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The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent. If the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. Elenco dei parametri ...
2019/08/27 · The IntlChar::toupper() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to convert the character into Unicode character uppercase.
The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent. If the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. 参数 ¶. codepoint.
The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent. If the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. パラメータ. codepoint.
IntlChar::totitle() - Make Unicode character titlecase; IntlChar::toupper() - Make Unicode character uppercase; mb_strtolower() - Make a string lowercase ...
2016/09/18 · Have a look at the ICU User Guide. For simple (single-character) case mapping, you can use u_toupper. For full case mapping, use u_strToUpper.
2019/12/31 · The IntlChar toupper()function converts the character into Unicode character uppercase. Syntax. IntlChar::toupper (val). Parameters. val − An ...
The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent. If the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. </para>.
The given character is mapped to its uppercase equivalent. If the character has no uppercase equivalent, the character itself is returned. Parâmetros. codepoint.
Converts the value of a specified Unicode character to its uppercase equivalent using specified culture-specific formatting information.
含まれない: IntlChar | 必須にする:IntlChar