public UI\Controls\Tab::pages(): int Shall return the number of pages in this Tab Parameters This function has no parameters. Return Values The number of pages ...
A Tab can contain many pages of Controls, each with a title, each selectable by the user.
(PHP 7, UI 0.9.9). UI\Controls\Tab::pages — Page Count. Description. public integer UI\Controls\Tab::pages ( void ). Shall return the number of pages in this ...
This function has no parameters. Return Values. The number of pages in this Tab. home :: family :: friends :: writing & reference :: photos ...
The Count property gets the number of TabPage objects in the tabControl1 controls collection.
A Tab can contain many pages of Controls, each with a title, each selectable by the user. Class synopsis. UI\Controls\Tab extends ...
UI\Controls\Tab::pages. (UI 0.9.9). UI\Controls\Tab::pages — Page Count. 说明 ¶. public UI\Controls\Tab::pages(): int. Shall return the number of pages in this ...
English PHP documentation. Contribute to php/doc-en development by creating an account on GitHub.
A Tab can contain many pages of Controls, each with a title, each selectable by the user. Synopsis de la classe. UI\Controls\Tab ...
UI\Controls\Tab::pages. (UI 0.9.9). UI\Controls\Tab::pages — Page Count. Description. public UI\Controls\Tab::pages(): int. Shall return the number of pages ...