public UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor(int $color , int $start = 0, int $end = ?) Shall set the Color for all of, or a range of the text in the Layout. Parameters ...
UI\Draw\Text\Layout::__construct — Construct a new Text Layout; UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor — Set Color; UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setWidth — Set Width. Improve ...
Shall set the Color for all of, or a range of the text in the Layout. 인수 ¶. color. The color to use. start. The starting character.
UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor. (PHP 7, UI 0.9.9). UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor — Set Color. Description. public UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor ( UI\Draw\Color $ ...
color. The color to use ; start. The starting character ; end. The ending character, by default the end of the string.
2014/08/23 · Text background color can be set with SetBkColor API. However, if your window has bitmap image as background, and you need to make text red for ...
2018/01/23 · The header file graphics.h contains setcolor() function which is used to set the current drawing color to the new color. Syntax :
2010/04/16 · I have a view, I'm drawing with the Canvas object in the onDraw(Canvas canvas) method. My code is: Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor( ...
setColor(java.awt.Color col). Set the color of the brush in the graphics output region. This will be the color of any shapes drawn after this. See the Color ...
2016/11/11 · Set a background color (essentially filling behind characters). Enable/disable underline (would that be an hardcoded concept in term of drawing ...