit character; IntlChar::chr() - Return Unicode character by code point value; ord() - Return ASCII value of ...