public UI\Controls\Tab::append(string $name , UI\Control $control ): int Append a new page to this Tab Parameters Return Values Shall return the index of the ...
UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append Page; UI\Controls\Tab::delete — Delete Page; UI\Controls\Tab::hasMargin — Margin Detection; UI\Controls\Tab::insertAt — Insert ...
<refname>UI\Controls\Tab::append</refname>. <refpurpose>Append Page</refpurpose>. </refnamediv>. <refsect1 role="description">. &reftitle.description ...
UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append Page; UI\Controls\Tab::delete — Delete Page; UI\Controls\Tab::hasMargin — Margin Detection; UI\Controls\Tab::insertAt — Insert ...
UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append Page. Description. public integer UI\Controls\Tab::append ( string $name , UI\Control $control ). Append a new page to this Tab ...
UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append Page ; UI\Controls\Tab::delete — Delete Page ; UI\Controls\Tab::hasMargin — Margin Detection ; UI\Controls\Tab::insertAt — Insert ...
2023/02/06 · You can use the Windows Forms TabControl to display other controls in an organized fashion. The following procedure shows how to add a button to the first tab.
UI\Controls\Tab::append — Append Page. Description. public integer UI\Controls\Tab::append ( string $name , UI\Control $control ). Append a new page to this Tab ...
2013/09/02 · I am creating an editor application which requires dynamically appending HTML into the document. I am using JQuery UI tabs to divide the document into sections.
2023/02/06 · Learn how to add and remove tabs with the Windows Forms TabControl control, which contains two TabPage controls. Access these tabs through ...