Sandra Alionço: the 2011 Miss Reef International

Sandra Alionço has been crowned 2011 Miss Reef International. The Brazilian model was considered the most beautiful girl of the year at the Reef Classic, a surf contest held in Chilca Beach, Peru.

Alionço took the overall Miss Reef title and $3,000 in prize money. The nine most beautiful women of South America showed up to convince a panel of judges.

The local girls included this year's Miss Reef Peru winner, Gianina Luján, volleyball player Rocio Miranda, and TV host/model Korina Rivadeneira.

There were five Peruvian semi-finalists. In the final, Miranda and Rivadeneira were tied in second place, leaving the Brazilian girl Sandra Alionço as the most beautiful in South America.

The 2011 Miss Reef International queen got a crown of flowers, a prize check, and a lot of smiles from Vanessa Tello, the 2010 Miss Reef International princess.

Watch the most beautiful girls of the 2011 Miss Reef International.

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